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Miles Dempsey

The celebration after we won the Conference Finals versus the Dallas Stars was huge. Everyone, and I mean everyone, showed up to the after-party at some random club in Dallas. Every player, coach, and significant other was present after game six. We won the first three games but choked the next two so we had to go all the way to game six.

It scared me for a second but I think after three hard won games, we were all tired. Myself included. In game six we went out onto the ice and swept the Stars in their home base. It was exciting, exhilarating, entertaining, and any other e-word you can think of. We had it in us to take them down and now we were one step closer.

One step closer to what we've been veering towards this season.

One step closer to what some of us have been waiting for our whole careers.

The Panthers wiped out the Hurricanes in a 4-0 series. They're coming in with big heads but the guys are ready for it. Especially me. God knows I've been waiting for this for six years. After my rookie contract was over, people spectated me leaving. They said I was as 'too good' for the Kings and that I could find success on another team but I stayed. Los Angeles became my home, my parents' home. There was no way I was leaving.

If it's my choice, I'll stay here forever.

The only thing that lacked that night was my girlfriend. Nola was in Los Angeles so I had no choice but to be without her. While it sucked, it played in our favor. The team was out in a public club. I wouldn't be able to be near her in the way I would want to be. There were too many people at the club who were a bunch of randoms. Our relationship is low-key. Just between us and those in our life. It made me upset that she couldn't be here though. I was still thinking about her the whole time.

I'd be in Los Angeles tomorrow and drive straight to Oak Hill to see her. She's been spending a lot of time there because she's training in Irvine and it's closer to Oak Hill than it is to Los Angeles. On my off days, I was with her up in Oak Hill. She would show me around the city or we'd hang out at her parent's house. I've been trying to get Mr. Scott to grow on me and I think it's working.

He's still a bit snarky with me but overall, I think I've made him smile at least three times. Nola's mom has also grown a liking to me which makes me happy. Nola told me that her dad told her mom about the conversation we had outside the day I came over for dinner. Her mom cried when Mr. Scott told her how I felt about Nola so I think that gave me brownie points with her.

Nola's siblings are also cool as fuck. Yeah, I'm kind of jealous. I always wanted a sibling and hanging out with hers makes me want it more. Kiersten and I are besties, won't lie. Foster also talks a lot more to me. He's a cool dude. Brooks and I have always been tight and Kayce seems to tolerate me so I'd say all is good with the girlfriend's family.

All is also good with the girlfriend. I've loved spending almost every day with her and her family. It's brought us a lot closer and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. It excites me to think about it.

On the plane ride home, everyone was mostly hungover. I'm surprised everyone made it back on the flight since it was scheduled for 8 am. I was as cool as a cucumber since I only had about three beers last night. JT was in sunglasses asleep next to me and Tate and I laughed at him and snapped a couple of pictures for Ember.

My best friend was also sober.

We had the next two days off before we practiced for the Panthers. Just like against Dallas, the first two games would be in Los Angeles. The third and fourth were in Florida. The next in LA, then Florida again. Hopefully, the series will end in LA. That'll make things extra special for us. Our city has been waiting for a championship for years.

When we landed, I decided to skip PT and go straight to Oak Hill. After dropping my things and the kid off at home I was texting Nola that I was on the way over. Her dad greeted me at the door groaning when he saw me. I know he doesn't actually mean it. "You have a home, don't you?" he deadpans. "Of course I do, sir. I'm about to be a World Champion didn't you hear?" He rolls his eyes playfully. "Congrats, kid. Nice play in the third against Abrams. Can't stand him."

I scoff. Me fucking either. That little shit was giving me problems the whole game. It was nice to score on him. "Did they pan to Abrams after the game? He threw a rage fit," I snicker. I'd be pissed too but Abrams is an asshole so making fun of him isn't mean. Nola's dad's lips quirk up a bit. "So dramatic. Nola! Your.... friend is here!" That gets a smile out of me. "C'mon, Mr. Scott. I thought we were friends now," I tease.

Maybe I'm getting a little too comfortable with him but I genuinely don't think the man has a bad bone in his body. He could be protective over his daughter but can he really hate me? He's just getting to know me. "I've got enough friends, thank you very much." Nola appears two seconds later and basically jumps on me. Don't think her dad will like that, still, I grab her and she giggles. "I'm so proud of you!" She never fails to remind me.

"Barf," Mr. Scott says. Nola looks at him behind me. "Don't be rude, Dad. Miles is about to be a world champ, oh, also he's my boyfriend not friend," Nola reiterates. That's my girl. Nola's dad takes a bite out of a donut. "Same difference," he muffles. Nola ignores her dad and pulls my hand, "C'mon, I have to show you something." She leads me up the stairs in a hurry.

"Open door, Granola!"
"Always, daddy!"

Once we get up to her room, she grabs her laptop and shows it to me.

