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After an extensive and chaotic fight, only Gigan remained afoot all alone.

The rest of the MUTOs were either killed or brought into submission. Both titan and robot pilots were very exhausted due to the fight, yet they pushed on to fight their last target. The alien titan, Gigan, looked around frantically to either escape or engage its first target to resume fighting. The only problem was that Gigan was now surrounded by the titans and mechs that were ready to finish it off if they resisted. "Give it up. Your servants have either been defeated or have run away. You are alone." Akane said on the mechagodzilla's loudspeaker towards Gigan. The alien titan hissed in seething anger, claws clenched while sword pincers still unfolded out. "No...No one sssays no to me....no one!...I am the greatest...I won't be defeated by some insectsss...Never!" Gigan snarled. ["Well, we did take care of your servants. And your beetle friend just left you to be alone. So...you really don't have a choice. Except bow before your new alphas."] Rick said through Jet Jaguar's loudspeakers, twirling its own spear around proudly as he glanced at the others and the titans. Akane moved Shiryu's head to the side to stare back at him, with a look that said "That is not going to work like it usually does". ["Sorry."] Rick said as he made Jet Jaguar plant the spear hilt on the ground.

Gigan backed up as the titans closed in, still refusing to stand down or submit despite the authoritative sounds that they made. Then it stared at the lifeless and tired bodies of its MUTO servants, and then back at them as its eye visor glowed slight red. ["Really? You think your buddies are going to come back and rescue you now? And you call yourself 'the best' without accepting a hard challenge. Come on, is this really the best you can do?"] Andrew asked through Moguera's loudspeakers, spinning the drills once again while he taunted the alien titan. "Umm...Andrew? I don't think it's wise to taunt or provoke him any further." Akane said to him, now getting a bad feeling as she watched Gigan asses its options. ["What? I'm only shaming him so that he doesn't have any more will to fight. I did that with you before, remember?"] Andrew said as he turned Moguera's head to Shiryu and made a shrug gesture. Gigan made a grin with its beak and gave out a loud screech, making everyone turn their attention back to them before the alien titan jumped and flew above them.

Gigan flew over them and landed where the MUTOs were lying down, eye visor now glowing intensely red. "No...this isn't the best...I have left. I need...more POWER!!!" Gigan roared as some of its body parts, like the three back fins, the chest, the arms, head fin horn, and the eye visor, began to glow intensely red. Then it extended its arms and threw its red flesh-like tendrils, which shot out and latched onto the corpses and bodies of the MUTOs in specific body parts. Gigan used its tendrils to start pulling out something from the MUTOs, both the dead ones and those still alive as they shrieked and gagged in pain while the alien titan did something to them. Then, with a chilling cracking noise, the tendrils tore out something from inside the bodies, leaving the MUTO bodies truly lifeless. What Gigan pulled out looked like red glowing cores of energy, definitely the hearts and lifesources of the MUTOs. Akane covered her mouth as the gruesome sight made her almost throw up, Rick and Andrew having almost the same reaction as they backed up their machines. The three titans watched with possibly the same surprised and disgusted reaction that the humans had, stepping back as they watched. Gigan, having now obtained all the energy cores from the MUTOs, began to rise up slowly high in the air. The tendrils moved the cores close to Gigan's body in a circle around its head, the tendrils starting to pull the red energy from them into Gigan's body. Once the cores were drained completely of their energy, Gigan let go of the cores, which fell to the ground and shattered on impact.

Then, with all the power to itself, Gigan roared loudly and extended its arms as an aura of intense red energy flared across its body.

