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Everyone turned around to stare at the red screens from where the voice came.

Even the high ranking officers were baffled to hear such sinister voice just...barge in after hacking into the communication system. Akane, Simon, Sam, Rick, and Chen were as equally as surprised as everyone, hearing the same voice from the alien titan. The screens continued to glow red, and they could all see that strange symbols have appeared floating across them, almost otherworldly as Gigan was. "Greetings...insssectsss...it'sss been a long time...sssince I've ssseen any of your kind. I am impressed that many have survived...sssince my undefined slumber..." the creature spoke on the audio system of the screens, and outside they could hear that the loudspeakers were also broadcasting the transmission all across the base. The smoothness and sinister manner that the creature's voice sounded was enough to send chills down everyone's spine. "What is it that you want from us?" Colonel Togashi asked, stepping forwards in front of everyone after a small moment of silence. "Not...much. Only that you obey me as your leader....or face the consequencesss. Your "titans"...your GODS...they are no match for me and my servants...ssso I would advise...that your best option...is to surrender. I shall give mercy...to those that deserve it and submit...before my mastersss arrive. Then...they shall give this world...paradise..." Gigan said as his voice sounded sandy. "What makes you so sure that you will promise to spare humanity and not trample us underfoot?" a high ranking officer demanded as they stepped forwards where Togashi was.

Gigan was silent for a moment, the red screens glitching momentarily, before giving the response. "No...promises...only my word. My mastersss...never fail. You should follow...the example of my servant. "Kai"...as you call them...and the sssmall insssect...that is with you all. Her fear...is delicioussss...and a wise choice. I hope everyone...takes the right decision...like her...as I will give the world a chance...." Gigan responded calmly to the demand. Akane realized with a start that Gigan was talking about HER, and it immediately made her tense up. Instead of feeling only scared, Akane also felt another emotion move in; anger. It made her blood boil with rage as she heard the word "fear" being taunted, from the alien creature itself, like it was something insignificant. Despite Akane being afraid before, she wasn't now, and she wasn't going to let this otherworldly creature taunt her from wherever they were. Chen, seeing and feeling what Akane was feeling, moved to place a hand on her shoulder. At first Akane thought that it was to stop her from saying anything rash, but the look on her friend's face said 'Calm down first. And then speak what your heart is telling you to say' with a nod.

Calming down her breath, she then walked up to the front, though behind Colonel Togashi, and looked up at the red glitching screens. "You say that you will give mercy if we surrender...but what about the titans that fought to protect this world?" Akane asked Gigan through the screen. "Ahhh...the small insect...good to hear that you...are not dead. Did you...change your mind?" Gigan asked a moment later. Akane didn't answer them in return, only continued on. "Did you give any mercy to them? Did you bring your promised "paradise"? No...you slaughtered every one of them. Even when they surrendered and gave up. You didn't even give Gojirin a chance either...or her kind. Your call to peace is a lie. And will remain that way, until someone stops you. Go ahead, do what you like. Just don't underestimate us. We may be small like insects, the same way you describe us, but you won't ever wipe us out. The titans and us humans defeated you once...and we will do so as many times as possible." Akane said, feeling the words from her heart and mind rush out from her own heart. Colonel Togashi looked at her with a face that expressed both shock and astonishment. The same for the important men and women that were gathered around the room. The screens dimmed for a moment, as Gigan was thinking again for a moment, before the red color intensified. "Fine...you can go ahead and try it. I won't have any trouble killing EVERYONE!!!" Gigan seethed, screeching loudly at the end. Its screech was so loud that the speakers burst to high volume, and made everyone in the gathering room cover their ears. On top of that, the same painful sensation from when Akane first met Gigan began to pulse, the screens and speakers transmitted that before exploding in showers of sparks. The last thing Akane witnesssed was everyone falling to their knees before she blacked out.

* * *

Some time must have passed after the attack before Akane began to recover consciousness.

