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Miles Dempsey

JT's been running around the house, hectic as he gets ready for the wedding. He's already wearing his black trousers, shoes, and white button up but he's panicking looking for God knows what. I would help him if I wasn't so tired.

JT got home around three in the morning and I had just gotten off the phone with Allie. We both slept the extra hour and a half before we had to get up again. Then he knocked out on the plane ride but I didn't. If I didn't have to take him to Nola's shortly, I'd be asleep. Seeing him pace is quite frustrating so when he appears again, I glare at him. "What?" I demand.

His head swivel's in my direction like he forgot I was present. "My cologne. I lost it," he says. I roll my eyes. "Use mine, it's on my dresser. Are you ready?" I ask. He nods quickly before rushing back up the stairs to my room. Using all my energy, I lift my ass from the couch and slip on my shoes and grab my keys, waiting for him by the front door.

He rushes downstairs, grabbing his coat and other belongings. "Ready to go." He taps my shoulder before we both exit the house. Nola's apartment complex is a short drive and when we get there, she's standing by her car. My breath damn near hitches when she spins around to see us. She's wearing a formal champagne-colored dress with white heels but her face steals the show. Her blonde hair is loose and curled. A smile lifts on her lips and as soon as I stop the car, JT thanks me quickly and rushes out.

While I don't want to be here for much longer, I pull down the window to the BMW. Nola embraces him in a hug, still shorter with heels on. "You smell good," she tells him, her cheeks flushed. I almost laugh. JT winks at me. "Behave. Don't act out in front of her family," I warn the kid. He holds up his hands but Nola puts them down to his side. "No kids allowed. Only adults. We'll act out together," she says.

JT is smiling at that, his green eyes suddenly intrigued. I force a smile onto my lips as I nod. "If he gives you trouble just let me know," I tell Nola. She looks at me for a long moment before patting the kid's chest. "I think we'll be good," she looks over to him, "C'mon! We have to go. The wedding starts in an hour." Nola smiles and waves at me. "Bye Miles!"

I don't return the goodbye as it happens way too quickly and she's already rushing to the driver's side of her Range Rover. I do flip JT off though. He gives me a boyish grin before hopping in the passenger seat.

I guess it's time for that nap.


Nola Scott

The wedding ceremony was even better than the last one. Jess and her new husband seem so in love. I may have shed a tear or two during their vows. We cheered as they walked back down the aisle together, finally married, my mom being dramatic for one of her good friends. It's about an hour into the actual party and I'm on my second drink.

Luckily, Jess decided there were no kids allowed meaning this party was for the adults. It was only me, JT, mom, and dad. Even though they had already met him, I reintroduced JT as a good friend of mine. They were surprised to see him. When Jess told us she was getting married a couple of months ago, I was seeing some boy I really liked and she told me I could bring him as my plus one.

Well, that boy played me two weeks later meaning I didn't have a plus one anymore. I could've come alone but when my mom reminded me about the wedding last week, I realized that maybe I did want to bring someone. Someone fun. Hence why I invited Jay. We're good friends and while things are still weird between him and my roommate, we don't let that come between the relationship we've formed.

My dad and JT have been talking almost the whole night about all different kinds of things leaving mom and I to chat. "He's cute." Mom waggles her brows at me. I almost choke on my drink at her words. She hasn't said anything the whole night but I was wondering when she might. "It's not like that at all. He's Ember's," I tell her truthfully.

Yes, JT is sweet, genuine, and I'll admit, a decent-looking guy but he's just a friend to me. There are no feelings there for him. He's reserved for my best friend back home. I'm sure they're on their way back to each other. When I told her I invited him, she told me to snap a picture with him so she could see how good he looked in a suit. That picture has been taken and sent already.

