Chapter Seven: Stars & Halloween

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One month later

Raphael and April had been secretly seeing eachother, presumably assumed the others haven't suspected anything changed, as they always presented to be only good close friends but while away and in her apartment. If only they knew.

Raphael would find any excuse to drop by over April's apartment and be with her. Watch corny chick romantic flicks even go out for long walks under the stars. One of her favourite things she enjoyed doing is spending, the night star gazing. April would purr happily as she snuggled in his strong arms. "Who needs a blanket when can snuggle in your arms for warmth." Raph smiled, nestled his face in her neck and churred. "Love teasing me, do you babe?" he asked.

April chuckled and ran her fingers along his arm softly, nestled her head against his upper scutes and slightly under his cheek. "MMM, not long until Halloween is here." She mentioned, purring softly and nuzzled more.

"Yeah, I know. You thinking of going trick 'n' treat?" he nuzzled back, sweetly. "Maybe." She replied, smiling. "What will you dress as? A sexy turtle in a red bikini? Or even the playboy bunny?" he wondered. "You just have to wait and see." April looked up to him, smiling.

The red clad terrapin looked down to her, and lost himself in her beautiful green eyes. The twinkle and sparkle in her eyes had captivated his gaze even deeper. "So beautiful." He commented, blushing.

Smiling warmly and caressed his cheek tenderly. "So are you." She replied, whispery. He smiled more, tenderly kissed her lips. Pulling him closer to her as she kissed him back but deeper and more passionate. After two minutes of passionate and deep intimate kissing, their lips parted and their foreheads meet, sharing a warming nestle. Both exhaled softly in unison. "Wow, that is one intimate kiss."

Raphael smiled and chuckled then answered. "Yeah, sure was." Softly kissed her nose and looked up as he whispery said. "Look." Turning her head and looked up where Raphael pointed up above them. A bright star fell from the heavens and over across in the distance, whispered in her ear. "Make a wish, babe."

April smiled and closed her eyes, then said one word. "Done."

"What did you wish for?" he asked, curiously. "If I tell you, then it won't come true." She told him. Raphael embraced her tighter and sighed then replied. "Alright babe. Hope it will come true." April turned and kissed him again then assured him. "If this makes you any better, I wish for the same." This made Raphael very happy, couldn't stop himself from smiling. "Let's hope it comes true."

She nodded and nestled in his arms deeper then drifted to sleep. He smiled and thought to himself. 'How did I ever get so lucky?' Gently picking the sleeping beauty up in his arms and carried inside. Placing her down on the bed, gently and ever so carefully then climbed in with her. Draping his arm around her waist and drifted to sleep, pulling the covers over them.

Meanwhile in the lair, Donatello was busy with his computer and gadgets. Mikey was scoffing down pizza with peanut and jelly. While watching some tv shows. Leonardo was in the hushy training with Master splinter. Flicking through the channels as he became bored then finally, a show on the television caught his attention and immediately sprung up then ran to his brothers room. "Donnie!" he called, not realising had frightened his brother as he was in a deep sleep. Papers flying about as he nearly fell from the chair, he sat on. "What mikey?" Glaring at him, sternly annoyed.

"Wanna go trick 'n' treating?" Mikey asked, waiting for a reply and hoping he'd agree. "Don't you think, we're alittle old for trick 'n' treating?" Donatello replied, rubbing his eyes. "Let me think, nah." He answered, grinning. "Where's raph?" he wondered. "Won't you ask him?"

"Well, hadn't seen him all day." Mikey replied, scratching the back of his head. "Come to think of it, he had been taking off topside a lot lately." Donatello thought on it for a moment and wondered the same thing. "Well, maybe we can go topside for awhile as it is one night of the year that we can venture out without anyone assuming us to be freaks or monsters. True?"

"True." Mikey agreeably stated with a smile then continued. "So that a 'yes' or a 'no'."

"Oh yeah, let's go mikey. Time for trick 'n' treating" he smiled and grabbed a couple of bags then left the lair.

April's apartment

Raphael had awoken and found himself alone on the bed with the covers still over him but the space where April laid was empty. Rose his head and looked around then laid on his shell, stretched alittle before getting up from the bed and moaned. "April?" he called. "In the kitchen." She replied. Walking out of the room and into the living room as he said. "What time is it, babe?"

"Past 8." She replied, from the kitchen. "Hungry? I ordered pizza and Chinese." Raphael sat down and smiled happily, replied. "Yeah sure." He thought to himself. 'Damn, what a gal. Am I dreaming?' His eyes widen alittle as he looked up to her and saw her dressed only a floral gown. "Wow, that is nice."

"What is?" she glanced, confused. "This, the gown." He pointed out, taking the plate of food she handed to him then looked down and replied, realising immediately. "Oh, this? It is nothing new. Just looks that way." Sitting down beside him and slowly ate her pizza while the television played the scheduled Halloween programs.

"Want to go to this Halloween party on 3rd avenue later?" April asked, looking to Raphael, hoping that he'd would agree. He looked to her, chewing on his pizza and answered with a nod then said shortly afterwards. "Why not, one night of the year I can walk around without a problem as everyone is dressed as something. So what will you dressed as?"

April grinned and leaned in close, replied in a soft whisper. "For me to know and for you to wait and see, honey." Raphael smirked and chuckled. "Alright."

Placing the plate down as she only had the pizza, left her share of the Chinese food for later. Brushed the back of her fingers across his cheeks as she deeply gazed in his dark green eyes. "I'll be right back, honey." Raphael smiled, watching her leave the room and finished his pizza.

Few minutes later, April returned and said. "You can look now, big guy." He turned and when he did, dropped the bottle. "I think I found the perfect halloween costume, raph. What do you think?" she smiled as he gawked blushing.

To be continued in chapter eight…. ;)

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