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Miles Dempsey

"And we are back to square one," Tate starts his lecture, setting down a glass of whiskey mixed in with Mio. I let out a deep sigh, my elbows resting against my lower thigh as I lean forward, contemplating my life. "Don't judge me, please," I damn near whine. "Oh, I'm judging. Hard," he scoffs. Letting out a pained groan, I run a hand over my face like that'll shield my embarrassment.

It's hard for me to admit my mistakes sometimes but never when it comes to girls. And when worse comes to worst, I know Tate will always be one hundred percent brutally honest with me. "She's got your balls in her hand, man," he adds. I look up at that and shake my head. "No, she doesn't!" There's not much more to say than that because I don't even think I believe in myself.

Tate makes a face like okay sure. "I just need this over. Again. She's been doing too much this time around. You know how many people have been commenting about her on my shit because she's telling people we're... a thing?!" I'm really not trying to be an asshole here but having a girl say we're together when we're not is a big no. Sharing my life on social media isn't something I do. I post about hockey and brand deals I get, that's it.

Even if Allie was my girlfriend, she wouldn't be flaunted on my social media. I would tell her not to put me on hers either. I've got people watching my every single move all the time, on social media or the ice. It's nice to keep some things to myself. People can get ugly and I'd never want my partner to face the wrath of others. I can't control what others have to say but I can prevent it as much as possible.

"Kait and I warned you. So did the damn kid man and he's 18! I get Allie used to be a good time for you but things have changed. She's not the same and you can tell she's trying to claw onto you to keep you with her. You already ended things once, you can do it again," Tate assures, patting my back. "Now, down this shit with me before I rip my hair out one by one."

I look over at him and see annoyance flash through his blue eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put my situationship stress on you," I apologize, lifting the glass from the coffee table. He shakes his head and cheers my glass. We both down the contents inside the glass, setting them back down. "It's not you, man. It's hockey. And Kait's parents." That last sentence comes out tight.

Furrowing my brows, I sit back and get comfortable. "What's going on with that?" I question, suddenly interested in someone else's misery that's not my own. He runs a hand through his dark brown hair and shakes his head. "We drove up there for the new year and I asked..." Tate eyes me wearily which has my heart thumping in my chest. "What? You can tell me, buddy."

He sighs. "I know. Just... well I haven't told anyone but I want to propose to Kaitlyn after the season ends." My eyes almost bug out of my head at his statement. "Really?" I say loudly. Luckily for us, his girlfriend isn't home. He nods his head. "I want to marry her so fucking bad, Miles. She's my girl for life I'm sure of that but I just want to make it official," he tells me. Completely taken aback, I process his words.

I've always rooted for their relationship since he told me about everything they went through during our freshman year of college. Still, I didn't think they'd ever actually get together. Then a couple of months ago, that changed. He finally put on his big boy pants and made it official. Now he wants to marry her? Personally, it's a little too soon but what the hell? They've known each other for what seems like a lifetime. When you know, you know.

"You talked to her parents about it? I'm assuming it didn't go well?" I ask. He winces, giving me a clipped nod. "They think it's too soon since we just started dating last July. To hell with that! I've known the girl since we were 8 years old. I've been in love with her since I saw her. There shouldn't be time on shit like this. You never know when your last day is, best make the most of them," Tate rants. He looks over at me to see if I disagree.

I raise my hands in defense. "I'm on your side, buddy. Just give them time, alright? Talk to them about it a little more. We still have possibly six more months left in the season. That's plenty of time to convince the 'rents." I slap his arm lightly and a smirk tugs onto his lips. "What?" I question, smiling myself. "6 months? June? That's the Stanley Cup Final," he tells me like I don't already know.

He laughs as I roll my eyes. "I stand by my words," I say confidently. We're doing well enough to get there, why not speak it into existence? "Yeah, I agree with you. June sounds like a great month to propose in. Then she'll get her silver and I'll get mine as well."


When I get back from Tate's a couple of hours later, the kid sits in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal and watching hockey on his phone. "Hey, kid," I say, walking over to my fridge to grab a water bottle. He stays quiet, violently shoving Special K into his mouth as he watches a game.

His standoffish behavior is nothing new. I'd say it's puberty but he's 18 years old meaning he's already pushed through that. He has been acting strange ever since the new year though and I can't stand his little attitude for much longer. I push off the counter and walk over to sit in front of him, slamming my bottle down on the island. JT looks up at me shortly before returning to his mission.

Rolling my eyes, I pull out a chair and sit down. "What the fuck is up with you? I'm gonna call your mom and ask for a refund if you don't open your mouth and start talking," I snap. "I'll stay with Anderson," he retorts. I let out a fake laugh. "Drew's already got kids, he doesn't want you. Now tell me what's going on before you live on the street." I'm not serious, I just need to know what's going on with him before it adds another stress to my life. One I don't currently need.

He drops his spoon into his bowl and turns his phone off, sitting up on his chair. "Why are you questioning me? Every single guy on the team is like this. We're all stressed the fuck out," he snaps back. I scoff. "Kid, this isn't hockey stress. This is.." I wave a hand in front of him. "I don't fucking know until you tell me stress. So spill before I spill your milk and make you clean it."

