Music - RedNey

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Red sat against an old oak tree, his red jacket sitting loosely against his skin, it, along with his hair, gently blowing with the wind. His eyes closed, headphones on, listening to his favorite songs. A small smile across his lips.

He hummed along gently, the worries of his everyday life fading away almost completely. For that, he was grateful.

He let out a sigh, finally feeling at peace. He missed feeling this simplicity.

He heard, barely over the gentle music, footsteps coming over. He didn't mind, as it was most likely his friend, Barney, who came over all the time.

Opening one eye slightly, his suspicions were confirmed, the boy sitting next to him against the wide tree. His eyes closing again, Red offered him a headphone, feeling it taken from his hand and put in the others ear. A new song came on, the old fading out.

Red didn't remember adding it, but he didn't remember adding most of his music, so he went with it. It was rather soothing, and he couldn't help but hum along ever so slightly once he got the gist of the song.

Barney smiled over at the ginger, his green scarf blowing in the breeze. His purple beanie kept his hair in place. He fiddled around in the pocket of the large purple hoodie, holding onto a piece of paper he'd wanted to give the red-loving-maniac for a long time, yet could never find the words. He knew how much he loved music, so he decided to say it through some of the boys favorite songs.

As the song faded out, Barney tapped his shoulder, having him pause the playlist. The partially blind boy took off the headphone, taking off Reds' as well, moving so be was sitting in front of him. He took out the paper, a blush painting his cheeks as he glanced up, seeing Reds' gaze on him alone, quickly looking back to the paper.

"I'm nots yours, and yours nots mine, but we cans sits and pass the times." He sang, his accent somewhat mixing with the song. He stared at the lyrics, each stanza being from a different song to get his point across best.

"I lives my lifes in shackles buts I'm borderlines frees, I used to bes blinds and I stills can'ts see." He dared not glance up at the boy in front of him, sweat trailing down his head as he wondered if he'd regret this. He knew the lyrics weren't put together the best, but they were Reds favorite songs, and Barney wasn't very poetic.

"Im feelings likes a keeps on talkings, I'm repeatings, my-selves my words losts alls meanings, I keeps talkings, I repeats my-self." He grew more comfortable with the song, letting the different words form meanings.

"Times consumings, minds confusions, tryings, there's gottas bes a science tos it." He felt something pushing him to continue. He still couldn't make himself look up.

"This times we're nots givings ups, let's makes it lasts forevers." He felt the words coming together now. Well, at-least better than in the beginning.

"Yous weres a visions ins the mornings whens the lights cames throughs, I knows I've onlys felts religions whens I've lieds withs yous." Barney grew nervous, the part he was both dreading and anticipating happily coming up pretty soon.

"Ohs, yous gots a fires and it's burnings in the rains, thoughts that its wents out buts it's burnings just the sames, and yous don'ts looks backs, nots fors anythings." Red knew these songs by heart. Barney knew that. Meaning he could tell what the next words were.

"It's easys to deceives, but it's hards whens the trusts that's brokens is mines, for betters, ors for worse, for the happies, ors the hurts, everybodys lies." He knew the next part would either make or break everything.

"Withouts yous, I feels brokes, likes I'ms halfs of a wholes, withouts yous I've gots nos hands to holds, withouts yous, I feels torns, likes a sails in a storms, withouts yous, I'm justs a sads songs." Barney was almost done. Just one more stanza.

"Everyones knows I'm ins overs my heads, overs my heads." He looked up, a large blush covering his face, followed by a sheepish expression. Red was taken back by this.

"Reds, I likes yous. Nos, likes is not that the good word fors this. Loves is mores appropriates. Reds, Micheals, I loves you." Barney said, a sheepish grin crossing his features. The blush got even redder than before.

"Barney.. I.. I love you too.. But why one earth did you try and put that into a song?" Red asked, finishing with a small laugh. Barney shrugged.

"Yous likes that your musics, so if yous likes your musics, yous like mes when I sings yous music to you!" He said with a smile. Red laughed again.

"Barney, your such a nerd." Red said, pulling the purple loving male in for w kiss. Barney smiled, kissing back, happy he went through with singing the horrible mash up that honestly didn't make too much sense.

"Corrections. I'm yours nerds." Barney said once they parted, pecking him on the lips. The two shared a laugh as the went back to listening to Reds' music, Red finding a new meaning within almost all of the songs.


A/N: 893 words!! I hope you all enjoyed that. Finding those songs took almost an hour, and I can't be bothered to find better ones, so there you go! Here you go @insanity_inside_me!

List of songs:

'Quiet' - Lights

'Borderline' - Tove Stryke

'I Just Wanna Run' - The Downtown Fiction

'Love Psycle' - Dumbfounded

'Hallelujah' - Paramore

'Colors' - Halsey

'Heartbeat' - The Fray

'Everybody Lies' - Jason Walker

'Sad Song' - We The King

'Over My Head' - The Fray

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