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"Please...take care of them for me..."

Akane's eyes shot open as she began to breathe again, feeling that her body was still covered in the red substance but gaining strength instead of being consumed. This new strength felt odd yet natural...enough for her to start moving once more. Some of the red tendrils that have ensnared her body began to loosen and fall, allowing Akane to move her limbs more freely. She grunted as she moved her arms once again, and then reached to take the things off her face before moving to other parts of her body. When the red tendrils were ripped off, some began to blacken and disintegrate into grey flakes. The more Akane did so, the more her body felt free, until every last bit was off. She gave a sigh of relief, and then stopped when she looked at her hands and arms. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the surface of her skin was glowing golden with some particles. Then she remembered what those were: the "blessing" that Mothra had given her. The particles glowed warmly in her skin, protecting her from the burns that the tendrils have given her and even healing the wound marks. The more Akane felt the warmth, the more she felt herself renewed with energy...and the will to fight again. Now that she was free to move her limbs around, she looked up and around the cockpit. In front, she saw that the tendrils have also latched on to the controls and the screen panels...basically all around the cockpit space. The screens were halfway covered, the panel showing that the system was at the verge of being taken over while the message [FULL SYSTEM COMPROMISE IMMINENT] flashed in it.

Wasting no time as she knew what to do now, Akane unbuckled her seatbelts and reached to grab the tendrils and tare them off. One by one, the red tendrils that were trying to overtake Shiryu's system were pulled off and turned to grey flakes as Akane removed them. "Come on...you better not have been taken over completely like Kai did...please. Shiryu...I need you to stay with me...and to fight with me." Akane said to herself before the final tendril was removed, her hands ceasing from glowing with the golden particles. The computer system halted glitching, gradually resuming normal work although somewhat corrupted. [INITIATING REBOOT...] the screen read, but immediately it began to brighten to the point that it turned fully blue. The other panels began to light up too, more brighter than ever. The lights began to pulse with, as strange as Akane was now able to sense it, a strong amount of energy. The screens began to run wild, Akane catching a glimpse that all the systems were now being energized and charged to high levels, far beyond anyone's expectations. Finally, Akane felt a warm feeling in her chest and mind when she heard the mechagodzilla give a rumbling growl.

The vibrations passed through Akane's body, giving her a sense that the sentient titan machine was now ready to continue the fight with her. And, seeing with her eyes and heart, Akane could now see the soul of the machine stare right back at her own. It was just like Godzilla himself, filled with great power and ferocity, yet also with great compassion and understanding...more than any other human could grasp. This made Akane slightly scared and nervous due to the fact that now both of them felt each other's feelings, making her feel unworthy to handle what was about to happen. Despite this, a new feeling washed over Akane's whole self. The new feeling was similar to that of approval, from Shiryu itself, as it told her so many things. That there was a chance that she herself might not survive, and yet, now that it saw and felt her will to fight, Shiryu gave a rumble of acceptance, and was determined to win while keeping her safe. This gesture warmed Akane's heart, making her smile proudly and set her mind to accomplish the common objective both of them had. Upon sensing Akane's decision, Shiryu's soul roared loudly as the whole cockpit lit up with a great amount of flowing power. Slowly and gradually, Akane could see what looked like veins of energy spread all over the cockpit, as if preparing for something, before stopping midway. Even so, the feeling of strength and fearlessness did not cease as Shiryu began to charge up. Akane felt this and prepared herself by strapping her seatbelts on again, before grabbing the controls one more time. "Let's finish this fight...SHIRYU!!!" Akane shouted loudly as Shiryu finished charging up, the mechagodzilla giving a loud interior snarl in response.

The screens that let Akane see what Shiryu was seeing finally activated, showing what was happening outside. Gigan had its tendrils still latched onto Shiryu, but began to back away a bit when the mechagodzilla charged up. The sharp dorsal plates of the mechagodzilla began to crackle with powerful blue electricity, some of its components starting to glow from the inside with its own new power. Before long, Shiryu finished charging up, and Akane knew what to do as she pushed the controls forwards. The vernier thrusters from the mechagodzilla fired with loud screeches, but the dorsal plates unleashed what looked like a powerful electric shockwave pulse from its body. The shockwave pulse hit Gigan head-on, pushing the alien titan away as it screeched in pain while its tendrils let go from Shiryu's frame. Gigan crashed down onto the ground, some electric energy still crackling along its body to affect it like a stunning charge. Once it recovered, Gigan let out a defiant and enrage screech at the mechagodzilla that was slowly standing to its feet once more. The sharp dorsal plates on Shiryu continued to crackle with powerful electric energy all around, the mechagodzilla soon straightening up completely to stare at the alien titan with a growl and power-filled eyes. Akane flicked some switches, which made the shoulder laser cannon and railgun detach from Shiryu and fall down. She was aware of what would happen next, but she was also sure that some weight needed to be shed to move forwards.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then, Shiryu moved its head up, opened its mouth, and gave out a powerful roar that shook the entire place.

