~Alone time~

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A/N - Does not mean to offend anyone. If  your easily butthurt or offended regarding topics related to social ties (on social media or real life) I suggest you do not read this. This thought is mainly focused on ignoring the social life and focusing on your life. That's why.


~Admit it, everybody  feels alone at one stage in their life. For some maybe very rarely. Others, almost everyday.

For me, I feel lonely  at least three hours per day, PER DAY. Weekend, weekday, you name any day of any  month of any  year, my  answer will be the same. If not, even more.  This excludes the time I sleep lol.

Don't believe me? I don't expect you to.

I'm not saying I want to constantly be surrounded by people and to be  socially active.

In fact, according to my personality, I prefer being alone most of the time.

No, it's not coz I'm the  type to shut myself in my room and to not come out..

even though I do that ... oops. heh 

Hear me out,  I'm not a social butterfly. I  know  i'm not likable to some and there are some people who I have met that, actually love me. It astonishes me how different people love me in different levels even though I'm the same person with the same weirdness and same level of childishness despite my  age ><

Regardless how many friends you have, how many social events one may go to, how many hours your surrounded by people per day, you'll always end up being alone at least for 3 hours.

So, would you agree with me if I said that those three hours are actually the  best times I have?

No offence to any of my socially  active peeps or  friends in real life, I'm spilling out the truth, the facts.

I LOVE  being by  myself!

I actually do.

With my room door closed, AC on and my speakers blasting my jams, who doesn't love it?

It's like a healing time sort of. Just staring at random stuff in my  room and thinking, sometimes falling asleep for about 30 minutes before waking up again. If I'm not in my room, I'm working at my study. Watching out the window at the trees and listening to the traffic on the road which is not visible to me from my  window, thinking and daydreaming again.

Ah I'm so easily distracted. ^^

The last few days I sang my lungs out in my room with my music booming on my speakers. It's actually hella fun!

I kinda had trouble with a sore throat for a day lol.

For me, after a typical 6h day in school, another 2 or 4h at classes, and with a pile of homework enough to out weigh my own weight, I rarely  have time to do anything for myself. I've made it a goal to do something for myself everyday instead of letting my time slip through my hands like water.

Seriously, while going to class, it occurred to me that since I was 16, (Basically the past year)  time went so fast and I didn't even feel it. I'll soon be 18 and in no time I'm pretty sure I'll be wondering where the hell my last teenage years went. Coz school work has me succumbed in piles and piles of work. Literally book loads of just revision *sigh*

So I made it a goal to do something for myself everyday somehow. Even if it's writing a thought like this, maybe switch on the laptop and make a quote, write something If I can,draw if I can, daydream a bit watching nature, listen to music, something to make me happy.

Tbh time hasn't really been my best friend lately. I haven't been able to draw, write or do anything I like in my laptop till now. And I made the most of the free afternoon I had. Again, shut in my  room with my music and my laptop. *relieved sigh*  I miss this so much.

So really,  being alone is the best! I  used to think that  being alone is sad. That it makes you look lame and it shows "how much people care about you".  

It's all a load of crap lol!

There are some, who think that they have to constantly be around people to feel valued, to really live their day.

But seriously, you don't!

Idk, for me I need my daily intake of being alone everyday. I've gotten so used to enjoying just my alone time I can't imagine to not have it. It's a necessity in order for me to keep thinking straight lol. It's also quite good for stress. Take some time off your schedule to enjoy at least 5 minutes of your day. It could be having alone time like I do or hanging out with your family, socializing with your family is actually much more effective and apparently impacts your happiness more than it does when socializing friends. Depends though, how strong your ties are with your friends. If it's really strong, like your closest friends, then your most likely to enjoy socializing with them as you do with your family. If your not really close with your friends, vice versa.  

Idk that's how it applies to me lol. Depends on character too. At the end, it'll help you mentally, physically and spiritually. You'll be able to savour the time as it slowly ticks by. 

Coz otherwise, I'm pretty sure I won't have any good memories of my late teens when I'm older coz I spent it only consumed in loads of books and work and 6h of "social life" which was just school.

So this was a fun thought! Seriously, I  love "Me time". It lets me unwind, relax, enjoy my life, live and feel my time. >~<

It's a tip I'd like to recommend any of you reading this.

So If you wanna take a good, really helpful break from whatever you have troubling you, try this! 

Keep your phone away! Switch it off, switch off your TV for once let your favourite programme be purposely missed.  Do  something that makes you happy. Let it be cooking something or baking, drawing, writing something, listening to music, doing yoga, maybe meditation, anything! That pile of work screaming "DUE TMRW!" ? let  it watch you take a break. It's not "wasting time" It's living it.

Remember, NO social media! 



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