Messed Up Names (Jizzie) ❤️✍️

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Joel PoV-

He glanced up as somebody walked into the shop. It was a woman with long pink hair who was quickly followed by two younger boys, one with dark blonde hair and one with dyed cyan- maybe teal?- hair.

Joel smiled as the woman walked up to the counter. "Hello, welcome to the Ebony Terrace Coffee Shop, what can I get you?"

"Just a small black coffee, please." The woman said with a smile.

"Okay. Name?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Lizzie." Her gaze flicked to his name tag. "Nice to meet you, Joel."

"I'd say the same but you seem annoying." Joel winced slightly as he waited for the typical, 'I'd like to speak to your manager, please.'

Instead he was greeted by the wonderful sound of Lizzie bursting into laughter. "You meant to say things like that or not?" She asked as he started making her drink.

"Not particularly, but..." Joel shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Who are they?" He nodded at the two boys stood a few feet away from her who had started arguing about something. "I'm presuming you know them."

"My little brother Jimmy and his friend Scott. Right nuisances, but they can be funny." Lizzie mused.

"Ah, I see." Joel said, both eyebrows raised.

"You have any siblings?"

"Nope. Only child." Joel said, pulling a face and grabbing a pen as he quickly wrote the name on the cup and handed Lizzie her drink.

"Thanks- hey, you, um- spelt it wrong?" Lizzie said, slightly confused as she placed a few coins on the counter. "It has an 'i-e' at the end, not a 'y'."

"That was intentional." Joel said quickly- he supposed it was a better and less embarrassing alternative to the actual truth, which was that he had guessed and written 'Lizzy'.

"Ah, I see." Lizzie smiled wryly. "Well, I'll see you around I guess. This place seems nice enough, I'm sure I'll stop by here again."

Joel watched as she left, and vaguely heard the boy she had referred to as Jimmy say something to her in a teasing tone. Lizzie shoved him playfully, scolding him before walking out of the door as Jimmy and Scott scrambled to keep up with the pink haired woman.


Joel smiled, slightly surprised, as he saw Lizzie walking into the shop.

"Didn't think I'd see you here again so soon." Joel said with a small smile. "Couldn't stay away from me?" He added with a grin.

"Oh, shush, you." Lizzie scolded the brunette. "I just came back because the drink was well made. Don't get any ideas." She said jokingly.

"Considering that I'm the one who made the drink..." Joel said with a laugh. "No, I'm just kidding. So... what can I get you?"

"Same as Wednesday. Small black coffee, please." Lizzie instruced with a grin.

There was a small awkward silence as he began making the drink during which he randomly shot questions in Lizzie's direction.

"So... you got a job yourself?" He asked curiously.

"Not really. I'm just preparing for some exams." Lizzie said with a shrug.

"So you're in college?" Joel guessed, based on the fact that she looked around eighteen, about a year younger than him.

"Mhm." She said brightly. "I want to be a doctor, and that takes quite a lot of qualifications, so I don't think I'll be out of school for a while."

Joel sucked in a breath through his teeth. "A doctor. Wow. My life plan is just kind of get whatever job I can." Joel said with a shrug.

"Fair enough. You don't need to have a big fancy job to have a good life." Lizzie pointed out.

"Exactly! Thank you!" The brunette exclaimed. "Finally somebody who gets it. My parents are still mad that I didn't go to college. But I'm not gonna willingly sign up to spend more time in a classroom. Not that there's anything wrong with that." Joel added hastily, grabbing a pen and writing on the cup.

Lizzie squinted at the messy scrawl that was Joel's handwriting as he handed her the cup. "You've spelt it wrong again." She pointed out.

"Again, intentional." Joel said with a grin. This time he had written 'Lyzzie'.

She glanced at him oddly. "You're a strange one, Joel."


He smiled as Lizzie, who had rapidly become his favourite customer and a good friend of his over the past few months, walked in.

"Lizzie!" He said brightly. "The usual?"

She nodded with a small smile. "I'm intrigued to see how you can spell my name wrong today."

It had become a running joke between the two that whenever Joel was writing Lizzie's name on a drink, he tried to spell it wrong a different way every time.

"Oh, by the way- I wanted to ask you something." He said quietly as he started to make her drink.

"What's- what's that?" She asked quickly, fidgeting slightly on the spot.

"Well... I was um... wondering if you wanted to go out some time." He took a deep breath. "Like- on a date."

There was a small silence as Lizzie mumbled something, her face going bright red.

"What was that?"

"Yes!" She blurted quickly, glancing at the floor. "I mean- yeah, that'd be great." The pink haired woman corrected herself, glancing up at the brunette.

Joel blinked. He hadn't expected that to go as well as it did. "Okay then." There was a thoughtful pause as he continued to make her drink. "What about... The Infinity Game Center- you know the arcade down the road from here?- at 6 on Friday?" He suggested.

"That.. that sounds great. Yeah, that's great, we can meet there." Lizzie said, smiling as Joel wrote her name on the drink. "How- that doesn't make grammatical sense, Joel." She said pointedly as he handed it to her- he had written 'Liyzziey'.

"I'm running out of ways to spell it wrong, okay?" He huffed jokingly.

She smiled. "Okay, okay, geez." As she turned to leave, she added quietly, "See you on Friday, Joel."

Word Count: 1005

Jizzie <3

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