Chapter 8

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As promised kiyu completed 275+ followers so here is your chapter ❤.

In Canberra Australia,

Anushant were watching TVD . When Nish's phone rang.

Nish: Hello?

Sm1: Hey nish it's me

Nish: Oh hello sid, how are you?

Sid: I am good, what about you and anu?

Nish: Yeah we're good.

Sid: I called you because I have to tell you a very important thing.

Nish: Yeah say

Sid:Not on call. I'll call you all in London soon. It's about our new mission.

Nish: Okay cool.

Sid: Where are you guys?

Nish:Canberra, Australia

Sid: Okay see ya soon.

Nish: Yep

With this sid hung up on the call

Anu: What did he say?

Nish: New job, London it is.

Anu: Oh great. When?

Nish: He'll inform

Anu: Cool now let's continue tvd.

Nish: As you say my queen

They both cuddled and continued watching TVD.

In Brazil,

Dev: Babe that's not how it is done. Look at me carefully.

He was teaching priya to cook pasta and priya was staring him.

Dev: Now if you're done starting me then bring garlic please.

Priya: No one means no one has the right to stop me from staring you. Get it?

Dev: Yeah okay my possessive girl. Now please bring me garlic

Priya:Yeah sure

She brought the garlic and just then the phone rang.

Priya: Hello

Sid: Priya it's me sid.

Priya: Oh hi

Sid: Hey

Priya: What's up

Sid: Nothing I just wanted to inform you that. I'll call you in London soon, it's about our new mission.


Sid: Yep see ya then

Priya:See ya

Priya hung up and told everthing to dev

Back in Germany,

Everyone was in the living area

Lawyer: Sir, ma'am sign on these papers. And then we'll do the furthur procedure

Abhi: Yeah guys sign on it. Fast.

Sid took the pen and signed on it and after that he gave it to avu. Avu held it and was hesitating to sign. Sid held her hand

Sid: I promise I'll keep you happy and safe. And still if you have any doubts, I won't force you. Its totally your decision.

Avu: I trust you.

She said with a  smile and signed.

After sometime they completed all the procedures.

Lawyer: Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Nigam.

Sid: Thank you so much.

The lawyer left with the papers.

Avu's POV

Sid: Avneet I brought something for you .

Avu: What?

Sid:Di please bring it.

Vaish: Yeah just a min.

Vaishnavi left and came back with a small pouch and gave it to sid. Sid took the auspicious thread ( Mangal sutra)😂😂 out of the pouch.

Sid: I know we didn't have a proper hindu wedding but I bought this for you. As I know this has a lot of value in our culture.

(Sid ko maine bilkul sanskari or pyara banaya hai😂❤. Idk why)

I smiled at his genuineness.

Sid: May I?

I nodded and he made me wear that.

Avu: Can we go now?

I said while chuckling.

Sid: No I have something more.

Sid took out a ring from his pocket.

Sid: I also bought this for you.

Aww this man. Is he planning to kill me with his cuteness.

Sid:Give me your hand

I happily gave him my hand. He made me wear it and kissed it.

Sid: I promise to take your all responsibilities.

God this guy. I'm sure I'm the luckiest girl in this whole world right now.

Avu: Thank you so much Sid ,thank you so much .

I said and hugged him. It feels so good in his arms.

Abhi: I think you forgot us

He said with a smirk and we broke the hug and blushed.

Vaish: abhi learn something from sid. It's only 10 mins since he got married but look he is so romantic.

Abhi: Yeah why not? Sid sir please teach me how to impress my girl.

Sid:Come on bhai.

He said while chuckling

Abhi: Btw Avu, I must say you're lucky that you got a gem instead of that stone.

Vaish: And sid you're lucky too. She is just perfect for you.

Sid: I know bhabhi. That's why I married her.

He said with a  wink and I blushed.

Abhi: Now go to your room now. It's your first night afterall.

He said while smirking.

Sid:Shut up bhai.

Abhi:Okay okay now go.

Sid: Yeah alright. Let's go avneet.


We both went in our room.


How's the chapter?

Sidneet are married finally.

A question for you all, as I wanted to know 😂

Do you want  a badboy/badgirl or goodboy/goodgirl as a partner ???

Any words for anushant and devriya?

Do vote and comment.

Take care and love you


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