Chapter 3: Rise of the Pirate Squad/Meet Mechagodzilla

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(A flying galleon is seen above Union City. Inside of it, the Goldtsuiker siblings are seen.)

Cross: Yohohoi Yohohoi Yohohoi hoi!

F/R/C: Yohohoi Yohohoi Yohohoi hoi!

Cross: Yohohoi Yohohoi Yohohoi hoi!

(Then Hikaru, along with the parallel counterparts of Izuku, Shoto and Marinette come in. The alternate Izuku has a white hair, the alternate Shoto has black and white hair, and the alternate Marinette has black hair and black lips.)

I/S/M: Yohohoi Yohohoi Yohohoi hoi!

(Then the galleon sets towards Union Academy.)

Flint: Why are we going to that shitty excuse of an academy?

Cross: We're going to deal with Ozpin, or should I say.... Ozma.

P. Marinette: I heard about him. His lies are worse than the ones Lila told the ones I thought were my friends.

Hikaru: Yeah, he's the worst liar of the world.

(Meanwhile at Union Academy, James Ironwood is seen still mad at Wallcroft.)


Sirzechs: Just when we thought we got rid of all insurrection...

Nezu: Things are getting worse...

(Suddenly the alarm beeps.)

Ironwood: Intruders!

(Back to the galleon, it arrives at Union Academy, and then some students come out of it as the Pirate Squad jumps out of it and they land on their feet.)

P. Izuku: Perfect landing.

Shoto: (sees his counterpart) Another me?

P. Shoto: More than that.

(Then both parallel Izuku and parallel Shoto pull out their transformation devices and their ranger keys.)

P.Izuku/P.Shoto: Gokai Change!


(Then they transform into Gokai Red and Gokai Blue, surprising the students.)

Gokai Red: Gokai Red!

Gokai Blue: Gokai Blue!

(Then Ochako speaks to Cross.)

Ochako: (to Cross) Who are you?

(Then Cross starts singing "Kaizoku no Uta")

Cross: 🎵 The carefree yet "selfish" world pirates

Yohohoi yohohoi yohohoi hoi
Port and starboard, going wherever the wind blows
Yohohoi yohohoi yohohoi hoi

I'm a world pirate, in search of treasure, I sail from sea to sea
I'm a world pirate, in search of freedom, I sail from world to world
No matter what I always get what I want
And when I do I always feel good, yohohoi!

Yohohoi, yohohoi, yohohoi, feeling good!
Yohohoi, yohohoi, yohohoi, it's the best!
There it is! The Goldtsuikar family!
Singing! Dancing! Breaking away! Feeling good!
The carefree yet "selfish" world pirates

Yohohoi yohohoi yohohoi hoi
When you win, we will toast to your victory
Yohohoi yohohoi yohohoi hoi

We are world pirates, unafraid of the crashing waves, we sail from sea to sea
We are world pirates, with our comrades, we sail from world to world
Wandering around with our dreams
Whenever we can, our excitement's at full speed yohohoi

Fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well, feeling good!
Fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well, it's the best!
After the carnival, it's another festival
Singing! Dancing! Breaking away! Feeling good!
The easygoing world pirates

Let's make this thrilling!

A whole new world up ahead is waiting for us
Steady as she goes, steady as she goes, full speed ahead

Yohohoi, yohohoi, yohohoi, feeling good!
Yohohoi, yohohoi, yohohoi, it's the best!
There it is! The Goldtsuikar family!
Singing! Dancing! Breaking away! Feeling good!
The carefree yet "selfish" world pirates

Let's make this thrilling! 🎵

(During the song, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Ren, Class 1-B girls, Mei, Shinso and Melissa started dancing while both Izuku and Jaune enjoy the distraction to go to their rooms and wear some suits Mei has prepared for them.)

Izuku/Jaune: Thank you, Mei.

(Back to Union Academy entrance, Ozpin comes in and gets shocked by seeing Team RWBY, Nora, Ren, Class 1-B girls, Shinso, Mei and Melissa along with Cross.)

