The Alpha of The Wolf Pack. part 1. Featuring: Marina Shafir.

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It was mere days after Shayna lost the NXT Women's Championship to Rhea Ripley. And William Regal has appointed an old friend of his to try and keep the three horsewomen reigned in, in terms of their lawlessness and overall tendency to cause mayhem and chaos. And it was at the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. That Saturday after the night Shayna lost the NXT Women's Championship, where The Three Horsewomen met their Alpha.

Marina was barely arriving at the Performance Center and as luck would have it, as was I. I arrived in a dark green Gran Torino and parked right next to Marina. "Morning, Miss. Shafir." I said catching her off guard.
"How do you know my name?" She asked.
"I know all about you and your two friends. Although, I wonder why you, Jessamyn Duke, and Shayna Baszler are still trying to call  yourselves the 'Horsewomen' I believe is the name of your little group?" She nodded. "Hmm. Well, I have a meeting with Regal and Hunter before I'm let loose on things. See you soon." I put my Marine Corps drill sergeant cover on and headed inside. After locking the car. Leaving Marina to look after me and smile to herself.

After my meeeting with Hunter and Regal and signing a three year contract, I went to the locker room and changed into my 'war' attire. Then headed to the mats where Marina, Jessamyn and Shayna were practicing. Regal introduced me, "Excuse me ladies." They all looked at him. "As you know, we want to repackage you three since Shayna's loss to Rhea Ripley." They all nodded. "Well, this gentleman standing at attention to my right is crucial to that repackaging. And he's made a request, which took quite the convincing on his part with Hunter."
"And that is?" Shayna asked.
"You three with him will not be named the horsewomen or horse anything."
"What?!" I slid in front of Shayna.
"Please. Say one more thing. And they'll have to use a mop and a broom to clean you off the floors and walls." I could hear her gulp even with the dead serious look she was giving me. "Understood?" When no reply came from either of the three. "I said, UNDERSTOOD?!" I said nearly blowing out Baszler's ears. Which shocked Shafir and Duke.
"Yes, sir." She said rather blandly.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I screamed.
"Yes, sir!" All three said.
"Excellent." I returned to Regals side. "Continue."
"Right. Daniel, here has suggested that you three be repackaged as a new Wolf Pack."
"Not yet though. Courtesy of Miss Baszler's outburst or protest. Not a single one of you are going home. We, are going to have a fun twelve hour workout. SEAL style." I grinned. "If you have plans for tonight. Consider them canceled effective...ohh, three minutes ago. Because for the next twelve hours. Your mine." I walked by all three and examined them closely like a drill sergeant does with recruits. And as Regal walked away, I ran them through a gauntlet of pushups, up-downs, suicides, crunches, pull ups, powerlifts, etc. Every machine or piece of equipment that was in the Performance Center was used at my discretion. When it was all said and done. The only one still standing was Shafir. WIth Duke coming a close second. Baszler was laid out from exhaustion. "Well, Miss Baszler. Would you like to go for an extra three hours?"
"No." She tiredly rocketed to her feet. Shafir and Duke held up their friend.
"Now. Every time, you protest or complain. Any of you! And we'll go through this again. Except it will be fourteen hours. And so on and so forth." Duke and Baszler nodded in understanding. As did Shafir. "DISMISSED!" Duke helped Baszler to the locker room while Shafir stayed behind. "Something wrong Miss Shafir?"
"You know. When I met you in the parking lot. I had a feeling that there was some reason that you were here. And now that I see what that reason is. I'm actually happy about it."
"Thank you, Miss Shafir." I smiled.
"You know. I was wondering, what your doing tomorrow night?"
"Asking me out Marina?"
"What happened to Miss Shafir?" She asked.
"I'm off the clock. So. When I'm on the clock I'll refer to you, Shayna or Jessamyn as Miss. Duke. Baszler, and of course."
"Miss Shafir." We said in unison.
"That's right." She grinned as I said, "I don't have anything planned. But are you sure you'll be healed up enough from the workout I put you three through tonight?"
"No. I'm not sure. But if that becomes an issue for tomorrow night. I guess you'll have to come to me and Jessamyn's home tomorrow."
"Sounds fair." I nodded in agreement.
"Good." She slid closer to me and for some reason the smell of Marina's sweat was subtle but not unnoticeable, at least to me. Something about her sweaty look and the smell of her was almost enough to drive me wild. But I maintained, albeit barely. And I'm sure she noticed how my hands nearly slid up her sides, or how my lip quivered, but the real tell tale sign that I was about to give in was the fact I leaned in to kiss her and fought the urge somewhat successfully. And she grinned as I pulled back. "I'll break you yet Col." She slid into my arms. And even though I hesitated to do so. I wrapped my arms around her holding her close.
"I'm hungry. How bout you?" I asked her.
"Starving." She grinned.
"I'm sure." She pulled back and lightly slugged my sternum. I just laughed. "Go on. Get changed and you and I will go out to dinner and just talk, get to know each other. And go from there."
"Okay." She kissed my cheek. and ran to the locker room to get changed for a late dinner. Jessamyn approached me as Baszler just left the PC.
"Daniel." She started. I looked at her as I cleaned the equipment and prepared to head to the mens locker room to change.
"Yes, Jessamyn."
"I know your going to take Marina out for a late dinner. I just want to know. Do you have good intentions?" She asked.
"Maybe you should ask her that. But to set your mind at ease, I do have good intentions. It's just going to be an introductory dinner." I put a hand on Jessamyn's left shoulder.
"Shayna says not to trust you. But I can see that Marina trusts you."
"And what about you Jessamyn?"
"I don't mean to be rude, but the juries still out about that."
"Your not rude. I understand. Now if you'll excuse me. I have to change before Marina gets out of the womens locker room." I shook her hand and went into the mens locker room and quickly changed into my casuals and found Marina at the entrance to the locker rooms. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." She replied.
"Let's go." I led her to my Torino and opened the passenger door and let Marina in first and walked around the car and got in the drivers seat and started the car. Then we headed to a Denny's nearby.

