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Meeting the team in charge of maintaining Shiryu was much more simpler than Akane expected.

The four of them made their way to the base of Shiryu's feet, where a group of people in lab coats and mechanic suits were working around with computers and monitors. "Ms. Akane, I would like you to meet Simon Seijin. The head engineer of R-16 Shiryu. He will fill you in on the details needed for piloting the machine." Sam said, gesturing to a man that was focused on their desk computer. The man, being one that looked similar to Akane's age, wearing glasses and a lab coat, looked up when his name was mentioned. "Oh! The pilot is here already? Sorry! I was just getting the onboard systems on Shiryu ready" the man by the name of Simon said, standing up quickly as he fumbled with some folders next to him and going over to Sam and Akane.

When he stood up, Akane was surprised to see that his stature was very tall. Not very large as she had seen some basketball players in the past during school abroad but still almost. "Simon, I wound like you to meet First Lieutenant Akane Yashiro. Indeed she will be the pilot of Shiryu." Sam said, Akane giving a small bow of acknowledgment to him. Simon did the same in response as he gave a small smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Simon said to her. "Likewise." Akane said in response. "At first I was expecting someone like a jarhead to be the pilot. Thank goodness I can now sleep knowing the project is in good hands." Simon said. Akane didn't know if either he was flirting with her or extending some sort of gratitude as a welcoming gesture, but she saw that he was being polite. "You can rest assured that I will bring the best potential out of your machine, following all the standards from the designers and orders from high command." Akane assured him. "Technically I am in charge of its electronics, computer systems, and the AI module, not the entire machine itself. Even so, I am grateful that you are considerate." Simon said. Akane smiled, a bit weirded out that she was starting to socialize with a new person but relieved that they were starting to get along fine.

All of them were about to continue their conversation when some more footsteps began to approach them.

When Akane turned her head to face those that were walking over to them, she tensed up as she recognized one of them. This one's name was Andrew Tomahawk, one of Akane's previous teammates when she was assigned to the mazer railgun operator position. She didn't need to know the reason why he was mad at her, as it would soon become clear for everyone. "What the heck are you doing here of all places? You think this is some kind of joke? Because of your mistake, all of my friends have died." Andrew said, walking up to Akane. She looked down in shame as she remembered clearly what had happened in that perilous mission against Godzilla; the shouting in the radios, the yelling of terror as nearly all the members of the other team were killed...while she just stared there doing nothing. "Hey, stop it. Whatever she did in the past, it's not her fault." Simon said, stepping in between Akane and pushing Andrew to defend her. "Zip it, keyboard man. You don't have any idea what happened. I should be the one piloting the Shiryu prototypes, not the slow and tanky Mogera." Andrew scoffed as he saw the engineer intervene. Then he turned around to face all of those that were working and gained their attention by raising his voice. "All of you guys should watch your backs! If she screws up in the battlefield, it might be you who winds up dead and in a body bag!" Andrew said, pointing a finger at Akane.

She continued to look down in shame, avoiding the curious and questioning looks from the other teams that have gathered around. Chen moved beside Akane to rest a comforting hand on her as she was ready to defend her. Sam looked very nervous to the point of seeming about to leave, though he remained where he was standing. "Why you little prick...!" Rick growled, stepping forwards to deal with Andrew. Before things could escalate into an argument, and worse into a fight, there was a high-pitched whistle that nearly hurt everyone's ears. Everyone turned around to see who was the one who gave out the whistle, noticing that Colonel Togashi had returned rather quickly to the underground hangar. "Tomahawk! What is going on around here? Is there a problem?" Togashi asked, stepping close to where Andrew and Akane were standing. Andrew looked at the Colonel, standing straight to express attention and a look that said he was justified in the argument. However, Togashi just glared at him with a menacing look in return which made Andrew not say anything. "You may be a great pilot. But if you start trouble with other teams, I will not hesitate to discharge you off from your team and have you replaced. Have I made myself clear?" Colonel Togashi asked firmly, to which Andrew said "Yes sir" in response. "Good. And that goes to everyone here!" the Colonel said as he turned to face those around him, who either straightened up or nodded as they agreed. "Follow me, Lieutenant Akane. I will lead you to your new quarters. Far from him." Togashi said to Akane afterwards as everyone went back work. Andrew went away, though casting Akane a glare before going back to his hangar. Akane said nothing in response to such as she followed the Colonel to the elevator. Rick and Chen stayed behind while Sam accompanied the two. "Ignore him. He obviously doesn't know what truly happened." Sam assured as the elevator doors closed.

* * *

A while later they arrived at the living quarters. "Here you go. This room is for you." Colonel Togashi said as he gestured to the door for the room. Akane stepped inside and had a short look around, placing her luggage on a chair. It was small and had only the necessary things inside, which was to be expected. "Thank you." Akane said as she turned to the Colonel, giving a nod. Before he went out, she stopped him as she spoke up. "Colonel...may I ask something?" She said. "Certainly." Togashi said, turning to face her again. "...Why did you defend me? What Andrew said about me is true." Akane asked him. "I already told you; no one is immune to fear. And more importantly...no one should be blamed of mistakes that happened, especially if it wasn't their fault. That is my job as a soldier; remind others of their duties." Togashi said before leaving and not saying another word. Akane watched him leave, thinking for a moment before going to her luggage and starting to sort things out from it and into the desk.

A small knock from the doorway made Akane look up, and noticed Chen there. "Oh, Chen. You can come in. What brings you here?" Akane asked as she stood up from her chair. "Are you feeling alright? That man clearly doesn't know what he is talking about." Chen said as she walked in to sit down on another chair. "I'm fine. Really." Akane said dismissively while she took out the last things from her luggage bag. "I've known you since the first moment you joined Monarch. There is no shame in expressing yourself. You know you can talk to me." Chen said to her. Akane knew that Chen could tell that she wasn't alright, like she had always done in the past. "...Alright then. To be honest...as much as everyone says that it's not my fault...I still feel guilty of those that have died. I want to make Monarch proud for taking me in...and at the same time I feel unable to do what I do best because of my fear. That I might mess up again and cause more deaths." Akane said, looking downwards as her head hung. "You have good intentions in your heart. I can see it. Before you give your all, you must find balance in your emotions. That's the only way you can move away from your sadness." Chen said to Akane, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Later, Chen reached into her jacket and pulled out a small book. She offered it to Akane, who watched it and was surprised to see what type it was. "That's...that is Sensei's notes. How did you...?" Akane asked, slowly taking the book to open and read it. "It's not the original one. I asked Mark Russel to have it copied, so that I would give it to you." Chen said, smiling as she saw Akane flip through the pages. Akane could clearly remember herself reading all of her mentor's notes years ago, and how much she loved reading them. As much as one would not understand why someone would go through the trouble of writing about such destructive creatures as the titans, for Akane it showed how much her mentor admired those large life forms. Now, Akane had a piece of her mentor to carry around, so she wouldn't feel alone or lost. "Thank you, Chen" Akane said, moving to hug her. "Remember that I am here for you now." Chen said, hugging back before letting go and standing up to leave. Akane watched her friend leave, then looked down at the book she had received. She closed her eyes and smiled, nodding a bit as she understood what she had to do.

The book was set down to be read another time, so that Akane could now focus on further familiarizing with her duty as Shiryu's pilot.

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