Everyone on the ground braced themselves as the loud roar and energy shockwave spread across the place, looking up at the newly charged up alien titan. ["You just had to open your big mouth, didn't you?"] Rick asked in a deadpanned manner, glancing slightly at Andrew's Moguera with Jet Jaguar's head. ["Oh...you gotta be freaking kidding me..."] Andrew groaned as they stared up at Gigan. Gojirin and Anguirus snarled at the energized alien titan, though seemed to back away slowly as they sensed something. Akane felt her arm hairs stand on end as she felt something, and then she realized that an attack was imminent. "EVERYONE! EVADE NOW!!!" Akane shouted loudly as they saw Gigan charge up its visor laser with large amounts of energy. The pilots took her warning seriously and moved their aircrafts and machines out of the way just in time before the laser was fired. The attack that Gigan unleashed was three times its previous strength, taring through the ground and the crystals that were either near of miles away as they were destroyed. Gojirin and Anguirus jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit, Mothra barely dodging it as the laser singed her wing tip and made her squeal in pain. The Heron aircrafts also got a close call as some of their wing tips were either singed or melted to the point that the explosion tore off their wings.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The red laser beam from Gigan soon ceased from firing, before the alien titan gave a screech and flew to fight them at unnatural speeds. It targeted Shiryu first by swinging its arm and giving a powerful claw slash at the mechagodzilla's stomach, causing it to be knocked away. Akane screamed as the hit sent her and Shiryu crashing onto a large crystal, breaking it into pieces. ["AKANE!!"] Rick shouted, piloting Jet Jaguar to pull the spear up and throw it straight at Gigan from behind. The spear flew through the air, and was boosted with small rocket thrusters, but was caught by Gigan easily without it even turning around. The alien titan snarled, eye visor glowing red, before it flew towards Jet Jaguar and landed a kick on the robot's chest, sending it tumbling away. Gigan was about to go after Jet Jaguar and launch the spear back at them, but some missiles were fired from somewhere and hit Gigan. Regretfully, the missiles only hit the now active shield from Gigan, and the alien titan turned with a hiss to see who sent the missiles while it dropped Jet Jaguar's spear. ["Hey! Space bird! You don't scare me! Not even with your new power up! Come and face me!"] Andrew shouted  in defiance, giving a war cry as he piloted Moguera to boost up to Gigan using its rockets. Moguera spun its drill and thrusted it at Gigan, but the alien titan moved quickly around and punched the mecha hard on its back. This caused some of the rocket boosters to explode, making Moguera loose thrust and begin falling down before crashing onto the ground. Andrew was heard giving a yell of fright before Moguera hit the ground hard, possibly knocking him out cold. Gigan flew down and pounced on Moguera, pinning it down with its feet before reaching to grab the machine's head and viciously rare it off.

When Gigan was about stab Moguera in the back with its sword pincers, an atomic breath ray and some missiles from the Heron aircrafts hit its shield from behind. Gojirin fired her atomic breath continuously to weaken Gigan's shield and close the gap quickly. However, Gigan moved quickly to the side and gave Gojirin a charged punch on the side of her neck, making the female Godzilla roar in pain. Then the alien titan charged up its visor and claw lasers before firing into the air, hitting most of the squadron while downing a few others. Gigan now aimed specifically for the gill section of Gojirin, to give her pain with claw marks as well. The alien titan was now more vicious than ever due to its recent power up, not letting the female Godzilla even fight back. Gojirin roared in pain, trying to reach with its claws, tail, and atomic breath to hit Gigan, but it only resulted in more brutal beat down. Akane trembled weakly as she saw everything continue from the cockpit inside of Shiryu, trying to move. Unfortunately, Shiryu was now at 30% battery, and the next railgun, maser or laser cannon shot would decrease the battery to a point that the Mechagodzilla wouldn't defend itself. "Damn it...don't let that monster...win..." she groaned to herself, pulling the controls and struggling to move Shiryu so it could aim at Gigan. The exhaustion from the previous fight, the odds now against everyone...and the fear of failing again invaded her mind slowly. Yet, Akane shook those thoughts away and focused on aiming the weapons at Gigan, waiting for an opportunity to fire at the titan.

Gigan continued its relentless and merciless assault on its opponents, showing no sign of stopping as it went on its attacking spree. Gigan kept on throwing Gojirin around as if she were now nothing more than a loose punching back made out of scales. The alien titan screeched and roared as it slashed, clawed, and stomped on Gojirin, the red energy inside Gigan running wild. Anguirus, running to aid Gojirin, gave a furious bellow before rolling into a ball and charging to Gigan. The alien titan snarled and the used its tail like a whip to swat the annoying spiked titan away, gaining its attention. Anguirus fell down and uncurled, dazed because of the impact and now trying to get up. Except Gigan was already there, and they used their claws to punch the armored titan around like a toy. Anguirus tried to burrow itself into the stone floor in order to perform an underground attack. Yet Gigan predicted this and jumped away when Anguirus burst from underneath it, swinging its tail around and hitting the spiked titan in the jaw. The cracking noise that was heard, along with the tail giving Anguirus a cut on the face, was a stomach sickening thing to watch. Anguirus howled in pain as the attack injured him, making him whipped as it tries to fight off the pain. Mothra came to aid as she dived down and let out a battle shrill, her body glowing and preparing to blind the alien titan. Gigan, knowing that the moth titan was about to attack, charged up and fired its laser, but Mothra sensed this and shot a web of silk to block the eye visor. Gigan snarled and tried to take off the messy silk from its eyes, giving Mothra a chance to tackle the alien titan. Yet, despite Mothra's efforts, the alien titan tore off the silk and moved its head to fire its laser at the moth titan. The powerful laser attack singed one of Mothra's wings again, making the moth titan shriek in pain. To add more to the pain, Gigan used its claws to reach and swiftly tare off a wing from Mothra, making the moth titan screech more in pain and stumble down flightless.

