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After the brightness diminished, everyone adjusted their eyes to see the results.

Some smoke prevented Akane and the rest from seeing the state of the female Godzilla. The readings of radiation in front of them were high, the same amount a titan like Godzilla's species emitted. ["Did it work?"] Rick asked on the radio. However, when Akane reviewed the autistic resonance from in front...there wasn't any sound to tell them that the Godzilla specimen was with life. At this moment Akane started to panic, thinking that they may have either made things much worse or have internally fried the interior of the titan. More so, she began to feel even more guilty for having thought of such idea, fearing that she had done something that, as desperate and hopeful as it had seemed, turned out to be an utter failure. This mistake, this attempt to help, had led to a disgrace to the memory and wishes of her deceased mentor.

Just when Akane's mind was about to spiral into deep guilt and despair, a small beeping in the panel began to sound.

When she looked up, the panel showed that a small resonating thrumming was starting to be detected. Gradually, it began to increase as the energy detection systems began to sound more frantically. A rumbling was heard up ahead, making Akane look up to the screen displays that showed what Shiryu saw. As the smoke began to clear, the large and glowing dorsal plates began to pulse more vividly and move as the female Godzilla began to rise once more. The pulsing began to increase, Akane felt even without the systems and instruments, as the titan loomed over the two again. This time it felt like witnessing an entire colosal mountain rise up from the ground, large and powerful. Immediately after the female Godzilla rose to full height, the alarms of an imminent attack began to blare around the cockpit. Akane snapped out of her awe-induced trance and grabbed the controls to pull Shiryu into evasive maneuvers. And in good time as she saw that the female Godzilla was just finished charging up its atomic breath before firing.

However, instead of firing at one of the two mechagodzillas...the atomic breath missed them completely and streaked past the two. The atomic breath impacted the wall through which the two of them drilled through, creating a powerful explosion. Akane yelped in fright as she moved Shiryu out of the way of the falling boulders, Shiryu Kai doing the same. Akane covered her eyes as the female Godzilla continued to use its atomic breath to blast through the cavern...until it was finished. The final product was a wide path made to exit out of the hidden chamber. The dorsal plate glow from the back of the female Godzilla soon simmered down until the glow faded, having finished blasting through the rocks and boulders. Akane gave a sigh of relief that the titan was aiming at the wall, and not them, but immediately tensed up when the female Godzilla turned around focused its attention back at the Shiryu units. The titan turned around fully and walked towards Shiryu Kai, tail flicking as they examined the autonomous mechagodzilla.

Afterwards the female Godzilla turned to face the other unit and approach it, stopping right in front of Shiryu's face with narrowed eyes and an intimidating look. Akane remained still inside the cockpit, hoping that the female Godzilla didn't attack them. Without any warning, the AI in the system suddenly acted on its own and began playing the resonating sound from Shiryu's chest, the soothing heartbeat pulse beginning. "What? No! Not now!" Akane whispered as she tried frantically to stop the sound from continuing, but then she noticed something occur on the female Godzilla. The titan heard the resonating acoustic sound coming from the mechagodzilla...and then its gaze began to soften. Akane gasped silently as she saw the slight change that was seen on the titan's face, as if she were looking right back at an intelligent being. Moments passed, almost like another eternity, before the female Godzilla gave a snort of hot air at Shiryu and back away in order to leave. "Umm...thanks? And...you're welcome." Akane said softly, still impacted by the second close encounter that she had with the large titan. Chibisuke, seeing that nothing has happened, exited from his hiding spot and went over to Shiryu, squeaking happily. Akane sighed in relief and smiled a bit, kneeling down to reach a mechanized hand and gently pat the hatchling on the head. "Your mother is a really scary titan. But she is also awesome" she said to Chibisuke, not minding if he didn't understand her.

A rumbling was heard from the female Godzilla up ahead, making the small hatchling turn around and face the direction where his mother had gone. Then Chibisuke looked up at Shiryu, eyes blinking cutely, as he tilted his head in question. "Go on. She's waiting for you." Akane said, moving Shiryu's hand to gently nudge the hatchling. Chibisuke now had a more pondering face as if he was thinking whether to stick around a bit more or go back with his mother. Then, after a moment, he slowly began to walk away before going out the hole to follow the large titan. Akane watched him go away and rejoin his mother, before giving an exhale. ["Don't worry. We'll be able to visit the two of them soon. Once we have more time"] Chen assured in the radio, latching on to Akane's expression. "I know. That's what I wait for." Akane said, smiling a bit as she felt hopeful. During the short time Chibisuke has been with the two, the little one had silently grown into Akane, similar to a small puppy. But she knew that Chibisuke was no pet; he was part of a species that was known to be as an alpha species, who will one day grow up to become like Godzilla himself.