Mom's eyes widen a bit and she picks up her drink. "Tell me more," she says, before taking a sip of her red wine. "They're not officially together. They kind of... fell off, but I know them both. They'll rekindle soon, I'm sure of it," I tell her, not filling her in with much detail. "He's a nice boy. Your dad seems to like him." We both turn our heads and see dad listening intensely to whatever JT is talking about.

"He has that effect on people. He's a very likable boy," I admit. It was never my intention to befriend the guy but after our first conversation, that changed. I had never met a boy my age who seemed to have so much intelligence and be such a kind soul. There is no way this guy has any haters. I'd be shocked if he did. He treats everyone with respect and kindness. As it should be. I'm lucky to call him a friend.

When dad is finished taking my date away from me, I drag him to the bar to do shots. We meet a couple of other people there who welcome us to drink with them. JT and I have fun at the bar for about half an hour, drinking away with people we don't know. Once my hands start feeling shaky, that's when I know I'm tipsy. I can see JT's glossy eyes too since he's been taking more shots than I have.

"Let's go dance!" I say in his ear so that he can hear me over the loud music. He nods, taking one last shot before grabbing the hand I'm holding out for him. People take up most of the dance floor and I'm not lying when I say it's crazy. Jess's friends and family know how to get down, creating dance circles and lifting her and her husband in the air.

At one point, JT and I get thrown in the middle with Jess and Micheal. We're stupidly dancing to whatever song is playing and having fun, not caring who might be judging. We have our fun there but are able to slip out and enjoy the performance of the next victim that gets thrown in the middle. Everyone's laughing their ass off when the guy tries to do some hip-hop move and falls on his ass.

JT grabs onto me for support as he howls in laughter. "I can't breathe." He clutches his stomach and then basically drags me back to our seats. We're still laughing when we sit down. "What happened in there?" mom asks, looking over at the dance circle like she'll be able to see past the bodies. "Some dude fell on his a- butt," JT responds. Dad makes a face like that's not funny but mom smiles. "Have fun?" she asks.

"Too much, I think," I reply. It slipped my mind that I drove here. There's no way I can get behind the wheel now. "I'll drive your car, Nols," dad says like he read my mind. We get served some cake and the dessert table opens up. JT and I run like children over to it to try and get the best snacks. We shove our faces with treats for the next hour and a half before mom and dad start saying their goodbyes to people.

"Let's go, kids," mom says. JT stands first and holds out his hands for me. I accept the help and loop my arm through his as we walk out behind my parents. The party is starting to die down but some people are still going as we leave. "I had fun," JT says, catching my attention. I smile at him, squeezing his arm with mine. "Me too."

We both hop into the backseat of my Range Rover and dad takes over the driver's seat, adjusting my seat to fit his large body. "Where to JT?" he asks. JT gives him Miles' address. Dad drives and JT and I talk in the back, both still a bit drunk but we don't say that out loud. As we pull into the driveway, I notice a third car. I'm about to say Tate's name until I see the car and my stomach drops.

I turn to look at JT and his eyes are widened in the direction of the car. So I'm not just seeing things. "No way," he almost whispers. He looks over at me. "It's her? Allie?" I ask him. I already know the answer because I know that's her car. I've seen it before. "Looks like it," he mumbles.

Is that why... I shake my head.
Don't think about that, Nola.

Suddenly I'm not drunk anymore. "Thanks for the ride, Mr. Scott. I had a great time, it was nice seeing you and your wife, again," JT speaks. "You too. Take care, maybe we'll see each other again," dad replies. "I'll walk you inside quickly," I stupidly say. JT just nods and we both get off my car. "He's such an idiot," he says as we walk up the driveway to the front door. I'm sure he's talking about Miles.

He puts in the code to the house and steps inside once it unlocks. A girl's laughter comes from farther inside the house and I walk in. She's here. That's her. Miles is back with Allie and that's why he didn't want to kiss me. The picture is a whole lot clearer now. "Come with me really quick. I don't want to be awkward passing by them," JT says.

