[3] The Snake and Its Prey

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Tsunami was making her way to Anemone to tell her about her awkward meeting with Riptide when a car stopped front of her. She patiently waited for it to move, but the window lowered, showing Glory's face.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Glory said, motioning to the back seat. Tsunami stared at her for a few moments and jolted when Glory honked in impatience.

"Okay," Tsunami muttered. Calm down, Tsunami. It's just shopping. It will be alright.

The thing was, she hated shopping. And when she was with Glory and her gang, she hated it even more.

It was an unfamiliar sight to her- Glory with her long, blonde hair, walking in heels with Fatespeaker by her side. Fatespeaker, with her black ponytail, seemed like a dog unable to do anything other than stare at their owner's face. Sunny was beside Peril, her hair braided into two, wearing a bright smile as they bought themselves a drink. And then there she was, next to the scaringly unfamiliar gorgeousness. It had a bright aura that made her want to join in, only to realize she just couldn't.

They were talking about a boy named Deathbringer (which she didn't even know) and how he annoyed Glory immensely. She just sort of tagged along. The conversation went like this:

Glory: So you know the guy that keeps bothering me? I just hate him, like what the actual heck? His name is totally weird. Deathbringer? Seriously? He should create a freakish name club.

Peril: Starflight should totally be in that club. What kind of names are those?

Fatespeaker: That hurts.

Sunny: Speaking of crushes, I keep getting notes in my locker.

Peril: I bet they're from Starflight. He's the creep I told you about. A total nerd. He totally has a crush on you. Did you see how he was staring at you in Algebra?

Fatespeaker: Isn't he cute though?

Peril: Sunny, didn't you say that you guys were friends once?

Sunny: What? I-

Glory: Tsunami, do you think the guy that sits at the front is cute? You know, with the black hair and glasses?

Tsunami: Huh? I'm not sure. I've never paid attention to him.

Fatespeaker: Yeah, she doesn't pay attention to anyone except Glory's ex!

Tsunami: Dude.

Glory: Fatespeaker, can you please chill out for a second? It's really getting tiring, for God's sake-

And then, they saw a couple from their school. Fatespeaker stopped right there and gasped dramatically, making Glory stop, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Look! It's Hailstorm with Magnificent. Making out."

Tsunami shrugged, ready to move on. "It's none of our business-"

Sunny held her back, and Tsunami had a desire to snap at her to leave her alone. She absolutely hated shopping. "But Hailstorm is Glory's ex," Sunny whispered.

Glory seemed bored, like thinking of what she should do next. Then she brightened, a beautiful glimmer in her eyes that almost scared Tsunami. "I have the best idea ever. We should totally make them embarrassed."

Tsunami's eyes widened. I can't believe this. "But- this isn't-"

Glory wasn't listening to her. Quick as lighting, she grabbed her phone out and videoed Hailstorm and Magnificent making out like lost souls. It made Tsunami gag.


Glory looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Why?" Her hand wrapped around Tsunami's wrist, making her wince. "It's just for fun."

She didn't reply. Glory stared at them, her green eyes darkening. "I hate couples like those. Especially with exes. It really makes you wonder, did they even like you at all? Or did they have eyes on a different girl?" At the last sentence, she glanced at Tsunami. Then she laughed. "Just kidding. It's not that deep, I just hate Magnificent." Her hands unwrapped its hold- a snake releasing its prey just before the death choke.

Peril brushed her red hair aside, nudging Tsunami to hold her drink while she checked her phone like nothing had happened. In the end, the girl with the boy- Magnificent- her life did not matter to any of them. One click and her social life would be over, but at the end of the day, it was her life, not theirs. "Send it to our chatroom."

"We're sending this to Magnifent's mom and tell her her daughter has some sexually transmitted disease." Glory started typing furiously. "Peril, post it on our Burn Book."

She thought she had to say something. But what would change, except the fact she would be viewed as an outcast? Perhaps this was all it was about. Winners and losers. There was a dark feeling inside her chest, but it was small enough to ignore.

And there was something even bigger- it was pleasant. To be sheltered by those mean but beautiful girls that everyone worshipped. To realize that if she never went out of this group, she would be protected. Why risk that for a girl she barely knew?

She had tasted power. And, she suddenly realized, it suited her. Very much.

"Sent." Glory gave Tsunami a smile, linking her arm with hers. "God, do you know what just crossed my mind?"

"What is it?" Glory seemed beautiful. She was beautiful. Her confidence made her shine, and she was just there, so perfect next to everyone else.

"Tsunami should get a hat?" Peril suggested. Her red eyes looked Tsunami up and down. "By the way, what are you wearing?"

"No. We should show her the Burn Book."

"The Burn Book?" She echoed.

"It started as a book, but it's now a website." Glory grinned. "No one knows who posts them, so we're safe."

Glory's smile was as bright as the sun when she saw Magnificent pushing Hailstorm away to answer a call. Her expression slowly crumbled into a frown, and after a few moments a gasp came out of her mouth.

Glory watched everything as she urged everyone away, a little smile on her mouth. She was tasting power. It rolled off her tongue, her fingertips, her eyes like honey. She was power.

That was when Tsunami realized how dangerous this girl really was.

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