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Author's Notes:

I found this unfinished piece on my iPad and saw that it would be such a waste if I couldn't share it. So, I stayed up late last night to finish it and voila!

I present you a story that can help alleviate the long wait of IMTC.

Enjoy! Please tell me what you think!

yaoiChibi out! Peace~

Originally, the love interest's name was Dean Winchester. And for some odd reason, it happened to be a real character's name in a show called Supernatural(?). So, I decided to change it so as not to confuse anybody into thinking this is a fanfiction of him. Trust me, I never knew he existed in the first place. Hahaha.


Robert Stavent was not stupid.

Sure he was the star basketball player of his high school, hence the title 'The Jock'. He was friends with the popular kids, and spent more of his time partying and sleeping around instead of doing class projects and studying for tests. Hell, he was best friends with the school's quarterback - David Kewis, who was known for changing girls like he did with his underwear.

But, those things weren't enough evidence to use against his intellect.

If there was one subject Robert loved the most, it was biology. From theories of evolution to functions of the reproductive organs of each animal species, he memorized it by heart. This was the one subject he had wholeheartedly devoted his time to.

Now, with all this laid out, why couldn't he - for the life of him - understand the strange undertakings of his own body?

"Rob, you're doing that scrunching thing again." The familiar voice of David quickly shook him out of his dazed stupor, golden eyes meeting caramel ones.

"What 'scrunching thing'?" He asked, combing his fingers through his reddish brown locks. The shirt that he wore rode up his body at the gesture, his golden skin peeking out to greet hungry eyes before disappearing once he put his hand down.

"You know, the part where you do this." David leant forward, invading Robert's personal space in the process. He drew his brows in the middle and made a V out of them, Robert rolling his eyes before planting a solid palm on his best friend's face and pushed him back.

"You are stupid as always, Dave. Why do chicks even find you hot?" Robert snorted, grabbing his books from his locker then stuffing them into his bag, making a mental note which subjects had written assignments.

"Because I'm blonde, I have washboard abs, and mini-me is bigger than mini-you."

Robert slammed the locker door at that last declaration, Dave flinching playfully at the sound. The blonde tried to avoid his friend's death glare by grabbing his own sets of books, sighing when Robert slammed the locker door on him once again.

"What did you say, Dave?" Robert asked, leaning leisurely on the lockers as he crossed his toned arms across his chest. Caramel eyes narrowed quickly and Robert quirked his lip up to a devious smirk.

"Fine. I said," David took in a seething breath through clenched teeth, "Girls find me hot 'cause I'm blonde, I have washboard abs, and mini-me is as big as mini-you."

"Not quite right yet, Dave."

David glared at his friend before exhaling a deep breath, "It's 'cause I'm blonde, I have washboard abs, and mini-me wishes he was as big as mini-you. Happy?"

A slight nod and David growled, stomping over to the changing room to get ready for his after school practice. Robert roared in laughter, to which David answered with a middle finger salute, swinging his bag over his shoulder to follow his pissed friend.

The student-filled hallways parted as he walked through it, relishing the looks of obvious desire and envy. He walked with pure dominance, something his best friend lacked despite being the most popular guy on campus.

If David was the boy-next-door kind of guy, Robert liked to believe he was the naughty-player kind.

And if he was in the mood for it, the two cheerleaders that were coyly flipping their skirts up for him were going to be his lucky company for the night.

He rounded the corner smoothly, winking at the two that were sure to be sopping wet right now. Eyes had followed his gesture and they all glared at the squeals of happiness that were being released. Finally, as he took the last corner to the basketball team's changing room, his skin started to tingle.

Like a cold bucket of ice was thrown over his head, the hairs on his skin rose up at the overwhelming sensation that shocked his body. This was one of those weird undertakings he was thinking about earlier, the weird responses he got when a certain someone was in his vicinity.

Who this certain someone was was still a mystery to him, though.

Robert stopped in the middle of the hallway, just a few short steps away from the double doors of the changing room, when he quickly whipped his head to find the source of that tingling sensation that even reached the base of his balls.

It felt like a siren call, honestly. A cry for attention that his body couldn't help but react to. And sometimes if this certain someone was really close by, a sickeningly sweet smell would fill his nostrils and drug him up so bad that he was horny as a bull in heat.

And, unfortunately, that was his current condition.

He was scorching hot inside, his body seeking attention for that one person that not even three people could satisfy.

"Look, guys, I don't want any trouble. I just want to go home in one piece," A soft voice shaking with fear and uncertainty said, Robert's skin prickling even more.

Golden eyes moved back and forth the less populated hallway, searching for the owner of the voice that made him feel like he was on fire. His eyes landed on a group of guys just a few feet away. Three guys, which he recognized as part of the bad side of the school, surrounded another being. Robert couldn't see if it was a guy or a girl, but his instincts were telling him to break up the fight.

It was an order he needed to fulfill, his body moving automatically towards the group.

Without thinking clearly, he reached his hand forward and grabbed the slouched form of the person being surrounded. Robert immediately pushed the small thing behind him, his eyes narrowing at the three pairs of red eyes.

