Notebooks and Names (Olix) ❤️✨ ✍️

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(Olix is Oli x Pix btw)

-Empires S2 Highschool AU-

Oli rolled his eyes as a paper airplane flew past him, hitting his teacher in the head. The teacher spun around as Oli bit back a laugh, and she glared fiercely at Joel, who was sat at the back of the class a few seats away from Oli and was desperately trying to pretend that he hadn't thrown the paper airplane.

"MR SMALLISHBEANS! GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM RIGHT NOW!" The teacher shouted, and Oli dropped his pencil on the desk before moving his hands to cover his ears as Joel initiated a shouting match with the teacher.


This happened every time Oli went to his Maths class, and while it was absolutely hilarious, it was also incredibly loud. The shouting went on for a good five more minutes before Joel reluctantly walked out of the classroom and Oli moved his hands from his ears, picking up his pencil again.

Oli straightened slightly, beaming as the door opened and Pix walked in (the brunette had been out of school for a doctor's appointment).

Pix was regarded by many as 'the smart kid' and not many people talked to him (for some reason), and Oli and his friend Sausage were really Pix's only friends- but Pix was great!

Pix was funny, smart, incredibly hot, kind, generous, incredibly hot, selfless-

Did Oli mention how hot Pix was?

Oli may or may not have also had a crush on Pix for months, but that was completely beside the point (it's not like Pix would like him anyway, and Oli didn't even know if Pix liked guys or not- but a guy can dream, can't he?)

Oli waved as Pix took his seat a few rows in front of the blonde, and Oli smiled again as Pix waved back.

Oli opened his notebook again, watching with a bored expression as the teacher continued talking, seemingly having calmed down now, and he zoned out slightly, doodling in his notebook instead of paying attention.

Well, he said doodling, but it mainly consisted of writing his and Pix's names in a heart, or something along those lines. Or writing his first name with Pix's last name (they would probably never get married, but- it was fun to imagine).


Oli Riffs <3

Pix OrionSound <3

Oli Riffs-Orionsound <3

Oli would never be caught by anyone else being so sappy and sentimental, but Pix was just... something else.

He slammed the notebook closed as his teacher turned to him. "Mr Orionsound, can you answer the question?"

Oli paused. "Uh..." He squinted at the question written on the whiteboard behind the woman.

'Increase 49 by 35 percent without using a calculator.'

I hate maths. So much. So very, very much, I- Oli blinked as Pix held up a small piece of paper, and Oli squinted at it. It read:

'It's 66.15. Idiot.' Oli cleared his throat, smiling awkwardly at the teacher.

"66.15." He answered smugly, grinning. His teacher blinked, clearly surprised.

"That is correct. Good job, Mr Orionsound." Oli shot Pix a grateful look as their teacher began questioning their classmate Joey instead, and he mouthed, 'thank you.' silently.

Pix mouthed back what could have been, 'No problem', smiling before turning his attention back to their teacher as Oli opened his notebook again.


Pix closed zipped up his backpack, apologising quietly to the teacher. He was the last to leave their class, as he'd dropped half of his stuff on his way out.

He was about to leave when he noticed a small black notebook on Oli's desk- the notebook that his friend (definitely not crush, despite what Sausage said) (okay maybe he had a crush on Oli, so what?) always carried around.

Pix quickly picked it up before leaving the classroom. He'll be upset if he realises he forgot it, surely.

He was walking down the hall when he realised something. I could look through his notebook. He'd never know. Oli was incredibly secretive about whatever was in his notebook, and it had always made Pix curious as to what Oli was so desperately trying to hide.

No- it's immoral. Pix glanced at the book hesitantly. But- he'd never know.

Pix opened the notebook, flicking through the pages. He didn't find anything interesting until-


He felt his face go bright red as he scanned the writing.


Oli Riffs <3

Pix OrionSound <3

Oli Riffs-Orionsound <3

He doesn't like me but who cares, my god he's amazing <3

Pix stared blankly at the book, slamming it shut as he went even more red (if that was possible).

He... likes me as well? The brunette shook his head quietly. Maybe I can ask him out now- I don't know.

By the time Pix eventually caught up with Oli and Sausage (who were already halfway home), his face was no longer bright red, and Pix handed Oli the notebook. "You, uh- left this in Maths."

Oli stared at the black book in his hands. "Oh. Cool." His voice was slightly more strained and high pitched than normal. "You didn't- look in it. Did you?" Sausage shot Pix and amused look as Pix shook his head violently.

"No, no, no, why would you think that, what, I would never, I-" Oli shot him a skeptical look and Pix sighed. "Okay, yes, I did."

The blonde's face went red. "Uh- well- listen, I can- explain." Oli blurted.

Sausage laughed. "I'll- leave you two to it." The brunette said with a knowing smile, tactfully walking ahead of them and leaving Oli and Pix standing in awkward silence.

"Listen, I can-" Pix cut Oli off swiftly.

"You like me as well?" The silence that followed was only interrupted by Oli's attempts to start a sentence.

Finally, the blonde managed to speak. "Yeah. You... like me as well?" Oli's voice was barely louder than a whisper.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I do." Pix smiled as Oli blinked, clearly surprised.

"Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool, so- I was gonna ask this anyway but- I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? Like... on a date?" The shorter boy added with a nervous smile as Pix smiled back.

"I would love to."

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