the war continues

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so the war continues and this is the end of it all because its going on for too long. so NerdyPhoenix tagged me to answer ten questions of my choice. so what i am going to do is find some random questions of the internet and answer them. also if you want to see this war check out NerdyPhoenix and her book i was tagged to check out the action? lets get in on. also i am going to do twenty questions because i am bored out of my mind and i love answering questions and why i don't mind much if i am tagged.

so i went on this website
  also i am going to do all the forty questions because i am bored out of my mind and i love answering questions and which is why i don't mind much if i get tagged.  

so lets go 

1.what would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you don't love them back
its harder for me to tell someone i love them because i have problems and i don't take rejection too well and when someone says they love me i friend zone them even if i know what they mean. 

2.what would be the hardest thing for you to give up on
swearing because i do it a lot and its become normal to swear. 

3. would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying
i would push down on the chest but i wouldn't do mouth to mouth because thats fucking disgusting but if i didn't save him at least he would be going to a better place becauyse he has nothing else good to do. he is homeless and had nothing. (i must sound heartless right now. i swear i have a heart. well... thats questionable

4.what makes you bored
not having anything to do 

5.what is your favorite flour-legged creature and why?
wolfs because there awesome and tough but there also cute and harmless so there fucking cool you like spicy food and why
no i hate spice. when stuff is hot it burns my mouth and i hate it

7.are you old-fashioned
the thing is i am not very fashionable so when it comes to clothes and thing like that. i wear whats comfortable so i don't follow trends but i don't like 80's stuff and i am really modern but if you put on a 1999 jam i will be there jamming out.  

8.something or someone you missed from when you were little
primary school. i miss it so much. that place was like my home. at one point in life i felt more safe in my school than i did at home. in England in our primary schools we have the same class as we go up and stay with our class mates through out school. there like my family and i loved them. i miss them so much as i only see two of them now and it makes me real sad.  

9. are you usually late, early or right on time
i am always late

10.are you happy with your life for the most parts right now
it matters. i am happy from on a day to day basis but there has been things putting me down. like my dads marriage and my friend whos started cutting thats put me down a lot but i am coping so i guess i am happy. can have two of the following things love/trust
trust because i have love my boyfriend dan who i talk about a lot and also no one trusts me because i have anger issues and it makes people scared of me and they don't trust me like some trust others and its a pain but i just have problems and thats just my fault  

12. what is your favorite book or comic
my favorite book is Detective i am not sure who its by but its also on wattpad and i love it.

13.tell me someone you envy
this girl in my math class who went to sitc and sent me pictures of everything i wanted to do

14. something you have achieved
i have never gotten a detention or isolation in school   

15.what was the worst punishment i have ever gotten
school. i get it five times a week you like chocolate
fuck yes you like rainy days or snowy days more
rain because its calming. i walk in the rain and just talk to myself and it gives me inspiration. i love the rain. i like snow days and all but they only happen like twice a year if lucky and i get hot in snow. i am a living furnace and can heat myself up when wanted so i wear shorts and short sleeved t-shirts on snowy days when others are freezing there asses off. so rain wins my vote three things in nature you find most beautiful
the sunset, rain and clouds

19.what are two dream jobs
actor, youtuber 

20.which is the hardest thing you have ever had to do
visit my mum is hospital because it hurt me to see her hurt and in pain and on here own. my mom almost died but made it out alive. it honestly broke me and i skipped school to be next to my mum when she was in hospital. i cried at random times and hardly slept it was a hard time 

21.when was the last time you lied and who to and why
i lie a lot and i am really good at it too so i am not too sure so i don't know but it was probably to my sister 

22.say something you regret
Having my first kiss when i was seven when i wish it was with someone special

23.what are you most scared of
i would say heights but in all honestly when people who trust me suddenly hate me and i don't like that because people hardly trust me so when i lose someones trust i start to question why and try to hard to get there trust back for no reason. i get so worked up and worried over nothing.

24.what do i do in my free time
wattpad and youtube and go walking in the rain

25.what is your favorite part of the human face
this is gonna sound so cheesy but the reason were all different and all look different but were all the same animal so to speak. we all look different and were basically the same race or type of animal. you get cringe attacks (my idea)
fuck yes on a regular basis. i am in class and i remember something i did and its an annoying thing. i hate them. it is a mental disorder and it can kill. i luckily survive ever attack. death is a very low and rare but is possible

27.a mistake i made
when i shouted really aggressively at a teacher when they told me i was over reacting. i was not shouted at because i was going through hard times so they let me off and i also have anger issues so i was let go and it never happened again. 

28.if you had three wishes what would they be
to be the richest person in the world, peace for eternity, for all the homeless to have homes

29.whats your middle name
Louise, Nicole big is your bed
a single person bed

31.what music are you listening to right now
the exact song is Earth, Wind&fire-September (like the movies remix) on sound cloud 

32.what are the last four digits in your phone number

33.what was the last thing you ate
spaghetti and meatballs

34. who is my favorite band at the moment? what is my favorite song at the moment? who is my favorite music artist at the moment
favorite bands are fall out boy, panic! and twenty one pilots. my favorite song is fall out boy where did the party go (teenage Jesus remix). my favorite singer is EDEN he's not a singer but he's a DJ and he makes music thats fucking awesome.

35.what would i happily do again
go to flamingo land with my old friend molly. we were so close and we lost communication. we were shipped in out school no joke. five of your favorite food
ice cream
meatballs you like to shop
matters what shopping. i hate clothes and food shopping but love game shopping

38. how much do you go online
all the time my life is mainly online.

39. who do i admire
jimmy carr the best comedian or Robin Williams and when he died i died a little inside too 

40. your favorite pictures in your phone gallery (i added this one) 

so there was forty questions from a site because i'm bored out of my mind and can't sleep even though it is one in the morning in England so see ya later and NerdyPhoenix that was a good battle we had and it was a tie so yeah 

sage is out ^_^

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