Seeing that all of the titans have been subdued, Gigan hissed as it's beak moved to greate a wicked smile, letting out a sort of 'chuckle'. "I admire your bravery....but unfortunately...all of you must die. Once I get a hold...of that deliciousss power..." Gigan snarled as it's red aura of power continued to flow across its body, turning its attention back to Gojirin. The female Godzilla groaned as she tried to stand up and face Gigan again, but her wounds were great and she almost had no physical strength. The alien titan walked menacingly over to the weak titan, it's red tendrils starting to snake out from its wrists and extend towards her. Akane realized that Gigan was about to absorb all of Gojirin's energy, and then she found herself in a position that would let her fire the last of Shiryu's weapons. With fear and dread being cast aside, Akane carefully aimed at the backside of Gigan...before firing. The lasers hit the shield of the alien titan first, followed by the railgun round that pierced the shield's weakened state and piercing Gigan. The alien titan gave a screech of pain as an explosion occurred, the smoke blocking the view. When the smoke cleared...Gigan was still seen standing and with an infuriated look. It aimed its two fingers at Shiryu and fired its scatter lasers, Akane giving a shout as she moved the mechagodzilla's arm to shield themselves. The lasers hit Shiryu on the front and side, both shoulder weapons getting destroyed and blown up. Sparks flew all around the cockpit as all the alarms, from damage status and critical battery levels, blared at high volume. "You ssstill refuse to die...? You are amusing...I will show you pleasant mercy...insssect..." Gigan said as it slowly stomped over, extending its sword pincers to sharpen them. Akane panted in nervousness and panic as she saw the alien titan slowly approach the damaged mechagodzilla. [Akane...get out of there! Eject!"] came the voice of Rick on the radio. Akane frantically searched for the ejection handle, spotting it and reaching for it, before stopping.

Thinking to herself that she wasn't going to run away anymore, she retracted her hand from the ejection handle and moved both hands back to the controls, grunting to move Shiryu into standing up. [What are you doing? Get out of there!"] Andrew's voice called on the radio, having survived the attack, but she didn't listen. However...the battery of the mechagodzilla soon ran out, switching to auxiliary power in order to power the screens and life support. Shiryu's eyes powered down as it heaved forwards and clumped down onto the ground, having no energy left. Akane breathed out in disbelief, hanging her head down as she realized that she could no longer fight. Her eyes slowly drifted to the main screen in front of her, the alarms muffling as she focused. "I'm sorry...Everyome. Shiryu...I'm sorry that I've failed you and everyone..." Akane breathed, her eyes starting to tear up as she watched how Gigan grew closer to them. Then, as if hearing Akane, the AI screen glitched as it began to play an acoustic audio on its resonator, choosing the selection of 'Help' as it played it slowly. The sound it made...was like a large moaning sound of distress and pleading, almost heartbreaking to hear. "D-don't worry...I'm h-here with you...t-t-to the very...end..." Akane began sobbing, letting her tears fall to the floor of the cockpit as she reached for the screen. When Gigan was about to carry out its finishing blow, Gojirin was heard giving out a weak roar. Akane looked up with a slight gasp, seeing the female Godzilla having stood up and her dorsal plates beginning to charge up. Then, Gojirin fired her atomic breath straight at Gigan, but...it missed entirely and hit Shiryu's sharp dorsal plates instead. The power of the atomic breath's energy soon began to charge up Shiryu's battery quickly, restoring the energy of the mechagodzilla almost instantaneously. Akane breathed sharply in surprise as she saw the female Godzilla do this to the mechagodzilla.

Before long, Gojirin stopped firing her atomic breath and collapsed down, depleted from energy. Gigan looked back at Gojirin, and then back at Shiryu as its beak made an evil grin. "Clever....but you have all that I need now...all mine..." Gigan hissed as it moved its long arms over the mechagodzilla. Soon, the red fleshy tendrils began to extend and latch on to the frame of the mechagodzilla, burying into every crevice available and even dividing into smaller sizes to fit inside. Finally, they reached into the cockpit, where Akane sat trapped as the energy-depriving tendrils began to infest the confined space. She gasped in fright and tried to move away, but there was nowhere to run or hide in order to prevent herself from being covered by those things. The red tendrils soon latched onto Akane, making her shout as she felt a painful stinging sensation tare through the pilot suit and onto the skin. She tried to grab them and pull them off, but it only caused her more pain and for more of them to latch on to her body. Finally, as the last tendrils covered the helmet that protected her head, she saw her vision start to redden and blacken as she felt her life slowly be drained from her weakening body. The last thing that went through Akane's thoughts, just barely, was...

'Please...someone...help me...'

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