The Pack #40 (and N/A)

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Highschool au:

Vik: Scientifically, if I kill myself, then I don't have to do all this fucking work right?


Preston: For once in my life, I am agreeing to your hypothesis

Lachlan: It's kinda funny becuase it's a science project

Rob: They want to die wh at d o y ou me an-

Mitch: Is that what I write on the research paper then?

Jerome, throwing all the fucking papers: Great fucking teamwork boys

(N/A: The new book idea that I presented on a good while back, the one with the comic, is soon to be published (Meaning more respossibilities so fingers crossed I'll be able to finish it.) I might make a discussion about it in my "Story Time" book. But the reason why I want to announce this is becuase I want to ask for artists! I have decided to make it a book with images. That so, if any of you wish, I already have a few who I asked to agree on helping me, and I am notlimiting myself! Here are the exclusives on being an artist:

-They will get sneak peaks on future chapters and books

-They are fairly free to design the characters by their own style of drawing(though you'll have to talk to me and send me an example on your drawings of them)

-Artists who's art was used will be gauranteed a shout out and credit in the end of a chapter!

-You really don't have to put shading, lighting or lots of details (unless needed) and it a chapter would usually have 2-5 images, and will assign or ask for artists to take atleast 1-2, I don't want ya'll over working yourselves.

-They dont't only help in designing characters, but also places/villages/town/centrals and more that will surely help me and enjoy in making maps(Y e p, m a p s)

-Will be given an art from me in the end of the book for a great thanks!

I don't want to limit artists, but again I need to see samples to consider you in, but I'm 90% sure I'll let anyone to join who are willing. I would prefer digital, but traditional is still very much appreciated! Hope ya'll can join!


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