Thunder and Lightning (Flower Husbands) ✨✍️ (🔫?)

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Jimmy PoV-

He glanced sideways at Scott, who was looking out of the window with a frown.

He had been visiting Chromia with a gift of some gunpowder and terracotta when a thunderstorm had begun and the two had rushed inside.

"You good?" Jimmy asked cautiously.

"Shut up, you stupid cowboy." Scott said through gritted teeth, staring out of the window.

"Rude." Jimmy muttered under his breath with a half hearted roll of his eyes. His gaze flicked back to Scott, who was still watching the storm with an expression that he couldn't place...

A scared expression?

Yeah, scared. The dark blonde also noticed the man flinch slightly every time thunder sounded and lightning struck.

"Are you okay?" He asked more quietly, stepping closer to Scott.

Scott paused. "Not really. Not that it's any of your business, you silly little toy-" Jimmy bit back the (now stereotypical) retort. I'm not a toy! "-but I'm not a big fan of thunderstorms to say the least."

"Do you... mind if I ask why?" He moved next to Scott, looking out of the window.

The cyan haired man frowned, and there was a deafening silence for a few minutes. "You know  how I used to do a bit of exploring?" Jimmy nodded, and the ruler of Chromia continued. "Well, I was staying in this... this tavern one time, and there was a storm. Lightning struck the tavern- which was made entirely of wood, by the way- and it got set on fire." Jimmy's eyes widened. Oh. "I was asleep and I- somehow- did not notice until the whole place had nearly burnt down. I... almost died, if I'm being honest." He rolled his sleeve down to reveal a rather ugly burn scar that stretched along most of his arm up to (as far as he could tell) the base of his neck.

Jimmy frowned. "Scott, I'm-"

"It's fine, it's fine- it was years ago." Scott reassured him hastily with an awkward, slightly forced laugh. "But, uh, haven't been a big fan of... of thunderstorms. Since then." He glanced at Jimmy with a shrug.

The sheriff thought about this for a moment before making a decision and pulling the cyan haired man into a hug. He felt Scott stiffen, as if surprised by the gesture, but he didn't push Jimmy away, instead leaning into the hug.

He heard a mumbled, "Thanks," and he felt his face heat up slightly as he stepped away.

"You okay?" Jimmy asked with a small smile.

"Yeah. Thanks." Scott said quietly, and a grin appeared on his face. "You know, you didn't deny it when I called you a toy before-"

"I was trying to be nice!" Jimmy whined.

"Yeah, yeah. Now come on, it looks like the rain is gonna stop soon. Then we better get you back to Tumble Town."

Flower husbands my beloved <3

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