Chapter 10

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Avu's POV

Ok so everything's ready. But where is sid? I went out of our room to go down and asked a worker to bring all the stuff downstairs. I reached and saw him standing and talking to Bhai.

Avu: Sid where were you?

Sid: I went to arrange these passports.

He said and passed me my passport. I opened it

Avu: Who is Kiya sharma ?

Sid: You?

Avu: What ?

Sid: Yes you are kiya sharma and I am Advil Sharma till we reach London.

Avu: But why?

Sid: So that your fiance and your father doesn't find us. They are already in Germany.

Abhi: What?

Sid:Yes brother, blessy informed me about it. They have a doubt on you and that's why I brought these fake passports.

Abhi: If they are here then its risky for you to stay.

Sid: I know and that's why we are leaving right now. Avu I hope you're ready?

Avu: Yes

Sid: Okay, the car is ready. I'm going you come okay?

Avu: Okay

He went towards bhai and vaish and hugged them

Abhi: Take care of you and avu.

Sid: Don't worry bhai she is safe with me.

Abhi: I know

Sid smiled and left.

Avu: I think this is it. I have to go now.

Vaish hugged me really tightly and then bhai kissed my forehead.

Vaish: Take care and call us when you reach

Avu: Done

I hugged her last time and sat in car outside.

Sid: Shall we go?

Avu: Yess

Driver started driving and soon we reached airport. We completed our checkings and then sat on chairs waiting for the flight.

Avu: Why can't we go from a private jet or something?

Sid:Because of your father I repeat.

Avu:Ugh this man

I said in frustration and he chuckled. Suddenly a man nearly 25 years old came

Man: Mind if I sit here miss?

Avu: No not at all. Please come

I shifted and he sat beside me.

Man: Btw I am Aarush.

Avu: Myself Av-

I remembered and corrected myself .

Avu: Kiya Sharma

Aar: Oh nice to meet you. So I guess you're heading to london.

Avu: Yep

Aar: Me too

Avu: oh great.

Aar: So-

We were cut off by our flight's announcement.

Sid: Love let's go

I got shocked for a second when he called me love

Aar: Who is he?

Sid: I'm her husband, gotta problem with that?

Aar: No I'm sorry.

Sid: You better be

Avu: Sid what happened?

Sid: Nothing

He said sternly and dragged me to the boarding gate. We did boardings and sat in flight.

Avu: Sid what is it?


Avu: Why did you behave like that?

Sid: Because that guy was unnecessarily getting close to you

Avu: So?

Sid: So what, I didn't like it

I thought for a moment and smirked

Avu: You were jealous?

Sid: No, why would I be jealous

Avu: You were

Sid:I wasn't

Avu:You were

Sid: I wasn't

Avu: Ok Mr Jealous

Sid: I said na I wasn't jealous

He said a little louder

Avu: Okay fine and believe you

I said with a fake smile. And looked out of the window

Why am I happy that he is jealous. Why I love being around with him. Why does he feels so safe? Why?

Sid's POV

I was jealous I know. Why would I not be. Come on she is my wife and I love her. Wait what the hell i love her? Why did I think that. No no it's not love definitely or is it. Is it love? I turned and saw that she was sleeping. She might be tired after everything. I was staring her when she hugged my arm and kept her head on my shoulder. I was very uncomfortable but I didn't wanted to disturb her so I stayed.

Is it love that I choose her comfort over mine ?

Is it love that I love her smile?

Is it love that I want her to be safe always?

Is it love that I got jealous of that boy today?

Is it love that I couldn't see her crying ?


IT IS LOVE. Oh my God I love her. I don't know why but tears formed in my eyes. I wiped them away and kissed her forehead . Now everything seems clear. I love her and that's it I know right now

I always had a family. I have a brother and a sister. I have four friends who are more important to me than my life. They all loved me always. But the only thing left was a partner's love. Today I found my partner. But will I be able to get her love or not ? Whatever happens I don't care I just know that I love her.

I found my home, she is my home.


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Today I'm going to start a new thing. At the end of every chapter I'll ask you suggestions, like scenes or plots you wanna see. If I find it nice or matching to my story then I'll add it.

Suggestions her please♡

Take care and love you ❤

Prisha ❤

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