"Robert." One of them greeted, a fake smile on his lips as he sniffed suspiciously harder. It was either he was sick or really high on drugs right now. And Robert believed the latter, "Do you have any business with the fag?"

That one word was enough to pique Robert's interest; however, he kept it in. With a lazy smile, he adjusted his backpack on his shoulder while firmly holding the guy behind him.

"Actually, I do. This guy's like a... Uhm." Robert coughed in a fake manner, racking his brain to come up with some lame connection to the complete stranger behind him before an idea popped up, "He's my biology lab partner. I got some things to clarify so I'd appreciate if you didn't slaughter him 'cause I need an A+ on this project."

The three guys, who were a few inches shorter than him, glared at him before one of them walked away, the other two following like obedient dogs.

A breath of relief whooshed in his lungs and Robert couldn't thank his lucky stars enough that it didn't break out into a fight. God knows how much he needed to stay clean as the regionals were closing in on the horizon. A fight leading to him being suspended was just going to ruin their chances of being back-to-back champions.

"You can let go of me now."

Robert's eyes popped up and he realized his hand was still holding on to the person that was causing him these reactions. He released the slender arm and took two steps forward, suddenly nervous to turn around and meet the person that had commanded his body like a slave.

The person behind him shuffled a bit, the sweet smell wafting through the air like a car freshener would. Robert swallowed the saliva that was pooling in his mouth, grimacing when the sound rang through the now empty hallways.

"Robert," The soft yet masculine voice said behind him, confirming his earlier assumption of the 'source' being a man. He wanted to turn around, wanted to finally dispel these waves of attraction that washed his body, "Thanks."

They were both silent after that. However, it wasn't as tame as the taller of the two would like.

Robert was going through an internal struggle of not succumbing to his desire to just knock the guy down and plow him like they were animals. His body was trembling with desire and he just couldn't seem to stop it. It only worsened when the 'source' started moving, not away from him, but towards him. He unconsciously shut his eyes before the person could stand in front of him, his politeness making Robert guilty for harboring such intense desire.

A sigh resounded and he spoke, "I know you're starting to regret saving a gay guy but I didn't ask for your help, you jerk! I'm not some kind of disease that will latch on to any man and instantaneously make him like guys beyond reason. Don't be stupid."

Light footsteps rang the hallways and Robert was finally able to breathe without worrying if he was going to commit rape. His eyes immediately tried to look for the guy he had saved but was only able to catch a glimpse of his black hair when he disappeared behind a door.

"What the hell was that?" Robert mumbled, rubbing his face roughly as if he was trying to tear a mask off it.


"And then I told her, 'if you didn't smell like my socks after practice, I might consider going down on you'." David guffawed like a kid as he recounted his late night rendezvous last Tuesday, the other guys and girls on the table laughing like idiots after he delivered his punch line.

Robert could only roll his eyes at the rude story his best friend had told them.

Truthfully, it was the other way around. The girl complained he smelled so bad down there that she was never going down on him ever again. However, David was really not going to jeopardize his popularity for that one comment and just saved his own face by burying the girl's.

And Robert didn't feel the need to explain.

Currently, they were eating lunch at their usual spot in the cafeteria. There were wandering eyes that latched on to both the guys and the girls, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the attention. However, he had some other concerns to deal with.

With that 'almost' meeting, his body had refused to cool down and he ended up skipping practice that day to look for the two cheerleaders that had caught his eyes before the mishap and dragged them back to the empty Sociology lab and fucked them both to oblivion.

Not his finest moments but he had seen worst days.

"Rob, look at that guy. He's such a fag." He heard David snicker while he nudged his shoulder.

Curiously, he looked up and the sight of hair as black as night met his line of sight. His skin suddenly felt like it had bursted into flames at the sight, sweating cold bullets that didn't even make sense with the flame reference.

Robert unconsciously stood up, David falling flat on his ass in surprise. Golden irises followed the lithe form of the boy, taking in the slouch and the messy hair that framed his face. The books held in one arm, the black backpack slung over one shoulder, and a tray of nothing but a carton of milk and an apple told Robert what the boy was up to.

"Damn, Rob. That hurt, you jerk! You could've warned me, you know. I told you I was feeling sore from practice yesterday!" David yelled, grabbing on to Robert's shoulder. He ranted and ranted, calling attention to the both of them.

However, they had fallen on deaf ears.

Robert kept his eyes glued on to the only person that could make him boil with intense lust just by passing by, grabbing his stuff when the figure disappeared through the doors. He ignored David's repeated shouts of his name and all but ran at the general direction the other kid had went.

He could his heart thump crazily once again, his palms sweaty and clammy as he rounded the corner and headed out to the quad, eyes still searching.

There was no way Robert was going to let this guy go a second time. He needed answers and only that boy knew of the answers he desperately needed.

Robert followed the direction that led to the school's library, feeling his balls tighten with each step he took forward. He slipped inside the room and was surprised to find it completely empty despite it being lunch.

