Home - MithRoss (Happy Mothers Day!)

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Ross sighed, looking at the small child in his arms. It was sound asleep, and completely oblivious to the world. It's oddly colored hair, the mix of ginger and brown with strips of white and grey, blending better than you'd think. Their big blue eyes surrounded by a line of deep brown hidden behind the eyelids of the child.

It had been over half a year, and his friends still hadn't noticed the switch. The squids had taken him hostage, replacing him with a clone who spied on them, learning all their battle tactics. Learning what their weaknesses were.

Ross cursed himself as he felt a tear run down his face. He had been with max for a little over a year when they'd taken him. He had been three months pregnant, and had surprisingly hidden it very well. He was about to tell Max, but he never got the chance.

The squids had been surprisingly nice to him once they learned of his condition however. Ross guessed he could respect that. At least his child got everything they needed despite the less than desirable situation.

They'd also made sure Ross was healthy enough to take care of the child. They kept everyone surprisingly well for a prison. Ross still felt he got special treatment though.

He would still give the world to be back in the arms of his ginger.

He heard footsteps, and instinctively curled in around the child. He was constantly paranoid they'd try and take them from him.

"It's Ross! We found him!" A voice called out. Ross recognized it as Ty. He looked up, seeing him in his hologram form. A pair of footsteps raced behind him, eventually turning up to be a boy with blue hair and eyes to match, a white turtle neck under a dark blue vest, a pair of ripped blue jeans, and blue shoes laces with white.

"Oh thank the stars! C'mon, let's get you two outta here!" It called. Ross was suddenly conscious of the fact only the squids knew of the new addition.

Ty turned to look at him, confusion covering his face.

"'You two'?" He muttered, looking at Ross before noticing the bundle in his arms. Ross glared at him instinctively as his eyes widened.

Ty quickly shoved his hand in the lock, it quickly short circuiting and the door letting out a small 'click', indicating it was unlocked.

The mystery boy from earlier quickly opened it, running in and pulling Ross to his feet. He grabbed one of Ross hands, pulling him along as the trio, now quartet, ran along the halls. Ross' complete focus was on the child in his arm, making sure it wouldn't fall and that it was happy.


Eventually they were out of the base, thankfully having a land exit they gladly used. The mystery man had let go by now, stopping after they'd gotten far enough away they couldn't be tracked.

Ty sat down in front of Ross, who was leant against a tree cooing to the baby as it gurgled happily, making grabby hands at him from beneath the blanket. He had an orange onesie on underneath it, little blue designs tracing it.

"Who?" Ty asked, staring at the baby and trying to place who it could've been.

"Max." Ross replied, a light blush covering his cheeks as he smiled at the baby, curling strands of its short hair.

Reaching out to touch it with his holographic fingers, Ty looked at Ross for permission. He nodded hesitantly, and Ty did his best to stabilize his hand, brushing the hair from the baby's eyes.

He grinned down at the child, receiving a giggle in response. It was absolutely adorable.

"Oh! By the way, I'm Dillan, but my friends call me Blue." The boy spoke up. Ross looked up, smiling at him as he took a minute to take in his features. He had slight blue around his eyes, slightly blue lips as though he had hypothermia, and what looked like gills peaking out from the turtleneck. His hands were covered in scars, reopened with a blue blood lightly covering them, probably from being a builder.

"I'm Ross, nice to meet you Blue."


Ty had disappeared a while ago, saying he had to alert everyone of the situation. The two had been walking for a while, going in the direction of the newer base. They had both grown exhausted however, and decided to take a break in the tree tops as it had been getting late.

Tentacles wove themselves from under the vest, reaching up to the tree and pulling him up with them onto the treetop. Ross tilted his head.

"Oh! I'm a squid hybrid. They don't let people unlike us in the bases, and I owed Ty a favor." Ross nodded at the explanation. He felt one circle around him, tightening and pulling him up with the child in his arms. He was sat next to the blue eyed male, who pulled out some wooden planks, starting on a small makeshift shack after standing up.