Marina slid next to me which I enjoyed as she laid her head on my shoulder as I drove.
She smiled as I pulled into the Denny's parking lot. And after finding a parking spot, I shut off the engine and looked to Marina. She and I locked eyes and after a few seconds, were locking lips. When we finally pulled away from each other after close to three minutes of our kiss. She gently bit my lower lip as some sort of signature. She smiled as she bit her lower lip and smiled as did I as I slid my index finger over my lower lip and didn't find any blood when I examined it.
"You little minx."
She smiled as we both got out of my Torino and walked arm in arm into Denny's with me opening the door for her and she walked inside followed quickly by me. We were seated at a booth and were given menu's. For drinks I ordered Sweet Tea. Marina ordered a coke.
We got to know each other, she told me she collected old coins from her home country of Moldova, which I found to be quite interesting. "How about you?" She asked. "What does the infamous Colonel Reaper like to do as a hobby?"
I smiled. "Like you, I like to collect things. My collection is extensive. I collect autographed copies of Tom Clancy novels. I'm only missing one to complete my collection."
"Which is?" Marina asked.
"An autographed copy of 'The Hunt For Red October'. It has eluded me all this time. I've never been able to find one."
"Ohh, poor Daniel." She grinned as the waitress came up and took our orders. I ordered a chicken fried steak with potatoes and gravy. She ordered a steak medium rare with potato soup.  "So. Why did you suggest that me and my friends be repackaged as a wolf pack?"
I patted to the spot next to me and Marina slid out of the booth and slid in the spot next to me and a moment later our drinks arrived. We took a sip from our drinks and continued our conversation by ne explaining the reason I decided that it would fit a little more fitting to rename Jessamyn's, Shayna's, and Marina's little group The Wolf Pack. "I thought it would be best if you and your friends were to move away from the Horsewomen name. And be repackaged or renamed The Wolf Pack under my strict supervision. But I'll only be strict on camera or during our training sessions." Marina smiled as she thought about what I said. Pretty soon she smiled and looked at me.
"I see your point. Vaguely, but I see your point." She giggled as I just smiled. When our food arrived we settled down and ate.

