Tagged Once More 😒

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one this tag before... but there's this one

1. Fav MCSM Ship? Lukesse. 100%

2. Someone that you think likes you? Idek... I can tell if someone likes anybody other than myself

3. Someone you like? Not telling ya!

4. Fav MCSM Character? Lukas

5. Fav Villain of MCSM? Ivor when he was bad, but afterwards I'd say Cassie Rose

6. Fandoms You Like? Mainly MCSM

7. YouTubers you like? Murder Mystery Crew, Simply Nailogical... Basically everyone else

8. Roleplay YouTubers you like? I liked when Pat and Jen did the Titanic Roleplay

9. Do you swear a lot in IRL? Nope

10. A friend on wattpad that you know IRL? None


Tagged people now...


And I'm going to tag Cece only to freak her out when she sees the title CeceGamer1291

She hates tags

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