Wake up

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After finishing his food, Blue and the rest of them fell asleep, all except Sans, and Undyne cause she had to leave so Papyrus wouldn't come home in worry. Sans sat on the couch, comfortably hugging his knees and looking at the other sleeping Skeles and Frisk. It was quite, up until someone crashed through his window.

• • •

"IM HERE TO BRING DEATH TO YOU!" The thing shouted, it wore a black cloak and held a large scythe. "ONE TOUCH FROM ME AND YOU WILL DIE IM SERIOUS!" It screeched, causing Blue, Fresh, and Edge to wake up, startled. Sans had fell off the couch. "Wait, this isn't the right place..." It muttered, placing a finger to its mouth? In thought. "OH HEY, doesn't matter! You all will die one day anyways am I right?" The thing asked, causing Blue to quiver and tear up."WHAT THE FUCK" edge roared, and everyone looked to him. "I WAS DREAMING AND YOU COME AND FUCKING RUIN IT!" He kicked something in rage, and it hit fresh in the back of the skull. The thing laughed, removing the hoodie it had over its head. ehem, excuse me, his head. It was another sans. Everyone stared at him, mouths open. "Wasn't expecting this huh? You all might be thinking, 'holy stars it's another sans!''" He did this weird hand motion. "Yeah, I'm another one I guess, but unlike you worthless things, I'm DEATH! I bring death upon anyone I want!" He then laughed crazily, before coughing and stopping."I'm the reaper." That's when everyone except Fresh pushed back away from him,causing Reaps to laugh again. "Ah psh, there's no need to kill you all anyways, I'm just confused as to why the protecter of the timelines, lil blue, and cherry are in this timeline" Reaper gave them a questioning look. Fresh spoke. "The timelines are vanishing yo, I actually brought them here, edge, blue, I brought them here broski..."he said, and they all looked to him now, obviously confused. "I know error dude is the one doing this unrad bully stuff, his goal is to eliminate all these cool beans, including me and you broski, and prolly even ink too" fresh fixed his hat, and Reaper stared at him. "Are you serious? He lost his mind, Inks going to stop him" he said. "Hopefully"

((I hope that's good? Sorry the chapters so short xD I'm losing ideas and I wrote this in the middle of a basketball game so uhm, enjoy~Author-Chan))

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