Nebelhorn Trophy Application 2044

"You know how I told you I've been talking to Coach Laurel?" she asks and I nod, looking at the application. It's all filled out. "Should I do it? There's still time to practice and enter myself. The competition isn't until September so it'll give me time" She bites on her fingernails and I place the computer down. Grabbing her face, I look into those deep blue eyes that hold so much emotion and passion. "Do it, Scott. If it's what you really, really want, do it. You'll have my utmost support, you know that."

She kisses me shortly, not for too long just in case her dad comes upstairs. " I really want to, Miles, but..." She pulls away from my touch and looks down at the computer. "I don't know. I'm still contemplating it. Maybe it's best to wait and train for the next Olympics. Yeah, I'll be older but I'll have so much more time. Hopefully, I'll take the world by storm and win gold."

Her eyes light up brighter than ever. I can tell she wants it. Maybe not now but she wants it. Nola's passionate about figure skating, that's known. She wants this more than anyone. "I know you will. Do whatever feels right, babe. You've got time. Everything's going to fall into place," I remind her. She takes a deep breath and nods before bending over and closing the tab.

"I'm going to wait. My guts telling me to wait. In the meantime, I'll be practicing my technique, getting better. There are plenty of competitions in between the Olympics. I'm going to make a name for myself before I get to the big stage," Nola demands, nodding her head like she's convincing herself. She's got me convinced. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to my chest. "Damn right, baby. I'll be here through all of it as your number-one fan. Behind the scenes," I promise.

She smiles and laces her arms around my neck, pulling me down for another kiss. I savor her lips on mine, moving a hand down to touch her ass. Can't help myself. Nola giggles into our kiss and leans back into my touch. "Wanna grab some lunch with my mom and dad at his work? They're serving tacos all week." She waggles her brows. "Are we invited?" I ask. She moves her head to the side like saying 'of course we are'. "Dad and I are meeting Mom there, she's about to get off for lunch."

I nod and wait downstairs while Nola changes. Her dad and I talk about hockey a little bit but my mind drifts away. You know when you meet good people and are grateful that you have the opportunity to know them? That's how I feel whenever I talk to any of Nola's family. She was blessed to be given a family like this the way I was given mine. I'm happy she has people like this in her life who love her so much.

Mr. Scott inspires me in a way. I've never thought about getting married and having kids but I'd want a life like his. The one he built for himself. Nola's told me her dad didn't have an easy childhood. His relationship with his parents wasn't the best yet he made a life like this for himself. Nola looks up to him a lot because of it. It really is inspiring.

"You listening or are you daydreaming about my daughter?" he asks, cringing at his own question. "Could you repeat that?" I say, shaking the cobwebs outta my head. "I said, Nola told me you met your birth parents. How'd that go?" His question almost makes my eyes bob out of my head. Nola told him? I'm sure she didn't tell him the whole story. It would have been a whole thing by now. I clear my throat. "Birth mother. It went good. Better than I imagined," I tell him.

He nods his head, listening. "What about your father?" So, Nola didn't mention that my birth father died? I'm sure if I share it with him he won't jump to conclusions. It's such a reach. He most likely doesn't think about my birth father at all these days. "He actually died before I was born," I tell him. It's not easy to say at all.

I see the surprise in Mr. Scott's eyes but I don't take offense to it. "I'm sorry, Miles. I had no idea," he uttered. I could hear the genuine remorse in his tone and even see it in his eyes. "It's alright. He has some family that I plan on meeting soon so it'll be good for me to learn more about him then," I acknowledge. He still looks like he's in shock but nods.

"Ready!" Nola exclaims as she comes downstairs. We both look in her direction and I smile at her so she won't think anything's wrong. The talk about my birth father kind of set something off in me but being around my girlfriend helps. "Let's go, don't want to keep your mom waiting," Mr. Scott says.

Nola and her dad sit in the front and talk most of the time while I sit in the backseat with my own thoughts. While hockey and Nola have occupied my brain these past couple of weeks, I still occasionally think about the Grayson family and meeting them. I'm intrigued to know more about my dad but I don't want to do that without talking to Nola's mom first. She deserves to know too.

I'm going to wait until after the season to do either of those things though. It can't be affecting the way I'm playing. Not when we're so close to the end.

Mr. Scott pulls up to a tall building in the middle of the city. I have to duck my head in the car to see the full thing. Scott Real Estate. "Damn," I whisper. "You guys go on in and find your mom. I'm going to pay for parking really quick," Nola's dad says. She smiles and grabs my hand as we enter the building. "Hey, you okay? You were a little quiet back there," she asks, rubbing my arm. "Yeah, I'm good. Just admiring the scenery," I tell her.

I'm wearing my casual disguise even here in Oak Hill. Multiple employees notice Nola and say hi to her along the way to the cafeteria. "You sure?" she questions once more. I place a kiss on her temple and nod to assure her. "Fine, babe." Luckily for me, she can't see any emotion cross my eyes since they're hidden behind my sunglasses.