["Any ideas of naming the new Godzilla? Or do we lean into Gojira specimen 3?"] Rick said after a moment. "Honestly I don't know. I'm fresh out of ideas." Akane said as she moved to the place where the female Godzilla was once resting. ["I have one idea. It's a mix between the normal name and a female name."] Chen proposed to help. "Alright. Let's hear it." Akane said, ready to hear what her friend would say. ["Gojirin. As in Gojira mixed with the word Rin, which means 'dignified' and 'majestic'"] Chen said. ["Dignified yes, but majestic...only some would agree"] Rick said, probably because, for the majority, all they knew was Godzilla being everything except majestic. Akane chuckled a bit when seeing Rick express his sourness.

However, when she was making Shiryu turn around to leave along with Kai, she made her mechagodzilla stop all of a sudden as the interference happened again on the systems. This time it was much more stronger than before as the instruments began to glitch much more erratically. "It's happening again." Akane said, turning Shiryu back around to scan the place again. ["Where is it coming from? Gojirin?"] Rick asked, and Akane shook her head. "No. It's coming from over here" Akane said as she scanned the area for any signs of radiation. When the scanning was completed, Akane noticed that the place where the interference was coming from...was way over the other side of the place. It was limited due to the stalactites and stalagmites blocking the way, but now Akane had a feeling that something more was happening. Up ahead the readings of the radiation were greater than here, and...only reserved to that place, while the radiation levels here were more than low. "This place is supposed to have radiation all around, but...there is only concentration here. Almost as if something else were taking the radiation and leaving things here dry." Akane said, her mind growing with suspicion. ["It may be another more stronger titan that has resided elsewhere near here. And neither them nor Gojirin have noticed each other?"] Rick assumed as he began to compare the readings in his computer. "I'll go take a look." Akane said, changing Shiryu's hands into drill mode again and heading to the cave path. She also decided to order Shiryu Kai to help as both began to drill through the stalactite/stalagmite-blocked cave tunnel.

The obstacles fell and the Shiryu units broke them down to smaller bits to make more room. The more closer they approached the end of the tunnel cavern, the more interference there was that messed up the instruments. Shiryu Kai, due to it being autonomous, stalled once in a while as the interference pulses became more palpable. "Almost there." Akane said on the radio, informing the command center of her progress as she saw the last stalactite pillars up ahead. They were large and massive for the two to simply drill through, so Akane ordered Kai to slowly drill the obstacles from the top first and then to the sides. The two mechagodzillas latched on to the sides and climbed up before reaching the top to drill. The sharp tops of the obstacles crumbled and fell down so they didn't pose any dangers or hazards to the two. Now they began to drill to the sides...before Rick interrupted at the last moment. ["Umm...Akane? I have bad news for you. The resonance from up ahead...it's not resonance at all."] Rick said, some concern in his voice. "What is it?" Akane asked, making Shiryu and Shiryu Kai stop from drilling any further. ["This signal...the acoustic readings tell us that it's a MUTO. And not just one...there's several of them."] Rick said. Akane made her mechagodzilla stop the drilling as the news were heard. "How many in total?" Akane asked as tried to peer in through the opening. The heat and the smoke that was in front made it difficult to see what was on the other side, the only option being to make way all the way in. ["Unclear. The readings tell us that activity is strong, but that there is a chance that they are hibernating."] Rick said. Akane looked at the opening up ahead, hesitating whether to investigate more into the new place or just watch from afar. "I'll go take a look" Akane said, making up her mind as she resumed drilling again. ["Be careful"] Chen said to her. Akane nodded and continued to drill with Shiryu Kai, despite the constant interference from the MUTO pulses. In due time they drilled right through it all and stepped into the new cavern, which was like the previous one only much more filled with smoke. However, as Akane made Shiryu advance further inside, the whole place began to clear, and the sight made Akane gasp in horror and dread.

Scattered all over the large place...were the skeletons of deceased Godzillas. And each one had a MUTO cocoon growing out from the middle of the dry bone piles.

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