Chapter 12

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Avu's POV

Avu: What contract ?

Sid: These are the property contract to be exact.

Avu: I don't understand

Sid: These papers are of this house. As I didn't have anything to gift you after marriage so I am gifting you these.

My eyes filled with tears.

Sid: Hey why are you crying? Did I do anything wrong? I'm sorry but why are you crying?

I didn't say anything and hugged him.

Avu: You don't need to do this.

Sid: But I want to so I will.

I broke the hug and smiled at him

Sid: But yeah I wanted to say one more thing.

Avu: Hmm?

Sid: I know you're forced in this marriage. So after I kill Rihaan and your dad if you want I will give you divorce. Okay?

Avu: Okay but I won't do this because I want to give a chance to this marriage and to you.

Sid: Okay thank you. Now sign these fast.

I signed yet papers and he kept it back.

Sid: Now sleep you must be tired.

Avu: Yeah and you also come.


We both laid down and slept.

Meanwhile in Germany,

Rihaan and Rajat are sitting with Abhishek and Vaishnavi in their house.

Abhi: So uncle what do I owe to have you here ?

Raj: Stop with you drama Abhishek

Rihaan: Yes we know that you helped my fiance to run away and you're hiding her. Don't need to lie we know everthing

Abhi: Thank God you know everything otherwise I would have to lie but you saved my time.

Raj: Where is she?

Abhi: She is somewhere safe.

Rihaan: Mr. Abhishek where is she? We down have anything with you just give her to us and save yourself.

Abhishek started laughing

Abhi:Are you guys serious? You are in Germany and still you dare to warn the king?

Ri: I don't care what you are. Just tell where is she.

Abhi: I'm not in mood

Ri:Okay so you wanna play fine. Just wait and watch I will find her, then marry her and then I'll fuck her till she dies.

Abhi stood up in anger and grabbed Ri's collar

Abhi: Think before you speak anything rubbish about my sister. I won't hesitate to kill you

Ri: Oh what happened to you huh? Scared ?

Abhi: No I'm not at all scared. Because she is safe and she is with her husband.

Raj: What??

Abhi: Yess she married someone and that someone is going to be a reason of your death.

Ri:What do you think huh? I am a normal mafia. NO A BLOODY NO. I will kill that boy and then I'll marry your sister.

Abhi:We'll see .

Ri: Yeah we'll see. Let's go Mr. Rajat.

Rajat nodded and they both left.

Vaish: Abhi I'm scared for them

She said while having tears in her eyes. Abhi hugged her and caressed her hair.

Abhi : Me too but don't worry Sid won't let anything happen to her.

Vaish: But what if something happens to sid ?

He didn't say anything and closed his eyes.

Abhi:I don't know. I just don't know.

He didn't tell vaish anything but he knew that his brother's life is at risk. He knew how dangerous rihaan and Rajat are.

Back to London,

Next Morning

Sid woke up and found avu sleeping on his chest. He kissed her forehead and got up. He took a bath and went to kitchen. He made breakfast for them and came back to her.

Sid: Avu

No response


This time he said while shaking her. She opened her eyes

Sid: Get up, I need to show you something

Avu: Sid it's just 6 in the morning.

Sid: I know but get up

Avu: What do you want?

Sid: I want you to wake up ans come with me

Avu: Where?

Sid: Just come

Avu: I hate you

Sid: Hate me but come fast.

Avu: Ughhh fine

She said with a grumpy face and got up.
They both went and sat on dining.

Sid: Eat your breakfast and be quick

She nodded and they started eating. After they finished sid took her hand and dragged her towards a room beside their guest room on ground floor.

Avu: where are you taking me exactly?

Sid: I wanna show you something, look at that painting.

he said while pointing towards a painting. she turned and looked

avu: it is beautiful. but why are you showing me this?

sid: just wait and watch

he went towards that painting and tilted it slightly. as soon as he did that they heard a sound of a door. avu frowned in confusion

avu: what was that ?

sid went towards the a small carpet laid on the floor and removed it. there was a small button which he pressed and the part which was covered with carpet started opening. it opened completely and sid gestured her to climb it down

avu: what is it?

sid: it is a secret basement.

avu: woah

sid: now come

she nodded and they climbed down. it was a big basement with several rooms.

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Take care and love you


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