I swallow the knot in my throat and nod as much as I want to run out of here. Instinctively, I grab his arm and he lets me as we walk down the long hall toward the living room. When we make it there, silence fills the air. Miles sits up on the couch. "Kid, you're home. I thought I'd have to pick you up," Miles says. I get the courage to look over at him and his eyes flit from mine to JT and I's intertwined arms.

"Nola's dad drove us. We're kind of...drunk," he responds. Stupidly, I look over at Allie who is looking at us with a slight smile on her face. "Hi Jason," the brunette says, smiling in his direction. "Hey," he says, his tone unbothered. "I'll see you soon?" He turns to look at me. I nod and force a smile on my lips. "Bye." Not wasting another second, I walk off in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

When I make it back, dad makes me buckle up before he starts moving the car. "Nice kid, Nola. I like him," he says. While I might be listening, my heart is racing a million miles a minute staring at the large mansion in front of me. She's in there with him. They're together. Of course, they are. He was never going to break up with that supermodel.

And he was never going to kiss me.

"Yeah," I say in a shaky breath, laying my head against the seat. The ride home is quiet and my hands are shaky in my lap. My mom waits for my dad outside my apartment. He hands me my keys and kisses my forehead before leaving. Expecting to be met with silence, I'm shocked to see Ember still awake in the living room munching on popcorn. "Hello, roomie."

My lips form into a weak smile at her voice. "Hi," I respond. Her dark brows furrow and she sits up. "What's wrong? Was the wedding not fun?" she asks. I shake my head and throw myself on the couch next to her. "It was fun. Just tired," I lie. Ember doesn't know about my feelings for Miles. Hell, I don't know about my feelings for that guy. They're new. They're also stupid.

"Don't lie to me, ice princess. What's happened?" She picks up the remote and hits pause on The Bachelor. If this was anyone else, I'd keep my mouth shut. But it's Ember. I trust her not to say anything and she also trusted me with the information about her and Jay's relationship. She's a private girl when it comes to her relationships so I should feel lucky.

Letting out a big sigh, I tell her about Allie and Miles, the almost kiss between Miles and I, and about what I saw tonight when dropping off JT. Her eyes are flying saucers by the time I'm done and she's scrambling for answers about things. I answer everything and I swear I've never seen anyone so in shock about something. "I would've never guessed you would fall for that man, Nola. I mean yeah he's hot but wow. I'm shook."

"I didn't fall for him! I just... wanted to kiss him once. Just to see what the deal was or whatever. It was a in the moment thing alright!" I say, clarifying that my feelings are not that deep. Ember holds her hands up in defense. "Right, okay, sorry. Wrong choice of words. I'm still wondering why he decided to get back with that girl after everything he told you about her," Em says.

Yeah, me too. But that's none of my business. His relationship with Allie doesn't have anything to do with me. He's a grown man, I'm sure his reasoning to get back with the girl isn't dumb. It does make me look at him a bit differently though.

"Men are confusing," I sigh. Em nods, agreeing. After a moment of silence, she speaks again. "What about JT? How was he today?" she asks. I smile as we shift gears. Ember has been fighting herself not to get in contact with him but I know she wants to. He's been waiting on her too. We talked about it a little bit on the car ride home. "Good company. Chatted my dad's ear off. He said he misses you," I add.

She tries not to smile but fails. Looking down at her hands, she lets out a sigh and nods. "Maybe I'll talk to him soon. I've just been busy with school being back and figure skating," she says. My old team is getting ready for their competition next weekend. I promised Ember I'd be there to support and I'm hoping she and JT patch things up soon so he can be there.

"Take your time. He's not going anywhere," I promise her. She nods, "Want to watch an episode with me?" Ember juts her head in the direction of the TV. I haven't watched this season of The Bachelor yet because I've been so busy. "Sure. Catch me up," I say. My roommate smiles and starts filling me in.

This will be a good enough distraction for tonight.

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