CHAPTER NINE, the one with video games & a missing kira & scott

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Nova was currently at Liam's place playing video games with him. They asked Mason if he wanted to join, but he said he needed to study. Liam cheered as he won another Mario Kart game. "I can't believe you won four times in a row." Nova laughed, shaking her head.

Liam grins. "That's because I'm that good."

A yawn escapes her lips, glancing at her phone to see what time it is. "I had fun, Li, but it's getting late. I should get home." She said, laying the controller she had on the floor.

"Or you could stay." Liam almost immediately spoke right after she said that and as she looked at him she noticed he was looking at her with pleading eyes.

Her eyes soften while they stare at each other. She assumed that he was still having nightmares of the Berserkers and didn't bother to ask him about it, understanding that it was often hard to talk about nightmares you have. She glanced at one of the windows in his room when she heard the soft patter of the rain hitting it.

"It's raining now," Liam continues which brought her attention back to him. He sends her small smile, hoping she would stay. "Probably wouldn't be best for you to run back home in the rain."

Nova nods. "That is a good point." She thinks for a moment, remembering that she brought some extra clothes with her in her backpack just in case Liam wanted her to stay over. "Okay," When she says that a smile tugs on Liam's lips and she couldn't help but smile as well. "I'll stay."

After they both got ready to sleep, Liam gets in bed first and Nova gets in after him, laying on her right side, facing away from Liam. "Good night, Liam." She said as she closed her eyes.

"Good night." Liam said, turning off the lamp that was beside the side of the bed he's on. Nova was almost asleep when she heard muttering from Liam. She opens her eyes, hearing that he was muttering, "You're not there. You're not there."

That made her realize he must be afraid of the dark. Maybe he might've even imagined the Berserkers in his room. Nova turns on her left side, moving closer to Liam, and wraps one arm around his waist. Liam froze at the sudden contact, opening his eyes, and was surprised to not see a Berserker standing in front of him. He looked down upon feeling Nova's arm around him, calming down just because she's right beside him. He had to admit he liked her holding him. He felt safe and comforted. But was he ever going to admit that out loud? Probably not.

He takes ahold of Nova's hand that was resting on his stomach, intertwining their hands together which made Nova smile. "Good night, Li." Nova said while closing her eyes.

Liam smiles a bit and closes his eyes. "Good night, Noves."


Nova was glad that she didn't have to run to her house earlier in the morning the next day since she had brought extra clothes to change into for today. She did have to take the bus to school, but having Liam with her made the bus more manageable.

Nova was walking by the weight room at the school, noticing that Liam was lifting what looked like 300 pounds. Her eyes widens when she saw it looked like they were on top of him and he couldn't pick them up. She looked around the room, noticing Scott in there and quickly went over to him. She knew she probably shouldn't be picking up the 300 pound weight by herself because she knew people would start asking questions.

After she told Scott what was happening she follows him over to where Liam is and Scott was quick to pick up the weight off of Liam, setting it back in place as Mason went over to them with a worried look on his face. Mason looks at Nova. "Is he okay?"

"I think so." Nova nodded.

"I'm fine." Liam reassured them and Scott knelt in front of him. He spoke quietly to him, but thanks to Nova's enhanced hearing she could hear what Scott said.

"If you don't want to be with us, that's okay. But don't push away your friends, too." Scott said to Liam. That comment made Nova assume that something happened between Liam and Mason. Liam is quiet as he glanced at Nova and Mason. He then lookes over to the right side of the room where he thought he saw a Berserker with a nervous expression.


"I know that something is going on. With both of you." Mason said later that night at Liam's house, pointing at Liam and Nova. Nova fiddles with her bracket and keeps her gaze on the floor, wondering if he knew that they're werewolves. "I know you both don't want to talk about it." Mason continues. "But you two are still my best friends."

"And, um," Mason takes a seat beside Liam and Nova on the side of Liam's bed. "Considering the fact that the last good friend I made turned out to be a professional killer, I'm thinking I don't have too many options for many new ones. So when you two are ready to talk, talk."

"Until then I know that I can beat both of you at one of these games." Mason said, looking at the two with a smile. Liam and Nova chuckled and they both smiled back at Mason.


Nova sat beside Mason at the stands along with a girl named Sydney. Sydney is a freshmen and she's a nice girl. Nova got along with her well, they just weren't close enough to be friends. Nova was a little nervous for this game against Davenford Prep and she wasn't even playing. She had texted Scott earlier, but got no reply from him. He also didn't show up to school that day and the same with Kira which made her worry.

She had listened in on the conversation Liam and Stiles had which didn't calm her down. It sounded like they haven't seen or heard from Scott and Kira either. She hoped they were okay wherever they are and hoped they would get there soon because she knew that Beacon Hills would lose against Davenford without the two of them. So far the game wasn't going well. Stiles got hit in the side of the helmet and then fell to the ground when he tried to catch the ball on the following play. Nova winces as she watches her brother get pummeled by two guys from the other team. Liam went over to Stiles, offering a hand to him, and helps him up on his feet.

Davenford Prep scores once again which made Coach yell out in frustration. The ref's whistle blew, signaling the end of the quarter which allows the players to go to their sides of the field to drink some water and regroup before the next play. A worried look forms on Nova's face when she overhears her brother say to Liam, "Neither of them are answering still. I'm going to see what's going on."

"You're leaving?" Liam questions. "What are you going to tell Coach?"

