Chapter 6: The Epic Final Battle (Part 2)

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(Ryan Tennyson, Mechagodzilla and Matthew Bryce escape the fortress, and land on their feet as they see Marcus Burns, Sonic, Jason Vines, Souichi Kadota, Justin Vines, Lykos Takao, Izayoi Sakamaki, Robert Campbell, Cross Goldtsuiker and Emerl)

Ryan: We did it! The Union Troops are officially butt-kicked. We won!

Cross: Yohohoi!

(Suddenly an earthquake happens.)

Ryan: Oh, come on. Now what? Can't we ever just win and have it be the end of it?

Matthew: Look!

(Then the Death Egg Robot, which is bigger than Mechagodzilla appears out of nowhere, and inside of it, The League of Villains, the remaining Union Headmasters and Gabriel T. Rorke are seen piloting it.)

Eggman: Gotcha. The fortress reactor was just a decoy. A true winner always keeps the trump card hidden until the end.

Ironwood: That's right. WE have won!

(Suddenly Matthew's communicator beeps.)

W. Spy: Guys, what's going on? There aren't less enemies, there's MORE!

Matthew: What?

Nora: How can there be so many?

Blake: Confirmed sightings indicate, Sun, Xenovia, Pyrrha, Team CRDL, Infinite… thousands of them!

Ryan: (angry) What have you done?

P. D. Matter: Hahahahaha. We have merely incorporated the Phantom Ruby into this Death Egg Robot.

Sirzechs: To ensure our victory. 

Matthew: But that means the Phantom Ruby no longer has a vulnerable energy supply. It's an invulnerable Ruby.

Rorke: A good deduction, Bryce. This Death Egg Robot has… no, WE have surpassed Infinite to become the complete and ultimate alliance. 

Eggman Nega: You will be crushed by this Death Egg Robot powered by the Phantom Ruby, and in the end, everything will go just as we planned.

Asuna: And since those ungrateful people have supported you instead of us, after we crush you, all mankind will be extinguished. We're going to be the only remaining people on Earth.

Nezu: And then, we will finally have a grateful world.

(Then the Death Egg Robot shows a sample of its power.)

Sonic: Your plan will end like your other plans do: with you all sitting over the pile of busted robot parts, wondering how you failed so badly.

Ryan: Let's get them!

(Ryan becomes Nega Upchuck)

Marcus: Balance Breaker!

(Marcus transforms into his Balance Breaker form)

Robert: Void Knight Key, ready! Void Knight Armor!

(Robert becomes Void Knight)

Vistamp: Kuwagata!

Demons Driver: Deal!

Souichi: You killed my family… you're going to pay. I'm gonna bring back what it meant to become a true hero and the real meaning of Union even if I have to lay down my life! HENSHIN!

Demons Driver: Delete Up! Unknown. (Michi) Unrest. (Konran) Unlimited. (Koeru) Kamen Rider Over Demons!

(Souichi becomes Kamen Rider Over Demons)


(Cross transforms into Super Twokaizer.)

Twokaizer: Pirate Power-Up! Super Twokaizer!

(Then the heroes start fighting the Giant Death Egg Robot while Matthew goes to help the other heroes.)

Matthew: They're overclocking the Phantom Ruby. That's insane!

Jaune: No regular tools can damage it now. You guys are our last chance.

Izuku: Give it your all. You'll always be our shining hope.

(Then Ryan uses his Nega Upchuck's powers and gets to damage the Death Egg Robot.)

Bowser: Damn it.

Sirzechs: How did he do that?

(Then the Death Egg Robot gets up, and Kamen Rider Over Demons prepares to fight it.)

Maria: Go on, Souichi. I know you can do this.

Kiba: Our fate is in your hands.

O. Demons: Thanks. I'll lay down my life, if it means protecting the world!

(Then Kamen Rider Over Demons manages to damage the Death Egg Robot while destroying some other robots and even destroying some missiles. After being damaged by Kamen Rider Over Demons, the Death Egg Robot starts malfunctioning.)

Ironwood: In all those years of conquest, violence, and slaughter. It was never personal. But, I'll tell you now. What we're about to do to your stubborn, annoying little alliance. We're gonna enjoy it, very, very much.

(Then another robot gets out of the Death Egg Robot, and prepares to fight the heroes.)

Mordecai: End this, guys. Defeat them.

Ryder: Go for it, guys.

(Then the heroes prepare to transform into their ultimate forms.)

Ryan (Nega Upchuck) Alien X!

Marcus: I, who am about to awaken, Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God. I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream". I shall become the Blue Dragon of Domination. And I shall sink you to the depths of the marine purgatory!

(Ryan becomes Nega Alien X while Marcus changes to his Juggernaut Drive and Mechagodzilla becomes Super Mechagodzilla. Kamen Rider Over Demons pulls out some vistamps.)

Demons Driver: Dominate Up! Batta! Genomix! Dominate Up! Scorpion! Genomix! Dominate Up! Condor! Genomix! Dominate Up! Anomalocalis! Genomix!

(Then Kamen Rider Over Demons combines all Genomix while Sonic becomes Hyper Sonic and Emerl becomes Elemental Emerl.)

Sonic: Let's do this!

Emerl: Final Battle, commence!

Ryan (N. Alien X): Behold my power!

S. Mechagodzilla: You're finished now, Union Fake Heroes!


(Then they dash at the Robot while destroying every obstacle in their way. They damage the Robot every time they get to approach it.)

Justin: Take this, Ironscum and company.

Jason: You're no match for us!

Twokaizer: Yohohoi!

(They continue the process until they get to damage the Robot significantly.)

Rorke: You gotta be kidding.

Ironwood: Oh no, not now!

(Then the heroes prepare to finish the Death Egg Robot.)

O. Demons: There's nothing seven of us can't achieve together.

Ryan (N. Alien X): Victory is ours for the taking!


(Then a rainbow colored dragon is formed and the heroes punch through the robot.)


Ironwood: Ozpin... I failed to avenge you... forgive me...



(Then the Robot explodes, killing everyone inside of it. As the explosion fades out, the Ryan and the others are seen rising their fists as they look into the sky.)

Ryan: I did it, brother. I have avenged you!

(Meanwhile the Anti-Union Academy Resistance is seen still fighting the Adbanced robots until they shut down, causing everyone to realize what's happening.)

Sunil: All right! We won!

(The heroes start celebrating their victory)

Vinnie: I knew we would do it.

Penny: Piece of cake.

SpongeBob: Yeah!

Patrick: We did it!

(Sandy helps Skipper up)

Sandy: Are you okay, Skipper?

Skipper: I've been in worse situations, but thank you. Whoo-hoo. We did it, boys.

Kowalski: Alright.

Rico: Yes!

(Then the heroes celebrate their ultimate victory against the Union Academy as the screen fades out.)

(Epilogue is next)

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