Ozpin: What's the meaning of this?

Cross: (pulls out his device) They're with me now, Ozma. And soon you'll be dead. Change Twokai!

(Ozpin gets shocked, but still mad at Team RWBY, Nora, Ren, Class 1-B girls, Shinso, Mei and Melissa.)

Gokai Red: Here. Use these.

(Gokai Red throws the transformation devices to Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Ren.)

RWY/Ren: Thanks.

Gokai Blue: Now insert the keys and say Gokai Change.

RWY/Ren: Right. Gokai Change!


(Then they transform into Gokai Yellow, Gokai Pink, Gokai Green and Gokai Silver.)

Gokai Pink: Gokai Pink!

Gokai Silver: Goooooookaiiiii... Silver!

Gokai Yellow: Gokai Yellow!

Gokai Green: Gokai Green!

(Then the parallel Marinette prepares to transform too.)

P. Marinette: Ankoku Change!

Jaban! Staceaser!

(Then she transforms into Staceaser)

Staceaser: Dark Power, Stacaesar!

(Hikaru prepares to transform as well.)

Hikaru: Change Zenkai!

(Hikaru becomes Zenkaiser Black, but doesn't speak a catchphrase, causing Ruby to be confused.)

Gokai Pink: (confused) You don't have a catchphrase?

Zenkaiser B.: Nope.

(This surprises everyone, even Weiss. Then Staceaser pulls out a Decadriver and a Diendriver)

Staceaser: (to Shinso and Melissa) Use these.

(Shinso takes the Decadriver and Melissa gets the Diendriver.)

Shinso: Well, it's our turn. Ready, Melissa?

Melissa: Sure.

Staceaser: (pulls out some cards) I almost forgot. Take these and say Henshin.

(The duo gets the cards.)

Shinso/Melissa: Thanks. Henshin!



(Then Shinso becomes Kamen Rider Decade while Melissa becomes Kamen Rider Diend.)

Decade: Hmm... I'm a bit impressed.

Diend: Wow, we're Kamen Riders.

Decade: Kamen Riders?

Staceaser: Yeah, they're popular in Japan. Or they were until this corrupt system started rising.

Decade: I see...

Gokai Red: Let's make this showy!

Gokai Silver: Let's do this ecstatically!

Ozpin: You will pay for your betrayal. Union, ATTACK!

Twokaizer: Pirate Squad, let's show them our true power!

(The Pirate Squad charges at the Union Fake Heroes, and Ochako starts fighting Kamen Rider Diend.)

Ochako: I can't believe you and Deku are dating.

Diend: Believe me, we are. We were both born powerless, considered as mistakes by likes of you. (pulls out two cards) And now you'll be receiving a proper beating.

Diendriver: Kamen Ride: Black RX! Kamen Ride: Accel!

(Then the two riders are summoned and charge at Ochako. Meanwhile Twokaizer is seen fighting Ozpin. They exchange blows and slashes.)

Ozpin: How can someone like you fight properly against someone like me?

Twokaizer: Humans aren't playthings. And you are no God!

(Meanwhile Decade is fighting Team CRDL. They try to hit him, but it proves to be in vain as they can't even lay a single hit on him.)

Decade: (pulls out a card) Predictable!

Decadriver: Kamen Ride: Kabuto!

(Then he changes his form to Decade Kabuto)

Decade: I can change to other riders, huh? Interesting.

Cardin: I'm not done yet, bastard!

(Then Decade pulls out another card and inserts it on his Decadriver.)

Decadriver: Attack Ride: Clock Up!

(Then Decade quickly punches each one of Team CRDL in the gut, making them cough blood.)

Decade: It's not over yet. (pulls out another card) Prepare for more!

Decadriver: Kamen Ride: Faiz!

(Then Decade changes to Decade Faiz.)

Decade: (pulls out another card) This is the end for you!

Decadriver: Final Attack Ride: Fa-Fa-Fa-Faiz!