Stiles shakes his head, glancing at Coach. Nova also glances at Coach, watching him throw his clipboard on the ground angrily. "Stupid! Stupid old..."

Nova rolls her eyes at Coach, turning her attention back to her brother and Liam when her brother speaks. "Uh, you don't tell him anything, okay?" Stiles said to Liam. Nova frowns upon hearing Liam's heartbeat increased and she knew he was either scared or nervous. Maybe even both because honestly she felt that way. "Liam, you're gonna be okay." Stiles reassures the young boy. "Alright?" Stiles pat him on the shoulder before walking off just as the whistle blew.

Nova glances over to her right, watching her brother talk to Malia and Peter, and she knew he was telling them that he was going to see what was happening with Scott and Kira. Malia suggested she would stay there in case either of them shows up and Peter went with Stiles. When the play began, the Beacon Hills' fans were hopeful when Liam got the ball and was so close to score. But then just before he could throw it into the net, a player from the other team stopped him before he could which made Nova groan along with the others.

Davenford Prep got the ball again and Liam went after the players, but suddenly he stopped. Nova tilts her head to the side, sharing a worried look with Mason before looking back at Liam. She furrows her eyebrows when she hears Liam's heartbeat speed up. "Liam, you okay?" She whispered quietly, so that only Liam could hear with his enhanced hearing.

Liam didn't snap out of his trance like state until Coach yelled at him to move. He turned around as some Davenford Prep players ran past him. Nova frowned, watching the player score yet another goal. She didn't care about the game, she cared more about Liam. Liam stood there in the middle of the field, looking down. "Liam, you okay?" She repeated in the same tone of voice like she did a few moments ago.

This time Liam replies, whispering back to her. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Just..." He takes a shaky breath. "Spaced out there for a second."

Nova didn't believe him, but she nods despite the fact that he's not looking at her. "Okay." Even though she was kind of far away from him she could smell his fear which made her wonder what he was afraid of at the moment.

The game continues. Liam gets the ball and Mason mutters, "Come on, Liam." as Liam ran towards the other goal. Nova's eyes widen when she sees Brett knock Liam to the ground, sending him onto his back. "That's not good." Nova commented and Mason and Sydney nodded in agreement.

Nova listens in on Liam's and Brett's conversation when she sees they were talking. "Because you're afraid." Brett replies to Liam's question when the boy on the ground asked him why he did that. "I could smell it on you from across the field."

"Are you hurt?" Brett asked.

Liam shakes his head. "No."

Brett tilts his head to the side. "Are you still alive?"

"Obviously." Liam responded in a 'duh' tone.

"Then get up." Brett told Liam.

Liam picks up his helmet he laid on the ground as he gets up. The ref went over to Liam and Brett as Liam gets up. "You good to play?" The ref asks Liam and Liam nods in response. The ref looks at Brett. "You plan on pulling something like that again?"

Brett shrugs. "Only if I have to." He smiled before he went back to the Davenford Prep side of the field while Liam put on his helmet.


Beacon Hills lost and Davenford Prep won the game. Nova wasn't surprise at all. She said goodbye to Mason and Sydney and went to go check up on Liam. "What happened out there? Why were you afraid?" Nova asked him, sitting on the bench he sat on in the locker room.

Liam sighs, staring at the floor. "I saw a Berserker on the field. It was knocking down each player, heading towards me. And I just couldn't move. I was frozen in fear."

"Liam..." Nova frowns, putting a comforting hand on his arm. "It's okay. You have nothing to worry about or be afraid of, alright? No Berserkers are here. It's just your mind playing tricks on you. Nothing is gonna happen to you." He glances at her when she says that. A soft smile forms on Nova's lips. "Not on my watch."

Liam smiles at her. "Thank you, Noves." He playfully elbows her. "Nothing's gonna happen to you on my watch either." He told her causing the smile on Nova's lips to widen.

"Liam, you okay?" The two teens look over to see Brett walking into the locker room. Nova took her hand off of Liam's arm and Liam ignored the way he missed her touch.

Liam sighs. "We lost."

Brett nods, leaning against a locker. "But you're okay, right?"

Liam nods in response and scoffs lightly, shaking his head. "Why'd you do that? Why'd you help me?"

"Because of Scott." Brett replies. "He saved me. He saved all of us. And also because of Nova being nice to me and kinda saving me as well." He added, sending a small smile to Nova and she smiled back at him.

Brett looks at at the two of them. "Do you two know how lucky you are?"

Liam and Nova share a confused look before looking at Brett. "What do you mean?" Liam questioned.

"Scott's a True Alpha." Brett responds. He shakes his head. "That means he didn't get his power because he was born with it. He didn't get it by stealing or killing someone. He earned it."

Brett looks at Liam. "You're not strong just because you can lift a lot of weight now. You're strong because you endure. Satomi calls it strength of character." He looks at Liam and Nova with a smile. "You guys are lucky to have him."

Nova nods in agreement, a small smile on her lips. "Yeah, we are." Brett sent one last smile to her and Liam before he left the locker room.

"If we're so lucky to have him," Liam said, looking at Nova with a frown. "Then why isn't he here?"

A/N you can't tell me that liam doesn't likes being the little spoon. he's a total softie for sure. i can't believe there's only one more chapter of this book before i start writing season 5! i'm excited :) & yes i will be making a second book for season 5

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