My life in the past couple weeks...

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At school, I'm pretty sure that there are three guys who have a crush on me...

Why do I think that?

Well one of them I caught staring at me, and when I looked over he looked away and smiled to himself, then in the lunch room I caught him staring at me again, and the same thing happened. Then a few of my friends started teasing me 😒

Another one of them was staring at me for like all of sixth period today...

And the last one kept trying to talk to me during fifth period, and kept teasing me... also in
the past I've caught him staring at me.

Oh god...

Now let's go onto the happy stuff!

There's a kid on my bus who has blonde hair, blue eyes, wore stripes, and wore a black jacket (it wasn't leather though...) and when I walked past him on the bus I quietly whispered Lukas... And the funny thing is his name is actually Luke.

My English teacher and I celebrate the same birthday... also my friends are getting the
ENTIRE lunch room to sing Happy Birthday to me on Friday since my birthday is the day

Tomorrow is the first day of December! But I still haven't had much snow... It snowed for
a tiny bit, but then it stopped... Anyways... CHRISTMAS! WOOOOO!

Yeah, I'm done now... carry on


my wayward son...


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