The loud and powerful roar spread everywhere, making the titans and the mechs that were recovering and watching them flinch and step back to shield themselves from it. Even Gigan took a step back due to the power being emitted from the mechagodzilla challenging him. After Shiryu stopped roaring, they continued to face the alien titan, strong electric bolts cracking along its dorsal plates and body. Gigan screeched and then burst flying towards the mechagodzilla with its sword pincers ready, slashing at them when they were at close proximity. Both Akane and Shiryu, now in sync with one another, pulled up and deployed both arm blades at lightning speed, blocking the strike from the alien titan. Sparks flew once again as both weapons clashed, though this time Shiryu didn't even bulge from the impact. Gigan hissed as they tried to overpower Shiryu, but the mechagodzilla snarled more viciously at the alien titan as its sharp dorsal plates began to crackle more with energy. Like before, Shiryu and Akane unleashed a powerful burst of electricity in the shape of a shockwave, consuming Gigan that was right in front of Shiryu. Gigan screeched and spasmed as the electric attack stunned it, making it easy for Shiryu to push away the sword pincers.

Instead of using the blades to impale Gigan, Shiryu and Akane folded them away and then used the mechagodzilla's fist to clench it, charging it up with energy before bringing it around to punch the alien titan right on the side of its face. The punch was very strong, both of them seeing in slow motion how the fist crashed onto Gigan's beak with a crack. The blow sent the alien titan flying through the air and crashing into a large boulder, the impact breaking the large stone obstacle. ["Woah!"] the surprised shouts of Akane's friends were heard on the radio, but the transmission was almost static due to the immense power output that Shiryu was emitting now. Gigan was seen collapsing from the place that they have crashed and landing onto its knees, trying to recover from the powerful blow that the mechagodzilla gave it. One of its side jaws was missing as it has broken off due to the punch. Shiryu and Akane wasted no time to ready the next attack as the mechagodzilla charged up again. In this one, all the thruster verniers fired up, the engines screaming at power that was more than three times the output. The output was so strong that it began to lift the mechagodzilla up without the need of the low gravity, the blue exhaust giving the impression that they were sharp wings. Once lifted off from the ground, Shiryu burst flying towards the alien titan at full speed. Gigan, now recovered, gave a frightened screech as it saw the mechagodzilla flying towards it. Gigan shot up out from the way of the crashing attack, deploying its shield to protect itself from any other attack. Shiryu and Akane moved quickly and burst up to chase after the alien titan.

Gigan roared and aimed its clawed fingers to shoot its scatter lasers at Shiryu, firing them in rapid succession while they flew around. "Heads up!" Akane shouted in warning as she saw what the alien titan was about to unleash. Shiryu roared as its sharp dorsal plates cracked with more energy, forming a personal electric shield around its body to protect itself from the attack. The scatter lasers were successfully countered by the energy shield, the lasers either being blocked or deflected to the sides. When it ceased, Shiryu roared again and increased its speed as the vernier thrusters screamed to full output again. Both of them streaked around the air at maximum acceleration, chasing and clashing into each other or shooting while they tried to hit one another. At one point, Gigan's shield began to weaken due to the continuous hits it has been receiving, getting weaker and weaker until it began flickering. Seeing this opening, Akane boosted Shiryu to blast towards the alien at full speed, blades at the ready to slash through. Gigan screeched and fired both its regular laser and the scatter laser at the same time, trying to hit Shiryu. However, both Shiryu and Akane saw the attack coming and dodged to the side, closing in on the alien titan before bringing the blades down. The slicing motion cut through the energy barrier, leaving the alien titan exposed and vulnerable.

Twisting around in a rapid fluid motion, Shiryu slashed at Gigan's chest using the sharp vibrating tail blade, giving them a wound. Gigan snarled in pain and rage as it tried to swing its pincer swords forwards, yet the mechagodzilla and its pilot didn't let Gigan get a chance as they delivered a punch. Following that, several charged punches were delivered in rapid succession, beating the alien titan backwards until the last charged punch delivered sent Gigan crashing into an overhead crystal. The alien titan remained where it was, stunned and unable to move due to the injuries sustained to its body. To ensure that it would not recover, Shiryu bust forwards where the alien titan crashed and grabbed it by the tail, pulling it as the mechagodzilla began to use its boosters to swing around. Akane grunted as she and Shiryu swung the alien titan around quickly, before they threw Gigan towards the ground with a powerful heave. The alien titan crashed onto the ground, creating a shockwave that upheaved the ground and threw debris around. Finally, to ensure that Gigan would get the treatment it deserved, Akane locked onto the alien titan below before charging up and firing the maser cannon down.

The powerful beam shot downwards, hitting Gigan directly on its body and obliterating it in a blinding explosion.

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