Ross cringed at the crying that suddenly rang out from the child. They hadn't been fed that day, and Ross didn't have any milk, or soft food.

Without stopping on the build, squid used one of his tentacles to get a few baked potatoes, tossing them to Ross. He fed the mushy insides to the child carefully, the crying quickly dissipating.

Soon the shack was done, a pair of beds placed down against opposite walls. Torches lit up the walls.

"Sorry I didn't bring three. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing to even get two." Blue mumbled, his tentacles having retracted once he was finished.

"It's fine, we don't exactly need two yet." Ross murmured, smiling down at the sleeping child in his hold.

They got settled in bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.


They were on the road at the brink of dawn, Blue having disassembled the best hut quickly. They were eventually rejoined by Ty, who filled them in on how they'd captured the imposter. He hadn't told them about the extra member, seeing it as Ross' option and responsibility.

He led them to the place they said to meet at. It was a small clearing, the only out of place thing being the 'Sky Was Here' carved into the tree.

Well, except for the pair of roommates who tackled Ross once they arrived.

"Ross!! I'm so sorry I didn't notice sooner, I just thought you wanted some distance or something! God I'm so stupid!!" Max said prior to leaning back and putting his hands on his shoulders. Ross felt lips crash into his, and quickly responded with a strong kiss of his own once the first was broken.

Tim was still wrapped around him in a hug, whispering inaudible words of comfort to either Ross or himself.

"Wait.. Ross, why do you have a baby?" Max asked. Tim leaned away to take a look, now also noticing the child.

Ross felt his mind start racing. He didn't have an answer. He felt himself tense up, and a whimpering filled his ears as he assumed the baby was feeling his stress.

He looked at Blue, who nodded and took the child, attempting to calm it down as Ross figured a way to explain.

"Remember that night around a year ago?" Ross hesitantly asked Max. Suddenly realization struck him, and he stared at the child held in Blues white covered arms.

Ross felt a rush of anxiety go through him. He didn't know if this was good or bad. He was terrified Max would react badly.

"It's mine...?" He asked, trailing off as he stared at the baby, crying into Blues turtleneck. Ross shakily nodded.

Looking at Ross, he asked, "Can I..?" Receiving a hesitant nod.

Blue gently placed the baby in Ross' arms. Ross held it before gently placing it in Max's outstretched arms. It quickly silenced its crying, sniffling and reaching up at him.

It grabbed his hair, taking at it and laughing. Max laughed as well, smiling down at the baby. He looked up at Ross, grinning.

Ross sighed in relief. This was definitely good.

"Hey! I'm an uncle! I wanna hold 'em!" Tim said, smiling. Max laughed, looking at Ross, who nodded, handing it to Tim.

He cradled it, making faces and receiving giggles, Max and Ross hugging and sharing short kisses the whole while.

It was so, so good to be back.


They were greeted with open arms back at the base, though Blue had almost been captured by a recruit on accident. Ty had disappeared again once the large building came into view, alerting them they had arrived.

They had all been shocked to see the new addition, but were eventually throwing a huge celebration over a new baby, Sky mentioning how close they and Mason would most likely grow to be. Of course everyone had asked who's it was, and Ross had simply pointed at the ginger.

Apparently they'd remodeled the building, switching up the layout completely. Ross now lived on the other side of the building, in which barely anything was located. It was on the sixth floor, and Ross felt squeamish looking out the window due to his fear of heights.

He looked down at the baby, who was once again asleep, and sat down on the bed.

"Hey Lex. We're home now, huh?"


A/N: 1573 words! This was going to be a li'l' Mothers Day thing but fuck it I got sick and then I got a shot and it fucking hurts :). Anyways hope you enjoyed, and hope you had a good Mothers Day! Love you Lovelies!! - Destiney Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Blue And Needs Help

(P. S. I may continue this once I get all the requests done + the Sky_Owner sequel shhhh)

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