(Then he kicks Cardin in the guy, and jumps to the sky before killing him with a jump kick. Russel, Dove and Sky get frightened and Shinso glares at them.)

Decade: Boo.

(Cardin's teammates run away, completely scared, much for Bakugo's anger.)


(Then he gets kicked by Gokai Red, who then slashes him various times.)

Gokai Red: Still all bark and no bite, I see.

(Gokai Green is seen fighting Pyrrha, who gets mad at Ren.)

Pyrrha: I can't believe you did this. Wasn't siding with that faker enough for you?

Gokai Green: Said the bitch who started dating the despicable bully, who by the way just got killed by Decade.

(Pyrrha gets surprised by hearing that, and then Ren stabs her heart, killing her.)

Gokai Green: And don't call Jaune a faker.

(Gokai Blue is seen fighting his counterpart.)

Gokai Blue: You're just like your father, other me.

Shoto: How dare you compare me to my father?

(Then Gokai Blue punches his counterpart twice before shooting his head.)

Gokai Blue: Unlike you, I don't abandon my friends.

(Staceaser is seen fighting Cat Noir.)

Cat Noir: How could you betray us, Marinette.

Staceaser: How cute, you really think I am YOUR Marinette?

(Suddenly the real Marinette wraps her yo-yo around his neck and beheads him. Then Staceaser sees her counterpart in another form.)

Staceaser: So you embraced the truth as well, another myself.

Ms. Fortune: Yes. From now on, I am Miss Fortune.

(Back to Twokaizer and Ozpin, the Pirate is seen having advantage against the reincarnation of Ozma.)

Twokaizer: Let's make this thrilling.

(Then Twokaizer shoots Ozpin before grabbing his arm and hitting him with knee strikes and kicking his face.)

Twokaizer: Yohohoi!

(Then Twokaizer prepares to finish Ozpin.)

Geardalinger: Zensoku Zenshin! Mawase Mawase! Ippai! Twokai ni Dokyun!

(Twokaizer then launches a gold energy slash at Ozpin, finishing him off.)

Twokaizer: Is that all that the reincarnation of Ozma can offer? How disappointing.

(Meanwhile Melissa prepares to finish Ochako.)

Diendriver: Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-Diend!

(Diend shoots Ochako, killing her. Then the other students see no other option but to retreat, except for a few.)

Twokaizer: Well, that was disappointing.

Shinso: Indeed, they act all high and mighty, only to be brought down like paper.

(Suddenly a humanoid killing machine approaches the squad, but doesn't kill them.)

Twokaizer: How can I help you?

????: You can be trusted. I won't kill you.

Gokai Silver: Hey, aren't you the one who killed...

????: The Atlas Soldiers? Yes, I am. Call me Mechagodzilla. I was created through the parts of the deceased Dinobots with an objective to destroy the corrupted side of Union Academy once and for all.

????: We finally meet, Mechagodzilla.

(Then they turn to see the Anti-Union Academy Resistance, but what shocks Team RWBY, Class 1-B girls, Shinso, Mei, Melissa, Mina, Miss Fortune and Team JPR is the current member.)

Blake: Ryan?

(Then Blake, Marinette, Mina and Nora run to hug Ryan.)

Blake: I miss you, Ryan.

Ryan: Me too... I miss you, girls.

Mina: (sees the Negatrix) Nice watch.

Ryan: Thanks, Pinky. Baseplate gave me that. Now I can fight the Union.

Ms. Fortune: Good to know.

(Then Ryan sees Mechagodzilla.)

Ryan: It's nice to meet you, Mechagodzilla.

Mechagodzilla: Likewise, Ryan Tennyson.

(Then the heroes leave to their base.)

(Some hours later at Union Academy Main Room, Ironwood once again slams his fist.)


Sirzechs: Not to mention that the Atlesian Soldiers have been mysteriously killed...

Nezu: And making things worse, we were betrayed by Deku, Jaune, Class 1-B girls, Team RWBY, Team JPR, Shinso and Mei Hatsume.

All Might: Ungrateful brats.

(To be continued)

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