After the late dinner,  I paid the check, Marina and I headed back out to my Torino, got in and headed back to the Performance Center. Marina slid under my right arm and slowly fell asleep. So, not knowing what to do. I took her to the only place I could think of, my home. Affectionately called, 'The Barracks'. I parked the Torino in the garage and closed the garage door after I drove in which caused a motion activated light to come on. I got out of the car, walked to the door leading into the kitchen and opened it, over to the passenger side, opened the door, leaned in and slid my arms under Marina and gently pulled her from the car, and carried her to the parlor and ser her down on the most comfortable sofa I had. She smiled in her sleep as I went to the hall closet and grabbed a blanket for her,  returned to her side and gently covered her with it. After I was sure she was comfortable and content I didn't feel good about rummaging through her jacket for her keys but I couldn't let the off chance of her car being towed by morning. So I called a cab and paid him once I arrived at the Performance Center, got in Marina's car which was a McLaren 2019 720S. Deep Sea Blue. Started the engine and drove it to my home, and parked it in front of the garage. Then got out and took the keys out of the ignition and went inside and placed the keys on the kitchen counter next to mine.
I then walked into the parlor and just sat down next to the sleeping Shafir. I couldn't help but run my right hand through her hair. She moaned and smiled at my actions. I then got up and locked every door and window on the main floor. Ever since leaving the Navy I've always been hyper aware of things.
After going through the main floor and checking all the windows and doors. Making sure their locked, I set up shop on the floor. By the sofa. Then fell asleep myself.