When she woke up, she found herself in a medical bed, without the heart monitors, strangely. Her vision began to clear and she spotted her friend Chen sitting beside the bed on the left. "Thank goodness you are awake. Is everything alright?" Chen said, letting out a relieved sigh as she moved a hand to gently place it over Akane's. "Yes. I'm fine. What just happened? Did...Gigan attack us?" Akane asked, shifting and moving to sit up carefully as she felt herself recovered. "Yes. A sort of auditory attack. I felt it on my way here" said a voice on the right. When Akane turned around to face the new person, she saw that it was...another Chen? No, it was a twin...yes, now that Akane saw her, she was definitely Chen's twin. "Hello, Akane Yashiro. I am Ling. Chen's twin sister. Good to finally meet you" the twin said, extending a hand slightly to shake with Akane. "Ling...oh, yes. I remember your sister mentioning you. Though we haven't formally met. Maybe because Chen thought I would have trouble distinguishing who is who." Akane said to her, nodding as she shook her hand. Ling gave a small chuckle to the joke that Akane made, and Chen gave a slight scoff as she swatted Akane's shoulder gently, leaning her giggle.

"So...what brings you here to the Japanese base?" Akane asked Ling as she faced her once again. "I mainly came here along with those monitoring Mothra, who was traveled beneath Hollow Earth to the portal at Odo Island not long ago. And, I think she may have sensed the awakening of the monster Gigan. Truth be told...I also came here mainly because I sensed intense suffering. Deep and profound sadness." Ling said to her, Chen nodding in agreement. This confused Akane when the twin said such about the pain and sadness. Honestly, Akane didn't remember feeling any of those emotions except before when she was at Hollow Earth. "That's...a bit vague. Or probably it was because of the attack that Gigan made here. We did feel physical and mental pain. Wait...how is it that you sensed such?" Akane asked, trying to recollect and compare what had happened. Ling shook her head slightly, and Chen stared down at Akane's hand that she was holding still before letting go. "We would love to explain it to you in full detail. However...it will take too long for you to understand everything. What we can tell you is that my sister and I...come from a long line of descendants that once worshiped the titans." Chen said to Akane. "We had a deep connection with nature. Our parents, grandparents, and those that came before us, for several generations past. It was a well guarded secret for a long time, and hidden for various reasons. We now understand that we have an important role to play in this world. And the goddess that our ancestors served is calling us." Ling said. Akane began to remember the myths and legends that she had seen and heard with her mentor, trying to understand what they meant and which ones the twins were talking about.

Before Akane could think further, Ling moved a hand to stop her. "Please, no need to overthink it." Ling said to Akane, which she sighed and calmed down. "I guess that now fairy tales and myths are starting to come out. Right?" Akane asked them. "Yes. You can say that. Even if it's more than such." Chen said to her. Akane nodded and straightened up as she continued to be in the medical bed, ready to hear again what the twins would say. "We believe -no, we are certain- that the goddess of our ancestors, Mothra, is calling to us. The pact of the  Shobijin, which acts as a link to Mothra and humanity, is what compels us to intercede with the world. At the same time, we have sensed the suffering of two beings. One that is right here and being tended to...and one that is right in front of us." Ling explained to Akane. "Wait...how is it that I am suffering? I don't feel that much of pain in any way" Akane asked, a bit confused as to what one of the twins was trying to say. "There is much to overcome in order for you to grow into the person you want to become. In order to do that, you must let go of the fear that is in your heart. I know it sounds confusing, and doesn't make sense, but you have to trust us and believe. The titan that you met, Gojirin, is one of those you have overcome your anger and fear. Now you must overcome that fear when you will face Gigan once more." Ling said. Akane looked down at her hands, thinking and about to respond when the alarms started to ring outside. "What's happening?" Akane asked as she straightened up, the twin sisters standing up from their seats at the same time. The two sisters faced the door, and then they all felt the ground tremble once again.

Moments later Rick burst into the room, having run almost out of breath. "Shiryu...he's gone berserk again...and is trying to escape!" Rick panted.

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