JT furrows his brows, pushing his cereal bowl away from me. "Why are you being a prick?" he shoots back. "I'm always a prick. Don't change the subject," I say. I've already given my best friend advice today on stress in his life, might as well hand out more and not deal with my own. He stares at me deeply before releasing a breath through his nostrils. "It's a girl, Demps. A damned woman."

I almost laugh. There's no way I'm going to give advice to the kid when one of the current stresses of my life is also a woman. "What woman?" I ask curiously. Has there been a girl in his life recently? My attention has been solely on my own problems that I might have canceled out the kids. "Ember freaking Connelly," he snarls her name. My brows raise in surprise. "Nola's friend?"

He nods his mouth in a straight line. "I didn't know you guys still kept in contact. When I saw Nola at the bar on New Year's, I told Ember you were the-" I stop talking mid-sentence when realization dawns on me. JT went missing on New Year's and according to Nola, so did Ember. Did they leave together? "What?" JT says. "Keep talking, buddy," I say. He shakes his head. "No, no, no. What were you saying?"

Deciding there's no point in lying to him, I tell him what happened when I mentioned he was at the bar to Ember on New Year's Eve. I might have been drunk but I knew by her face that she was bothered at the fact that he was present. She was nice to me up until I brought him up. He chuckles bitterly, running a hand through his hair. "I don't understand woman. I really don't." You and I, buddy.

"What happened between you guys that night?" I ask since something obviously did happen. He shakes his head repeatedly letting out a frustrating groan. "I saw her dancing with Garrett and I may or may not have gone up to them and tried pulling them away from each other," he says more quietly. Garrett is one of our other rookies. "Why?" I question. He looks up at me, not saying anything but everything at the same time.

I tilt my head to the side and I can't help the smile that makes its way onto my face. "You got a crush on the girl, kid?" I tease. He begins to get up but I hold him back down. "Hey, hey. I'm just kidding. What happened after that?" I ask. He sighs. "Garrett was pissed. She was pissed and ran out. When I went to go chase after her, she made it clear that she wants nothing to do with me and to stay away from her. She may only be five feet tall but she's damn scary."

Holding back a laugh by rubbing my lips, I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe it wasn't the smartest move on your part but I get it. Jealousy is a bitch." My only worry is that this will cause friction between Garrett and JT and they won't get along on the ice. "I shouldn't have done that at all. I don't even know why I like her." He groans. "You've seen how much she hates me."

This time, I do let a laugh slip out. "Well, maybe that's why you like her. Cause she doesn't like you?" I question. He looks at me for a couple of seconds before shaking his head. "No... it's not that," he explains. "Because if she felt anything close to what I feel, I'd be over the fucking moon." I smile a bit at that. I've never seen him smitten over a girl. A couple of months ago he was talking about how he didn't want a relationship at all.

We were on the same page there only he's fallen for someone and I haven't. I'm still set on being alone for as long as possible.

"You should just tell her how you feel, kid. Maybe she won't be so mad over the Garrett thing if she knows why you did it," I suggest. His green eyes widen. "If I tell the girl I like her, I swear to God, she'll kill me, Miles. That's how much she hates me." That makes me laugh too. I don't know the girl well but I've seen some interactions between her and him to know that he may be right.

He glares at me now. "Also, take your own advice," he grumbles. I furrow my brows, taking a swig of my water. "I'm not crushing on anyone, kid," I say. He rolls his eyes. "I'm talking about telling the girl how you really feel. Allie. Break things off with her already!" As much as I want to tell him to shut up and mind his business, he's right. Tate already lectured me about this earlier.

I'm going to end things with Allie - again - I just have to find the time to do it. It has been a couple of days since we've seen each other because I've been busy with hockey. "Yeah, I know, I know. I'm gonna get it done, give me time," I retort. The quicker I do this, the quicker my stress lessens.

My thoughts have still been getting the best of me. Nothing has helped. Not hockey. Not Allie. Not anything. My mind is on a constant loop of a lot of terrible things that I can't even begin to explain. I'm trying to get through the days but it's getting harder and harder with all the overthinking I've been doing. The only hope I have to rid of it is hockey. Because the busier I am, the less my brain stops screaming at me.

Nola Scott

I took the drive back down to Los Angeles after sharing the news with my parents earlier. Turns out, my first practice is tomorrow and I couldn't be any more nervous. It's only eight when I get home but I decide to go straight up to my room and fall asleep. That is until I see Ember in the kitchen with... JT? "Ember, it wasn't that! I just-"

"No! I told you to leave me alone, forever! So you need to leave now Jason. And do not even think about coming back." You'd think my roommate has all the power in the room but at five two, she's a whole foot shorter than the guy in front of her, and still, he looks terrified. "Dickhead!" she spats before purposely bumping his arm as she walks past him.

Ember spots me from the corner of her eye because she looks at me and points to JT without looking at him. "Make sure he leaves. Please." After her instructions, she stomps furiously to her room and slams the door closed. My eyes don't leave her until she's no longer in sight and then I look at her...friend? I didn't know they still talked.

He lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head. "Sorry, Nola. I'll see myself out." It's the lowest I've ever seen him since I met the guy which makes me feel like shit for some reason. I don't know him well but from past interactions, he seems like a pretty genuine, friendly guy. "Wait!" I call out as he walks past me toward the door. He pauses in his step, turning his body around to face me.

"What happened? Why is Ember so angry at you?" I ask. His green eyes glance over at the door my roommate hides behind and he shakes his head. "It's not my place to say. I'm sure Ember will tell you later," he almost mumbles. Knowing she won't unless I force her to, I walk over to JT and grab his hand, pulling him to the couch to sit. His eyes are widened when I look at him. "Talk."

Relenting, JT explains the situation that went down between him, Ember, and one of his teammates, Garrett, on New Year's Eve. I never asked Ember where she ran off to that night and it's starting to make a lot of sense now. While I'd consider her a good friend of mine, Em is private about most things. She loves to talk but not about herself. Never about herself. She keeps quiet about deeper things only sharing information like that with people she trusts.

I think I know her but I also know there are things she hasn't told me. For instance, the fact that she still talked to JT occasionally. I was sure she wasn't going to talk to him anymore after their project together. She seemed like she disliked him and by their exchange I witnessed earlier, it doesn't look like much has changed.

"So why did you do it then? Try to pull them away?" I ask. JT taps his foot against the floor anxiously, staring at me like he's wondering if he can trust me. "I won't say anything to Ember. That may be hard to believe but I promise. I've kept many secrets before." I hold out my pinky to him. He looks down at my little finger and it takes him a moment, but he wraps this around mine and we squeeze.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he lets out a pained noise. "I like her, okay? I hated seeing her with Garrett. It made me feel...ugh, I don't know, Nola. But I didn't like it at all. I knew she would be mad at me but I didn't care at the time. All I needed was her far away from my teammate," he tells me. My mouth gapes a bit at his confession. He likes her? How the hell deep is this relationship?

"Have you guys...?" I stop, hoping he'll know what I'm asking. Again, he winces. "Just once. It was after one of my games. She was there for some reason with some other girl and we...kissed. That's all that happened and ever since she's been acting like she hates me. I didn't do anything!" JT explains. I try to hide all types of reactions from my face. That little bitch didn't tell me any of this.

Since I don't know anything from Ember's perspective, I fail to come up with an answer for the poor kid. "I believe you. Ember can be...complicated but she's not a horrible person, she just doesn't trust easily," I say that much. It's all the truth. Maybe he did do something to not earn her trust or maybe he didn't. Either way, Ember Connelly is not someone who trusts easily. It's going to be hard for him to get on that level with her.

"I know she's not. I'm just...confused. I like her, Nola, but I'm terrified of telling her. You saw that interaction just now. There's no way she wants to hear those three words come out of my mouth," JT explains. Yeah, probably not. "I think she just needs time, Jason. There's a lot about her you probably don't know and it's not my place to say but she's been through a tough time and being in her life is hard because she has to allow you in it."

He nods, hopefully understanding what I'm saying. "That makes sense. Also, it's JT, not Jason. Well, it is Jason, but I don't like that, so just call me JT, please." I raise a brow. "You let, Ember call you Jason," I say, unaware that he didn't like to be called by his first name. He scoffs. "I'll let that girl call me whatever she wants," he replies. That makes me laugh a little bit. "Right. You got a little crush on her," I tease.

JT groans. "Please, I've had enough mocking from Miles about my 'crush'." The sound of his name has me more alert than before. It's been about three days since I've last seen him and I remember he wasn't one hundred percent when I did. I could tell something was off with him but I didn't want to ask what. "Is he okay? Miles? The last time I saw him he was a bit on edge," I ask JT.

"Oh, he's fine. He's not the only one on the team that's been on edge. Our seasons getting a lot harder. We're all trying to push through the pressure," he tells me. Well, that makes a lot of sense. He did mention something about him and the team being stressed. "Well, I'm rooting for you guys. Keep at it, you're doing great," I assure, smiling genuinely. He returns the smile. "Thanks, Nola. Hey, you're a pretty cool girl. Demps was right," he says.

That piques my curiosity. "Miles said I was nice?" I question. JT chuckles, tilting his head a bit and rubbing his chin. "Mhm. Yeah." What the hell did that mean? I furrow my brows about to ask what kind of response that was but he's standing up. "I should go before Ember comes out and sees that I'm still here." I follow suit and nod my head, ignoring the past comment.

"Sure. If you need something, you know where to find me. Just because Ember is... a little mad at you doesn't mean I am," I say. JT gives me his boyish grin. "I appreciate that. I'll see you around, I hope. And if you can, pl-" I cut him off before he can finish his sentence. "You got it. I'll talk to her," I insist. He gives me a firm nod and then sees himself out. As soon as the door closes, I'm walking over to my room to sleep. The conversation with Ember can't wait.

I've got a big day tomorrow.

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