Nobody was here to do extra homework or papers due several days ago. Nobody was reading any of the books for their classes. Nobody was here, period. But despite that, Robert could feel how his cock strained against the inside of his underwear, pain shooting up his spine with every step he took.

He went deep inside the rows and rows of books, intent on finding the guy as fast as possible. He didn't know what he was going to do first. The choice only narrowed down to two options: 1) bury himself balls deep inside the other man's body; or, 2) shove his entire length down the other boy's throat.

And, truthfully, it was a hard choice.

"Excuse me, the library is closed today," a soft voice squeaked behind him, making him whip his head fast that his neck ached from the sudden movement.

Golden eyes met amethyst eyes and Robert was in love. Okay, maybe not head-over-heels, I-will-die-for-you kind of love. He was just so captivated that remained speechless for a while that he hadn't noticed the way the other boy's brows furrowed quickly.

"What are YOU doing here? Aren't jocks supposed to be allergic to libraries?" The boy growled, his cheeks flushed heavily and it was, Rob concluded, because of his presence. "Well?"

Robert dropped his bag on the floor and took three steps towards the other boy, wrapped his arms around the slender body and covered the tempting mouth with his own. He swallowed the grunt of surprise from the other and molded his lips perfectly against the amethyst-eyed beauty.

There were no inhibitions as he slipped his hands around a slender waist, pulling the other impossibly closer while trying to devour the most delicious pair of lips on the planet. Robert's senses were impossibly heightened that he had started to wonder when the hell his hips had moved to rub against the warm body in his arms.

He continued thrusting as his lips moved down a pale neck, littering kisses everywhere. Robert was so close. He could literally feel every nerve inside his body pulled to its limits, agonizing for the moment it would all finally end.

Then, there was a sharp pain between his legs.

Robert howled in complete agony as he fell to his knees, hands cupping his groin while the body he was holding moved far enough he couldn't reach without getting up. The pain was indescribable but it was probably more painful than being elbowed in the eye in the middle of a losing game.

"Why'd you do that?!" The other boy asked, panting heavily with cheeks stained with red that it had made him look even more desirable if Robert's groin didn't feel like it was being crushed under a rolling pin.

It took a while before the pain dissipated, along with the tears in his eyes, but Robert was finally able to look up at the other boy. The question had hung heavily in his head but the pain had blocked out any other thought that didn't deal with the pain of his balls being crushed. He shakily stood up on his feet and exhaled deeply, glad that he wasn't being muddled by the intense need to rut into the nearest hole of his conversation partner.

"Let me ask again, Robert. What are you doing here?"

"Name," Rob gruffly replied, wheezing slightly while keeping eye contact. "What's your name first?"

"Chris Rocherr."

"Chris, huh? Cute name." That earned Robert an adorable blush from Chris and he had never felt so satisfied at the knowledge that he had put it on the little pixie's face. "Well, Chris, why don't you and me go out for pizza after school so I can tell you how being near you makes me want to push you down on the carpet floor? You game?"

"Look, you might be hot and all but I won't go with you just because I make you horny as hell for no reason," Chris replied flatly, eyes wary of Robert's movements. "Besides, you didn't know I existed until yesterday. And you sure weren't happy to know you had just saved the school's queer from getting beaten up by drugged up bullies."

"Trust me, I've known about you for a while." Robert flashed his most charming smile and caught the slight twitch of the other's sexy lips. "Go with me for pizza after school and I'll tell you everything. Yeah?"

Chris eyed him like he was waiting for the moment the rug would be pulled under his feet. But it never came even after five minutes after the offer was declared.

"Fine," Chris conceded.

"It's a date."



That one word explained the start of the longest relationship of Robert's life.

However, that wasn't the reason he was feeling particularly nervous tonight. Nor was it the reason he was ready to take the biggest step in his entire life and ask Chris Rocherr, the man of his dreams, to marry him on the night of their 8th anniversary.

No, it was love.

Love blossomed from years of companionship and discoveries of little secrets that, to this day, still remain secrets. It was love forged from years of adoration and trust that made Robert want the man sitting across him by his side forever and ever. And ever.

Call him a romantic sap or whatever but this was what he was reduced to from loving Chris Rocherr.

"You know you look funny, right?" Chris mused, smirking playfully.

It was now or never.

"You know that I love you, right?"

Chris frowned slightly, immediately on guard with whatever Robert was about to say. His pair of amethysts followed his lover's matured form as Robert sunk down on one knee and whipped out a black velvet box, holding it out to him.

Then, Chris wasn't so sure if he was dreaming or not.

"Marry me, Chris. Make me the happiest man in the entire planet right this moment by agreeing."

The platinum ring sat elegantly inside and Chris had to swallow the gasp of happiness so he wouldn't break down from the onslaught of his emotions. With teary eyes, Chris nodded his head rapidly.

Robert shakily slipped the ring around Chris' finger before pulling the man in for a kiss, ignoring the hoots and claps from the other patrons inside the restaurant. They held each other tightly, pulling away with huge smiles on their lips.

And Chris was never gladder for ditching their pizza date.

He always knew Robert loved a good chase.

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