Chapter Five: Weightless & Hands

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Later that morning, the lair

Only Donatello and Leonardo were in the dojo, training with master splinter. Mikey was excused from the lesson. "Where's mikey and raph, sensei?" Donatello asked curiously. "Michelangelo is in his room and have no idea where raphael could be." he answered, also worried. "Continue." He continued, commanding gently with the tap of his stick.

While the turtles trained, the old rat sighed softly. Looked to the doorway of the dojo, his concerns rose continuous worry. Closed his eyes and resumed with the training while his youngest remained, silent in his room.

April's apartment

Raphael had scoffed down the hot breakfast, April had prepared for him. Smiled pleasingly as she found someone that enjoys her cooking. "That good, eh?" she asked. Raph looked to April and nodded with a big grin, still chewed the food as he savoured the flavour. Picking up a napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. "You got a little of something, here." She told him. Raphael watched her, gazed deeply at the wondrous beauty before him and just smiled.

April had noticed the glance and smiled back as she said. "What?" He tucked his lower lip up alittle while still smiling and shrugged then answered, softly. "Nothing."

"Nothing? Are you just nothing." she purred, leaning in close. He looked up and gazed in her eyes, replying. "Yeah, I'm sure." April blushed lightly, continued to smile. Few seconds later, he finished the last of food and orange juice; he wasn't a fan of fruit juice but somehow April made the drink had impressed him. "Mmm, that was so good." He commented with a pleasing purr.

Taking the plate and glass, as she smiled and replied. "You're welcome." she winked and walked to the kitchen as raphael watched her firm, tight buttocks moved and swayed alittle. Biting his lower lip alittle as he felt a sensation in his tail. Keeping himself calm and subtle as he realised the tingling arousal, sighed softly and lowly as he managed to relax. Standing up from the chair and took a place in the living room, and begun to do some sit-ups.

April walked out and stood in the doorway, drying the glass and she smiled adrmirably. Raphael didn't notice at first and when he did, just smiled and continued on with the exercise. April returned to the kitchen and finished up the dishes then sat by close, and watched the terrapin exercise.

Counting each sit-up he made and didn't break a sweat either. April commented curiously but teased. "You are looking good but I bet you can't pick and lift me up." Raphael stopped and leaned on his elbows and gazed towards her, replying. "Wanna try and see?" he smirked, looking at her physique and measuring her up.

April smiled cockily and replied. "Alright." Standing up and stepped towards his side then waited for him to raise up and lift her. Which he did and immediately she lightly squealed and he chuckled. "Well, you are light as a feather April." She blushed darkly, sheepishly smiled and waited to see he could do what she challenged him to complete.

"Can you do one hundred?" she asked, looking over her left shoulder as she folded her arms across her chest. Raphael grinned confidently and nodded then begun the challenge. April had blushed darkly like a apple and sheepishly giggled. "Oh wow. You are strong."

"Only getting warming up, babe." He told, after the tenth lift. Admirably watched his toned, sculpted muscled arms as he lifted her with ease. Reaching to the fifth lift within a short amount of time, as it seem only seconds. The red clad terrapin smiled confident, continued on and chuckled as she begun to wiggle alittle. "Trying to wiggle now?"

"Only to make things interesting." She replied, grinning. "Also curious how strong you may or could be." April continued, sheepishly. Raphael lightly chuckled and smirked abit, softly exhaled. He resumed counting in his head as he continued to lift her.

Short while later; 3 or 4 minutes to be exact

Pearls of hot sweat only begun to break and run down his temple, exhaling slowly and slightly heavy as he had finally reached the last lift of the challenge. April smiled, impressed and stated. "What to expect from a strong guy that I challenged to lift me up one hundred times."

Gently lowered her down on his torso as he rose slowly and caressed her cheek, chuckled. "Is that so? What else did you expect or assume 'bout me?" he asked, curiously. April didn't answer as she didn't know what to reply but when she did, the only answer was given out of pure honesty. "I don't know."

Gently lift her up one last time and placed her down like a antique china as he stood up to his feet and walked to the window, leaning on the sill as he glared out to the world outside. April followed and placed her tiny hand unto his shoulder, softly saying. "Hey, whatever it is. It will be ok."

At first he didn't look to her, and when he did. His eyes were filled with a deep yearning and worry. April weren't sure of why he felt the way he had and ask gently. "What is wrong? Tell me, what is wrong."

"Just wonder what the world would be like if you didn't exist." He finally replied, softly. April sighed, took his hands and gently held them, assuring him. "Don't think about it, the main thing. Right now, we have met and found each other." She smiled, warmly as he too smiled warmly back.

"I have no idea what I'd do if never met you, April." Raphael whispery said to her. And replied with a smile of tender warmth. "I don't know either, maybe still be waiting and searching."

He nodded, released her hand and cusped her cheek gently. So ever tenderly as she closed her eyes and nuzzled in the cusp of his palm. Wanting to kiss her, as he drew close then pulled away and whispered. "I should be getting back, master splinter will be worried."

April nodded agreeably and replied. "Yeah, wouldn't want to keep you away for too long. Come back later?" he smiled and replied. "As long there is pizza." She laughed. "Deal."

Brushed his thumb across her cheek and smiled, then kissed her forehead before slipping out the window and disappeared in the shadows.

To be continued in chapter six

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