Chapter 2

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Avu's POV

I looked up and found Anita Ma, standing there with a worried face. I hugged her and started crying not because that chicken leg piece ditched me but because my own father ditched me . Anita Ma is the only one who took care of me after mom

(She is not her stepmother but her caretaker)

Ani: Avni, what happened baby?

Avu: Ma, D-dad.......

I couldn't say furthur and started crying again. She held my hand and took me to my room. As soon as abhinavi saw me they came near me.

Abhi: Avu, what happened?

Vaish: Yes why the hell you're crying?

Ani: Vaish beta please bring her water.

Di nodded and brought me a glass of water. I drank it and made myself calm

Ani: Now tell us, what happened?

I told them everything and they all got angry specially bhai.

Abhi: I won't leave that Asshole.

Vaish: Calm down Abhay

Di calmed him down.

Vaish: I can't believe, that a father can do this to his own daughter.

Ani: He can do anything, he is a monster.

We all looked at her in shock.

Avi: What are you saying ma?

Ani: Avu I'm really sorry I hid this from you but I think it's time you should know your father's real side.

I looked at her confusingly.

Ani: Your mother didn't die in accident she killed herself

Avu: W-what?

Ani: Yes avu, she was tired of his tortures, affairs and etc. So she drank poison.

I can't believe, dad killed her.

Ani: Avu, rihan is just like him. He will make your life hell. Don't marry him.

Avu: But what should I do ma?

Abhi: Come with me.

Avu: What?

Abhi: Yes avu, come with us to Germany.

Avu: But bhai-

Ani: He is right avu, go with him. Please

Avu: Okay fine

Ani: Abhi please take care of my daughter

Abhi: I promise aunty.

Vaish: But only 25 mins are left for marriage. We can't do anything

Bhai smirked.

Abhi: Don't worry about that, just hear me out

We nodded

Abhi: Your father shouldn't know that you ran off to germany and that too with us. Because if he gets to know then there will be no use of running away. Right?

Vaish: Right.

Abhi: So we all will go out and will act normal. Okay?

Avu: Okay. Then?

Abhi: Till then you change your clothes and pack a small bag with your important stuff in it. Don't keep useless things, I will buy you everything there. Clear?

Avu: Yess. But how will you take me out of here?

Abhi: We won't, because if we will disappear even for a sec then maybe your father will doubt on us.

Avu: Then how will I escape?

Abhi: Calm down girl, just get ready now. We are going out. Don't worry about escaping. Be chill and get ready.

Avu: Okay I trust you.

He smiled and then they all went out and I started packing my stuff

Abhi's POV

We all came out.

Abhi: Vaish and aunty just go and enjoy the wedding and please for God's sake act normal.

Vaish: Don't worry babe we'll handle.

Abhi: Okay now go.

They went and I went to Mr. Rajat.

Abhi: Hello uncle

Raj: Hello son, how are you?

Abhi: I'm fine, what about you?

Raj: Oh I'm perfectly fine. By the way did you meet avneet for the last time before marriage.

Abhi: Yes I did, she was really upset so we thought to give her some alone time.  I think she'll miss you a lot.

Raj: Yeah she will after all she loves me so much.

Abhi: Definitely uncle.

Raj: Anyways son I'll take my leave now.

Abhi: No problem uncle. We'll meet later.

He smiled and left, what a asshole. I rolled my eyes watching him go and went to a corner to call someone. I dialed her number

Sm1: Greetings Sir.

Abhi: Yeah

Sm1: How can I serve you sir?

Abhi: I have a very urgent and important work so, Is anyone here in mumbai?

Sm1: Yes sir, blessy is in mumbai right now.

Abhi: Great ask her to call me

Sm1: Yes sir

I hung up the call and after a minute my phone rang. I picked it up

Abhi: Hello?

Sm1: Sir it's me blessy. (Welcome Siddharth_lifeline )

Abhi: Hello blessy, glad to hear you. Now listen I have a very important work for you and this is really confidential.

Blessy: Okay sir, tell me what to do.


Blessy: Your work will be done sir. I'll be there soon.

She hung up the call and I went back.

POV ends

How's the chapter?

So all the guesses were wrong except some extra intelligent people who said that it would be a human🙄🙄

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Take care and love you

-prisha ❤

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