Once we make it to the cafeteria, Nola's mom sits in a corner booth, waving us over. The table is full of tacos already. "Hi, Granola. Miles nice to see you, great game yesterday!" she cheers. I don't think I've ever seen Mrs. Scott not smiling. It also makes me happy that both of Nola's parents seem to watch my games. They watched me play my first game against Dallas and Nola said everyone had a blast. Even little Kiersten who hates any sport that isn't gymnastics.

That was a good time. We went out to eat afterward and then back to Oak Hill for a little while. The Scotts also came out to the last game we played in LA versus the Stars. It was only Nola's parents and Brooks this time but it was still cool. Her family supporting me feels good. I can tell Nola is happy about it too.

Things couldn't be more perfect. As someone who fears the worst, I'm praying it doesn't come.

"Thank you, thank you." Nola and I sit on the same side of the booth and Mr. Scott joins us a couple of seconds later, kissing his wife's cheek. "I'm famished," he says, looking at the food like he's ready to dig in.

I'm a bit more calm around Nola and her parents. She tells them how she's passing up on Nebelhorn and waiting it out. Her parents agreed with her that it was the best thing to do. She also said she was going back to school in the fall which was news to me too. I'm proud of her though. Her dad gave her a high-five for that.

"Sooo, I'm nosy but... who confessed their feelings first?" Nola's mom asks right when we finish eating. Mr. Scott rolls his eyes painfully hard and I can't help but laugh. "Who do you think momma?" Nola asks. She purses her lips and looks between us. "I say the boy. The boy always has to confess first," she says, looking at her husband. Nola smiles at her parents. "Yes, it was me," I add.

We both might have had feelings for each other before then. I think we both knew we did, we were just waiting for it to come out. "It was sweet." Nola's cheeks flush. Mr. Scott puts an elbow on the table and leans forward. "To be fair, yes, Brynn knew I liked her first but she actually made the first move, didn't you babe?"

Mrs. Scott shakes her head, brows furrowed. "No, you tried to kiss me and I pied you."

I suck in air through my teeth because it kind of hits close to home.

"Shut up, Miles."

"We have something in common, Dad!" Nola raises her hand to high-five her hand but he just furrows his brows at looks at me. Seriously, Scott? "You pied my daughter?" Mr. Scott questions. "Yes!" Nola answers for me. "It was a long time ago, okay? We don't talk about that anymore," I wince. Trust me when I say I wanted to kiss her back that night. It just didn't feel right. It wasn't our time yet.

"Ouch, sorry babe," Nola's mom tells her in which she shrugs. "Losing some of your points tonight for pieing my daughter," he says. Nola's eyes widen. "Dad no! It all worked out in the way it needed to you, promise. No points lost." My girlfriend grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. Her dad glares at me for a little longer but eventually turns his attention back to his wife.

"Anyway. Yes, you may have denied my kiss but when you told me that story about you know what, you made the first move. So basically, you confessed first!" He looks over at Nola and me. "She also said I love you first." Nola's mom slaps his shoulder gently. "Who says what first doesn't matter guys, as long as it's genuine," she insists. Mr. Scott nods. "It has to be genuine. Especially when it comes to her," he points at Nola, "no, disingenuous words to her."

Mrs. Scott raises a finger. "I agree." I shake my head. "You don't have to worry about that with me. I'll look both of you in your eyes and tell you that right now." Nola's mom smiles wide and nods. "I believe you, Miles." Mr. Scott doesn't return the sentiment but I can tell he trusts me with his daughter. Maybe only a little bit but that's something. I'm trying to earn his trust and respect, I am.

"Okay, I have to get back to work." Mr. Scott stands up so his wife can exit the booth. "Don't forget K's practice ends at 6:30 and Brooks has a haircut appointment after school so you have to pick him up," she reminds him. "Yes ma'am," he replies, kissing her temple. "Bye, honey! Miles, we'll see each other soon. I'm really excited for the first game!" Mrs, Scott says, squeezing my shoulder. "Of course, I'll see you there." We say our goodbyes and throw away our trash before leaving too.

As we're exiting the building and getting back in the car, Mr. Scott speaks. "You know, Miles if you need a normal job, the building is always hiring." Nola furrows her brows at her dad. "Thanks sir but I make more money than any of your employees will make in a lifetime." He scoffs. "You don't make more money than me, kid." I don't say anything. "He might, daddy.." Nola whispers. Her dad turns to face me. "What's your contact look like?"

"90 million, six years," I tell him. He laughs then. "He's a keeper, Nola. You shouldn't be with a man richer than your dad." Nola turns over in her seat and mouths sorry to me. It's fine. I don't need to make more than her dad. It does scare me how rich he may be then. I've never really understood the magnitude of what he does. "Thanks for calling me a keeper, sir."

He narrows his eyes at me through the rear-view mirror. "You sure about this one, Granola?" he asks his daughter. Nola turns to look at me again. She eyes me up and down and then nods. "Very sure, Dad." She's cute. Mr. Scott sighs as he starts the car. "Alright, we'll keep him around I guess."

I'm sticking around for a long time, Mr. Scott.

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