Somewhere around 5 am I was woken up by pressure ony sternum and opened my eyes to see Marina sitting on my stomach, smiling down at me. "Good morning?" I asked her.
"Morning. You went and got my car for me." She said happily.
"Of course. I wasn't about to have your car towed or ticketed." I explained.
"Such a sweetheart." She leaned down and kissed me. And she didn't let up either. She soon started grinding her hips against my stomach and moved down to my pelvis which just awakened a ravenous, lustful hunger in me for her. And she grinned as I rolled us over on the floor causing me to be on top of her, and she slid her arms around my neck and pulled me deeper into the kiss. And after a moment or two I started to kiss and gently bite her neck which made her moan and start to pull at my hair as I continued to kiss her neck and jawline. But before we could go any further, a knock came to my front door and Marina and I looked to the window next to the door and saw Jessamyn looking in.i looked to Marina and she smiled although disappointment was very clear in her eyes.
"Hold that thought." I got up and helped Marina to her feet. She straightened her clothes out,as did I. Then as she sat down on the sofa, I answered the door. Once I was composed.  I opened the door and Jessamyn walked right in. "Hello, Jessamyn, won't you come in."
"Sorry Daniel. When Marina didn't come home after your late dinner, I was just worried." Jessamyn explained.
"Why? She's safe with me. Ahh, that's right you don't trust me yet." I said making Marina look disappointingly at her friend.
"Jessamyn, as you can see I'm fine. And Dan has been a real sweetheart and actually went and got my car last night or earlier this morning." Marina said as Jessamyn started to notice something.
"Is there something going on here?" Jessamyn asked.
"What if there is?" Marina replied.
"Well, if there is, be careful. Because I know Shayna won't like you sleeping with him. Mostly because she doesn't trust him or like him."
"Leave Shayna to me." I told Jessamyn and Marina.
"Well, since your in good hands Marina. I'll leave you two, to whatever you were doing and see you at the gym tomorrow." Jessamyn left as she eyed Marina as she closed the door behind her. I noticed and looked to Marina.
"What was that about?" I asked her.
"Nothing really." She tried to play innocent with me but something about her body language told me that something was up. But I ignored it and slid over her as she laid down and I kissed a path up both her arms one at a time and her neck, jawline and lips.
"Oooh. You want me don't you or at least a piece of me." She smiled as I went back to kissing her neck.
"If I wanted a piece of ya, I would have taken a hunk out of that fine ass of yours when we first kissed earlier this morning." She grinned as I went from nice and sweet to straight for the throat.
"Daniel Boyce, your being so forceful in your voice. It's really turning me on." She breathed. "And I want you to fuck me as hard and long as you can or want to." I pulled myself from her lips and looked her in the eye. "Shayna isn't here nor is she the boss of me. I want you. Now." I couldn't help but smile as did she.
"You really want me." She nodded and grinned evilly. "Alright." She grinned as she gently pushed on my chest and caused me to sit up a bit and I stripped my shirt off and she sat up and did the same. When I looked down at her and noticed her crimson red bra. She smiled as she noticed where my eyes were staring.
"Can you help me take it off?" She asked and I slid my hands behind her back and unclipped her bra and took it off for her and tossed it behind me in a heap with our shirts. She soon reached into my jeans and boxers with her left hand and fished my now very rock hard dick and started sliding her hand up and down my shaft. She looked up to my face and giggled as she noticed my eyes were starting to roll into the back of my head l followed closely by a quivering bottom lip. She soon started to take my length deep down her mouth and throat. I could not believe how amazing her mouth felt and she really went to town on my hard rod and after ten minutes of the most amazing blowjob I ever received. She popped my cock out of her mouth and smiled as  she straightened up, kissed me passionately and laid back and started stripping her jeans and thong panties and I took the opportunity to strip my jeans and boxers off and when our underwear hit the hit the floor.
I pushed her onto her back and gripped her ankles and spread her legs exposing her now sopping wet pussy. "I'm not really sure you need me to warm you up. Seems to me your plenty warmed up."
"Please. Just taste me?" She begged. I chuckled and and leaned down and kissed her lips and smiled.
"Well, what the Supernova wants. She gets." I kneeled down and kissed my way down her inner thigh and took great pleasure in torturing her by kissing and licking her inner thighs slowly the closer I got to her pussy and she smiled and whined.
"Come on, Dan. Please let me feel your lips and tongue on me or in me I don't care." I breathed on her pussy lips and she bucked barely an inch from that alone and soon I went to town licking, sucking and fingering her pussy causing her to really scream in ecstasy and pleasure. "It was only after five minutes that she panted, "Don't stop, Dan. Please, don't stop. Ah. I'm gonna cum. Aaah!" Her breathing stopped a couple seconds later. "Aaah!! I'm. AAAAHH!!!" Her legs and body shook violently as an intense orgasm ripped through her with great force. Once she started to come down from the colossal orgasm she just had. "Damn. You are seriously are becoming the best lover I've ever had." I slid beside her, my dick just inches from her snatch.
I smiled and slid my left hand to her right cheek and moved her head to face me and kissed her as I, in one forceful thrust, buried my cock into her pussy and just plowed into her. And as I continued my assault on her increasingly slick pussy, she draped her left leg over mine. And every time I drove my rod into her,  causing her leg to shake from the force of each thrust into her.
"Dan, don't stop. I'm gonna cum. Don't you dare stop." And I did as told by picking up the pace and force of each thrust, causing her to moan loudly to the point she nearly blew my ears out. She has some lungs on her that's for sure. Not a minute or two later, her pussy clamped down in a vise like grip on my shaft as she came all over my dick.
"I'm getting close myself, Marina." I panted and she grinned evilly.
"Cum inside me, Dan." She moaned and I smiled.
"You sure you want that?"
She looked at me and nodded. So I slowed my thrusts to harsh, forceful, calculated, and deliberate ones. After the twelfth thrust I released a huge load into her. She smiled as I went limp behind her making her giggle.
"Oh. If I was at SEAL school. I'd be ringing the I quit bell. But right now I'd settle for a momentary  truce or surrender." I chuckled.
"Well," She turned herself around causing my cock to slide from her pussy which leaked the remnants of our united orgasms. "I may not have a white flag for you to wave, or a bell for you to ring. But I'm sure that we're both a little tired  and majorly hungry. Which explains our lack of energy and endurance although," She leaned on her left elbow and slid her right hand under my chin and gently pulled me closer to her. "Even though we were both tired and hungry as said before. You." She kissed me. "Were an absolute machine during that very intense round we just had."
"Thank you for the compliment." I kissed her forehead and smiled as we just relaxed and rested for a bit. "And if I  may say so Marina." She looked at me. "You are without a doubt, the greatest lover I've ever had." I grinned.
"That's my line lover boy." She chuckled.

Eventually I got up first, got dressed and went into the kitchen and started cooking a large lunch.  Potatoes au gratin, a couple of steaks, along with a couple of chicken fried steaks, and my rather famous homemade MRE sandwiches. (Ham, sausage, egg and cheese sandwiches.)
She came into the kitchen after putting her clothes back on and smiled as she slid behind me and wrapped her arms around my back. "Hey." I smiled as she kissed the back of my neck.
"Hey. After we get done eating," I grinned as I looked at her as I knew where she was going. "Would you like to go a couple more rounds?"
"Oh Yeah. I'd love to." I smiled.

After we ate most of the large lunch and let the food digest. We went more than just a few more rounds. We went until eleven that evening. And fell asleep in each other's arms in my basic mat gym which I use for basic excercises. Smiles on our faces.

If my time with Marina is any indication of what's to come. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens over the next week.

The End.

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