Team crafted #16

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(Thank you Seto_Draws for sharing me your headcannon, I hope you don't mind me posting it 😀)

Seto, walking in the living room in the morning: Hello? Anybody here?

Seto: ...

Seto: Nobody... then that means...

Seto: *smiles and giggles* ... Interpretation time~


Jason, going down the stairs and whispering to himself: Ugh, the everyone must have already le- *stops as he sees Seto*

Seto, wearing a Bajancandian hoodie, slightly quiffed up hair and doing an odd pose to show pride as he does a bad Mitch impression with a terrible canadian accent: Hey doods, It's Mitch the Hunger Deens Champion that can kick your butt while I get shot in the eye by a nerf gun-

Jason, trying to hold in his laughter as he takes out his phone to take pictures as Seto continues: Holy mother of Notch apples-

That afternoon...

Adam: So what do you gusy want to do?

Jason, shrugging: I don't know... hey, can any of you do good interpretation of others?... *glances at Seto* Maybe someone could do a Mitch one even?....

Seto, sweating a bit as he keeps reading his book to avoid his glance: I have no idea what you mean or how to do that-

(I have no idea how to put up the story, so sorry if it's bad.)

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