Me & Tyler

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Jamie Steven

Tyler Cunt



Ms. Steven

Narrative: Its a cold windy day and Tyler just got out of school. His brown hair flows when the wind touches it. He's all alone walking with no one around except his thoughts of the girl he loves. He never had the power to tell a girl how he feels or ask them out like other guys have. He knew she had a crush on him and he had a crush on her but him being scared is to powerful than his love. He noticed her sitting on the bench outside writing in her diary. He just kept walking not saying a word to her. She notices him walking across the street with his head tilted down starring at the concrete.

Jamie Steven: Hey Tyler.

Narrative: Tyler looked at her with a straight face and stopped. He just knew that looking at her would make him say dumb shit to make her like him less so he ignored her and kept walking knowing that the love of his life is right there. Jamie got up and ran towards him to get his attention.

Jamie Steven: Hey Tyler didn't you hear me calling you?

Tyler Cunt: Yea I just didn't know you wanted to see me in this weather.

Jamie Steven: Don't be silly. No matter how bad the weather is I still want to talk to you

Tyler Cunt: I really like your boobs. I mean shirt. I really like your shirt i mean.

Narrative: Tyler starting to slip and loose what he's saying from looking at Jamie.

Jamie Steven: Thanks I got it yesterday. I put it on specially for you. Do u mind if I walk with you?

Steven Cunt: Sure I'm just going home.

Narrative: They where both walking together. Tyler started to get sweaty. Jamie got closer to him and grabbed his hand. Tyler face started to get red and looked like he was going to explode.

Steven Cunt: Well this is my house so ill see you some other time I guess.

Narrative: Jamie leaned in and gave him a kiss of the check.

Jamie Steven: Bye Tyler

Narrative: Tyler walked into his house instead of saying bye back. He felt sad and lonely inside even though he wasn't. He changed clothes and put his PJs on then went to sleep. He was thinking about Jamie kissing him. He knew he should had given her something back to show his affection for her, but he didn't and he feels more lifeless than ever. He goes asleep sad like always.

Narrative: Its Saturday, 8am and Tyler waking up for another sad day. He woke up and went to take a hot steamy shower to release the pain he has. He got dress and went to go eat breakfast alone. He's 18 and decided to move out of his parents house to get peace and quiet. He went outside walking while reading his book. He was walking and noticed a strange man across the street watching him. He kept walking, not paying attention to the man.

Narrative: The man starts walking towards him very slowly. Tyler starts to get scared and walk away. The man starts to walk even more faster to him. Tyler then starts running and running. When he took another corner the man was standing there looking at him.

Witch: Hello Tyler.

Tyler Cunt: How do you know my name?

Witch: I been watching u every since you had a crush on Jamie. I'm a love witch.

Narrative: Tyler was feeling scared.

Tyler: A love witch?

Witch: I'm a witch that goes to people who cant tell their crushes how they fell about them. So that's why I'm going to give you 1 hour to tell Jamie how you feel about her.

Tyler Cunt: What if I don't?

Witch: You will fall asleep and die. For me to know if you do it I'm going to put this spell on you. If u do it the spell will be lifted but if you don't then you'll die and live a life knowing you never told her how you feel.

Narrative: Tyler started running. When he looked back the witch disappeared. Tyler ran to Jamie house. He knocked on the door and asked her mom if she was home.

Ms. Steven: You just missed her. A friend of her took her to the library to check out books.

Narrative: Tyler left her house and ran to the library. It took him 18 minutes to get to the library since he ran the wrong direction and was on foot. It was now 8:54am and Tyler has 6 more minutes until his death comes. He walks in and sees her by the Romance section. He walks up to her feeling nervous even though whats going to happen to him.

Tyler Cunt: Umm Jamie can I talk to you?

Jamie Steven: Sure but have u seen this book. I been looking for it and I cant find it.

Narrative: Jamie starts walking off. Tyler tried to tell her how he feels but his heart hurts and Jamie wasn't paying attention. He had 2 more minutes left.

Tyler Cunt: Jamie can you please wait. What I need to tell you is really important.

Jamie Steven: Sure what do you want to tell me?

Narrative: Tyler now got her attention and now has 40 seconds left. He was feeling scared but he knew dying wasn't the best answer than being afraid.

Tyler Cunt: Look umm I like you a lot and I want to be with you but I'm to afraid to ask you out. Now that I told you this you probably don't like me any more.

Narrative: Jamie just looked at him with a smile then grabbed both his hands.

Jamie Steven: Its ok Tyler. I like the way you are. I don't care that your shy. I just like the way you act.

Narrative: Tyler leaned in and gave Jamie a kissed. The love witch was there watching him do that he knew that he would. He just had to push him farther than later in life.

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