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{{ That picture was drawn by capeainkees on-- actually I'm not really sure(I need to pay more attention when I download pictures to my phone or pc-- fight me)and that drawing is something! They need to teach me c: tbh, I might stop with the spam of chapter pictures, if you guys do not want that, feel free to stop me xD ~ Author-chan}}

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Frisk looked very upset and serious,their face covered in sweat, whatever they came here for,it was big. "S-sans" frisk stuttered, glancing around quickly,before looking at him. "I h-have something to tell you" they stopped to gulp,and look at the snow covered ground,since they where still outside. "Huh? Come in frisk" Sans said,opening the door wider so they could step in. Frisk basically teleported inside, grabbing sans with their small hands when they where in and the door was closed. "Sans, I-if you couldn't already tell,t-the timelines messed up" frisk whined,letting go of his arm to cradle themselves. "Calm down kid" sans waved a hand, "and what do you mean?" He sat down on the couch,patting beside him,ordering Frisk to sit aswell, they did. "I-I--...sans....w-weird things have been happening all around us,some people are not acting like themselves and-- and strange code patterns are appearing everywhere I've went!" Frisk covered their face. "....really?" Is all Sans could say, getting a nod from frisk in response."and worst of all, undyne said she not you, this you was, uhm,she said this you wore a blue scarf thingy and looked weirdly like papyrus" they mumbled,removing their hands and looking at sans with a side-ways glance. "I-- what?" He blinked,not sure how to take this all in. "Was Undyne drunk or high when she said this?" Sans glared at the TV even though it wasn't on. "....." Frisk placed a hand on their head and sighed." Neither, she was 100% undyne when she said this,and she looked oddly serious" they closed their mouth and frowned,looking to the floor. Both went silent for a good amount of time,before finally,Sans broke the silence. "....that's....strange" he narrowed his eyes,and flinched when the dream came back to him. "Sans?" Frisk turned their head to look at him, worry written on their face. "Huh?" Sans met their gaze. " are you ok....? You just flinched" they said,just looking more worried. "Ah. Just...remembering a bad dream" Sans waved it off,but frisk seemed to want to know,cause they just stared at him. " was a dream where you guys vanished and so did figures that looked weirdly like me..." He shrugged,going back and looking at the black screen of the television. Frisk squinted their eyes, "we just vanished in your dream?" And sans nodded,the room going silent again,until suddenly,shuffling was heard from Papyrus's room as he got from his bed and erupted from the room. "MORNING,I,THE GREAT PAPYRUS,HAVE AWOKEN!" He yelled,bounding down the stairs in three big steps. The serious mood shifted slightly as Papyrus sang his morning song about how great he was. "Good morning pap, although it's only six in the morning" sans yawned,having not gotten any sleep himself. Frisk nodded,smiling, "yeah,what got you up so early papyrus?" They asked with a small tilt of their head. "I heard you two talking! So I woke up" papyrus placed a hand on his chest dramatically. The two chuckled when he did so. "Alright then" Sans stood up,along with Frisk,who shuffles awkwardly. "Uh-- why is frisk here anyways?" Papyrus asked,putting his hands on his hips. "They just wanted to chat" the other skeleton shrugged, hands in pockets. "Mhm, about something secret" frisk smirked,placing a finger to their lips. Papyrus blinked,before his smile got bigger. "Well then! It's fine if the great papyrus can't hear! It's a secret after all!" He did his laugh,getting cut off when his phone rang,when he answered, undyne screamed. "PAPYRUS! GRAB YOUR BROTHER AND GET TO WATERFALL PRONTO!" She screeched,hanging up very quickly. Papyrus blinked,looking at his smaller slibling. "Let's go?"

