Leo and Scorpio

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This is something I found online, the stuff in bold and italic are my words, everything else is just what I found. :/ Also my original plan was to find a Leo and Scorpio picture, but I had to use this one! 😙

The Leo and Scorpio's love match.

A riveting one since 'both' are self- centered power players who will be attracted to each other's majestic, fixed presence. They both radiant captivating sexual energy. When a Leo and Scorpio are together anyone in the room can sense the palpable charisma and sexual tension they create and exchange.

This is not surprising since these two uniquely have monopoly on the sex houses of zodiac. In astrology, Leo rules the house of romance and affairs  (The Fifth house) while Scorpio is linked to the Eighth house of sexual intimacy and lust. Both are extremely passionate, so it's an understatement to say that together they can generate explosive heat.  This is the anchor of their relationship.

Beyond that, unfortunately, these two signs might not find much more reason to stay together. In fact, their constant negotiation  (make that NON- negotiation) over who's the boss will make this volatile pairing almost impossible.


Leo loves attention and Scorpio's loves to lavish attintion to the point of obsession- if the target is worthy. (A/N: This explains a lot of my mental behavior. >/////<) Scorpio's compulsion are generally a turn off to less intense signs, but Leo, aka the Sun,  majors in intensity and will like that Scorpio offers a constant, engaged audience. They love being smothered and adored. Both signs are DRAMATIC with a capital "D" and can push each other to creative heights.

When Scorpio is feeling melancholy, which happens regularly, Leo will have no problem cheering the Scorpio up. Scorpio can help Leo become more focused and actually do something productive with their talents.

Leo and Scorpios have different realms of intensity and power, making them a great balance for one another. Leos are intense in life... they are vivacious and like to go out in the world and seize the day; this will pull Scorpio out of isolation and introversion. (A/N: Not sure if I'm happy about that or annoyed~ blah~) Scorpios on the other hand, deals in inward-directed intensity.

They deal in deep emotions and can help Leo process feelings for love and life beyond just superficial stimuli. For Scorpio, who is not a people person, the greatest power is self power and self-sufficiency while Leo has the opposite power of moving and attracting people easily, like a Pied Piper - without the need for manipulation and coersion, which is often how Scorpio plays the Pied Piper role.

These two signs will find their differing sensibility fascinating. Leos rarely meet anyone powerful and self-directed enough to match them and, no matter what, will secretly respect Scorpio as an unparalleled match.

THE BAD~ 💔😢😒😔

Scorpio is a brainy, go-getter and might find Leo to be languid and undriven. Leo has talent but prefers to simply enjoy it rather than leverage it. Leo does not like responsibility(Doesn't feel true) and prefers not to think to deeply(Feels true); neither of these traits will sit well with Scorpio. They will not have long nights of deep conversation, which Scorpio desires.

Leo is conventional and very public, while Scorpio can be unconventional and very private. They will have clashing values and life philosophies.

Also, while Scorpio is content to give attention, they need equal measures given to them; Leo will not give Scorpio enough personal focus after the initial chase. (💔)

Leo likes making new fans and their incredible charm constantly attracts more admirers. If Scorpio remains with Leo they might need to be prepared to stay in a heightened state of jealousy; Leos have ample opportunity to cheat and often do... even if just for fun and excitement.


(Again all this was on the interweb!

So what happens when the bearers of Pluto energy and the Sun energy meet in the bedroom? It will be like an atomic bomb exploded. These times will be memorable and over the top. They will rival the other's desire to consume and could churn under the sheets for hours.

The sexual attraction will be present from the moment  The sexual attraction will be present from the moment will be present from the moment they meet and will demand consummation on the first night. They will never tire of each other physically,  even if the rest of the relationship is otherwise destructive.

The bedroom action coupled with their intensity, powerful natures and jealousy can produce a fatal attraction. This pairing more than any other can create obsessive-compulsive twisted sexual unions.

 The sexual attraction will be present from the moment will be present from the moment they meet and will demand consummation on the first night. They will never tire of each other physically,  even if the rest of the relationship is otherwise destructive.

The bedroom action coupled with their intensity, powerful natures and jealousy can produce a fatal attraction. This pairing more than any other can create obsessive-compulsive twisted sexual unions.


While Leo and Scorpio clash in many ways, for some couples the sex will be enough to keep them together forever... because they might consider each other the best lover they've ever had.

This might seem superficial, but physical intimacy is a core need for both Leo and Scorpio and they do not take sexual compatibility lightly.

Realistically though, all this volatility will grow exhausting. It's just too extreme to be good over time. Too much passion, too much power, too much rivalry.



UuU This is why I love hugs so much~❤

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