Secret Santa

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Reader x Romeo

"(Y/N)! Romeo! Can you come over here for a second?" Jesseyelled from across the tree

house. "Coming!" Romeo and I said in Unison. "I was thinking of holding a Secret Santa

sort of thing here next week, and I was wondering if you two would be interested."

Romeo nodded, so I did too. I had a crush on Romeo ever since he's lived in the tree

house, so it was really no surprise that I agreed with him. "Alright, it'll be next week.

(Y/N), could you gather everyone up and tell them?"

"Sure thing Jesse!" I replied.

"Hey everyone, can I have your attention?" I shouted, hoping that people would hear me.

Everyone continued doing what they were doing, so I guess I hadn't been loud enough.

I was about to yell again, when instead, Romeo does. "Everyone give (Y/N) your attention!"

he yelled loudly. I blushed and thanked him for getting everyone's attention, and then

proceeded to tell everyone about the Secret Santa.

"That's a great idea!" Petra exclaimed. I was surprised to see her so excited about a little

holiday tradition. "Yeah, I think it'll be a fun little way to celebrate the holidays," Axel


"Alright guys, since we all agreed on having a Secret Santa next week, everyone should

come up here and pick a name from the hat."

Everyone started forming a line in front of me. I held out a black cowboy hat filled with

slips of paper with everybody's names on it. "Where did (Y/N) get that?" I heard Lukas

mumble to himself as he picked a paper out of the hat. After everyone picked, I told them,

"Remember, it's called Secret Santa. Don't tell anyone who you picked!" After everyone

had left, I reached into the hat and picked out the last remaining name. Romeo.

I quickly glanced across the room, and looked at him. He looked up and we made eye

contact. I looked away and felt my face get hot. How was I supposed to give him a gift

when I could barely even look him in the eyes? I sighed. I sat down on the couch and

stared at my paper, hoping it would give me some inspiration on what to get him.

Suddenly, I felt someone sit down on the couch next to me. I quickly stuffed my paper in

my pocket and looked over. "Oh, h-hey Romeo," I said nervously. Hopefully he hadn't

seen my paper. "Hey (Y/N)," He responded. I noticed that he was holding his small slip of

paper in his hands. "So, who'd you get for your Secret Santa?" I asked him, hoping to keep

a conversation going. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it?" he

laughed, tucking the paper away.

"I hate you," I jokingly said to him, laughing a little.

"Aw, really? You hate this?" He asked, making a pouty face.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Of course not," I chuckled, "unless you really want me to."

Romeo looked at me and laughed. "I'll see you around (Y/N), I have to get shopping."

"Yeah me too Romeo. See you later," I said. I really didn't want our conversation to end,

but I got up and left for the store. I still had no idea what to get him, but I needed

something that would mean something.

After what seemed like forever, I finally figured out what I was going to get him.

Eagerly, I headed to the store and bought an empty book.

I sat down at the table and took out a box that I had kept underneath my bed. It was

filled with pictures that I had saved of me and Romeo.

I started working on making a scrapbook for him. Sure, it was kind of cheap, but I had

a feeling he'd like it.

After about five hours, I had only finished half of the book.

Why does scrapbooking have to be so hard! I thought to myself. Come on (Y/N), you need to

finish this...

After about two more hours of working on the scrapbook, I had finally finished. I quickly

cleaned up my mess and wrapped Romeo's present, and put it under the tree.

I just hoped that he'd like it...


Today was finally the day of the Secret Santa. Everyone gathered in the living room.

"So who's going to be our Santa?" I heard Olivia ask.

"What do you mean?" Jesse asked.

"Well, Santa delivers presents. We should have somebody dress up and give us our gifts!"

Everybody started chanting Romeo's name, so I joined in as well.

He laughed and shot me a look as if to say "Wow (Y/N), I thought we were friends."

Romeo delivered everybody's presents. Lukas got a new leather jacket, Axel got a cake,

Olivia got some Redstone equipment, Petra got a new sword, and Jesse got a sweater that

had been handmade. Finally, Romeo opened his gift. He started flipping through the

pages and smiled. "I love it" he finally said.

With everything going on, I hadn't realized that I didn't receive a gift.

As if reading my mind, Romeo said, "I see you don't have a present (Y/N)."

I shrugged. "It's not really a big deal," I replied. Even though I said this, I was still kind of

disappointed that I hadn't gotten anything.

"Well, I have to deliver it to you personally," He said. He got up and walked over to me.

"Merry Christmas (Y/N)" he said, and kissed me. That was the best present I could've ever


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