• • •

Soon the group of three made it to waterfall, getting greeted by Undyne,who seemed very happy that they came. "OK! So I found something very odd! I have no idea what it is but I think you guys should see it!" She indicated for them to follow,before walking off and turning a corner,the group followed. Not long where they stating at what frisk had told Sans about,a code,which was on a wall. "1001010101?" Sans squinted,looking at it. Undyne shrugged. "It just suddenly appeared,oh-- and did frisk tell you about what I saw? Dude--it was so weird..." She shook her head,she seemed to be sweating slightly. "Papyrus? Can you go to my house and wait for me?" Undyne turned to look at him. "We'll have our usual cooking lessons but I need to tell sans something privetly." Papyrus hesitated,but nodded,"alright!" He said,before bounding off towards her house. Undyne sighed and faced Sans, "ok, I-I saw this little you in snowdin forest, he just, it's hard to explain. He didn't see me,but I could tell he was different, I don't know, he seemed very scared and confused,and he was wearing armour and a scarf,like papyrus,but he looked like you sans,and--ugh" she scratched her head."I don't know, something's happening guys, and I hope it's not what I think" undyne frowned. "Huh-- would he still be there? You think?" Sans asked,looking up at her, she just shrugged. "Possibly, I mean, he looked like he knew this place but also looked like he didnt" she sighed,shrugging once again. Frisk and Sans both nodded. "Why don't we take a look?"

• • •

Undyne had told Papyrus that she would return, and that he might have to wait a bit, but being papyrus, he said it was a-ok and that he didn't mind. So the group set off for snowdin,curiosity following. "So you think this me would try and kill me if he saw me?" Sans asked,once they made it into the forest, "I.....don't know?" Frisk shrugged, shaking slightly from the cold. "Possibly" Undyne snickered as Sans put his sweater on frisk,who smiled in relief. After that they walked in silence,frisk being too cozy to talk. It soon began snowing just a bit, causing Undyne to growl. "Look, maybe he's not here?" She said,getting annoyed at the snow and wanting to spear it.but just as she said that,there was a small scream ,that got louder,until finally the thing that was screaming showed itself. The thing,was actually the sans Undyne had saw yesterday,and he was running away,his arms in the air,trying to escape an annoying dog. The four stood still,watching the sans run in circles in the distance,screaming over and over that the dog was going to eat him and that he did not want that, however, he finally tripped, face first,into the snow. The annoying dog hopped over to him,dropping a ball on his back before spinning away. Sans was the most surprised,he stood there,looking at himself face plant into snow."I totally knew he'd still be here" Undyne said in triumph when she recovered from shock. Frisk and Sans said nothing. "Or maybe we are all just really drunk and having the same dream?" She said,waving a hand in their faces,they both finally blinked. "M-maybe there's another skeleton and we just never new it?"frisk whispered,still looking at the fallen sans who has not moved yet."maybe" Sans whispered back,and they moved towards the sans. When they made it close to him, Undyne poked him with her spear. That made him flinch and jump up,fists raised. "WEH! Who dares try and start a fight with meeeeee!?" The sans shouted,which got Undyne pumped up, and she raised her fists too. "WANNA FIGHT ME LITTLE PUNK?HUH? WANNA DANCE!?" She screeched,throwing a spear at a tree which really didn't deserve that. But her tough action scared the sans and he cowered. "There's no need to fight" frisk said,chill as always,sans nodded in agreement. Undyne growled,lowering her fists."fine,but if he tries any business he's gonna have a bad time!" She laughed evilly."that's my line" Sans said with a frown,and Undyne shrugged. The sans looked up, shaking nervously. "Tell us your name" Frisk said,although it was already obvious. "M-my name is s-sans, b-but you may call me the great blueberry!" He went from scared to proud,and stood straight,earning a groan from Undyne. Sans glared at himself,saying nothing. "I-it's weird though" Blueberry said,looking at the ground."you all are different--a-and...."he looked at sans,who looked back at him. "I-I don't know how I got here,you all act differently,U-Undyne,your supposed to be wearing a lab coat,n-not armour,that's what alphys wears....and frisk! You kill everyone right?...." Blue seemed very confused,as did the rest of them. "That means--" Undyne took a breath in. "Thy means you came from another dimension!? Sick!" She snorted,before laughing. Sans stepped close to himself,making Blueberry feel very uncomfortable. "So your me from another world?" He asked,receiving a small nod,then a shrug. "I'm just as confused as you are,me" blueberry mumbled."and--" he was just about to say something else when there where shouts ahead,they all turned to look.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Someone screamed,then there was another voice.

"I Wiggity Wiggity won't broski~" after that came angry gibberish screaming that seemed to last forever until the two appeared in the distance.

Sans couldn't believe what he saw.

{{The end--of this chapter! I'm finally getting into his alternates xD sanzy is my personal favourite. Fight me.

Anyways, this is the last time I do the chapter pictures until enough people tell me me to continue doing them xD hope your enjoying my story so far! ~ Author-chan}}

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