quarantine Tag

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1) Who tagged you?
My friends Mkarpins and the_toastkat.
I've been tagged twice for this and still haven't done it untill now-

Nvm add Brindleshine and NewsiesAndSherlock to that list.
(Tecnically the last one didn't tag me, but they said "every one who reads this" so I'm counting that-)

2) Birthday?
June 25th.

3) favorite book?
Uhhh- I don't really have one (atleast, one that's so good I still remember it-)

4) Favorite music genre?
Pop or musical.., though I love all(mostly)

5) Height?
Oof- I haven't done the math in a year-
But last time I was 5'7 so defiantly taller than that (5'8?).

6) Weirdest dream you've had?
Which one you wanna know?
The one(s) I got shot in or the one I watched someone get shot?

Or maybe the one with the sand-sea-rafting-turning-into-a-dog-rescue?

Or walking sharks.
Okay I'll make a different chapter for these.... I HAVE WEIRD DREAMS OKAY-
(*hufs* atleast I don't dream my friend gets run over by a rollercoaster *Cough kimster30)

7) Favorite book on Wattpad?
Accidental Reverce.
Hands. DOWN.
Best thing I've ever read.

8) Favorite TV show?
Wdym? I don't watch TV-

9) Unpopular opinion?
I have a few. Don't know if they're unpopular or not..
(Sorry in advance)

- Chocolate milk is disgusting.

- Americans (Sorry to all of them reading this) are over dramatic. (Drama queens-)

- I actually like PE (when I don't get to pay the price of running for another hour (-not really) because people can't shut up.)

- Chocolate sprinkles (Or hagelslag) on bread (with butter, DON'T NOT USE BUTTER YOU IDIOT) is delicious and everyone who hasn't had it yet/before is missing out.

- Quarantine life sucks.

.. Okay that's all for now ..

10) Favorite ice cream flavour?
I- I don't- have one-
You know what. Chocolate, happy now?

11) Favorite song?
Don't have one song.
I guess Messed up And Runnin'


^Messed up - Nightcore^


^ Runnin' - Nightcore^

12) Favorite movie
HMMM... "Weathering with you"

13) Favorite quarantine activity?
HA- not that I hardly ever get the time to draw.
Thanks dad, thanks school.

14) Zodiac sign?
Cancer ♋

15) Favorite quote?
Oeh, hard one.. I don't have ONE favorite quote.. but here's one .

"You talk about "the good old days"? That's adorable. You mean back when, racism was normal?" - Prince Ea

16) Favorite candy?
Do I even have one.?
These sour (car)gummys-

^ That is great :P ^

17) Happy place?
Everywhere and nowhere. As long as I can be myself with our someone keeping a leash on me. I'm not some kind of animal that people need to know it's every move of 24/7.
I swear it's one of the things I absolutely hated the most in this world.

18) Favorite book character?

19) Favorite movie character?
HMMM.. either Tom Holland's Spider-Man,
Or Shuu from the IE Go movie-

20) Favorite TV show character?
I don't watch TV anymoreeeee-

OKAY Now people who haven't done this yet/I haven't seen doing this yet-


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