Chapter-5 Her truth

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Then the strangest thing happened it seemed as though the warning I gave him had the opposite effect. Cain seemed intised by my warning infact he seemed excited. But he looked at me questioningly when he realized what I said.

"I so knew it. Wolf so called it." Clyde declared. 

"And your point everyone's gonna find out in a mouth anyways I'm going to be annouced as the new alpha anyways exorcist." Cain growled showing his teeth till I got up in his face. Making myself appear as a alpha. Ya probably forgot to mention due to me being an angel I can also mimic other beings by changing into one. I can change not only my appearance but my strength, power, and smell to match whatever none human, creature, or human I chose. Everyone knows angel have a very destinct natural smell. They natural smell like lilac and the more powerful the angel the more pronounced their natural scent is. Which is why I always mask my natural scent. I made my eyes even glow. It's defense mechanism we use it to camouflage our real forms to conceal our true identity of our physical. Our existence in the physical word is forbidden. If we're caught in our true form our only safe place for us from demons. Since the only thing that can kill an angel is a demon of equal or stronger power then that specific angel. Angels are no joke.

"Don't even think about it. To get him your going to have to go through me." I said, baring my fangs. But once again only made him more excited.

"Angelique please don't get involved I can take care of myself plus he hurts you I'm hurt him..." Clyde started, when I shut him up with a kiss not caring that they all saw it. Though it was funny how pissed Cain got when I did it. I just stuck my tongue out at him. Before turning to Clyde with my arms still wrapped around his neck. Heck mom and dad were to amazed at my hidden ability to even scold me. So I put my forehead to his looking into gorgeous  ocean blue eyes that seemed to go on forever. You could easily get lost in them.

"Ya but your also still human. Even if you're an exorsist and might had special training. But love your still human you can get hurt or die. You don't heal like I do. Remember what I told you earlier you know he can't hurt me. Plus I already sized him up I can totally take him. I trusted you now it's your turn to trust me." I whispered in his ear. He chuckled kissing.

"Alright I'll trust you just don't go to crazy don't want to make a mess. Or kill him." He replied.

"If your going to please do it outside dear. And change into something your mother wouldn't be angry if you ruin it." Father said, I nodded.

"I'll meet you outside in a few you better not whoss out." I said, turning to Cain.

"Don't keep me waiting." He growled, so I growled back showing my fangs. Before grabbing Clyde's hand and dragging him to my room. I chuckle because with my wolf hearing I could hear them muttering to one another.

"I can't believe they just met again after four years and she's already taking him to her bed room." I hear one say.

"Hey I'm just happy their getting along so well. Gives me peice of mind and lets me know I made the right choice. Honestly it does surprise me that their devolping such a strong bond already I thought it would take years for her to except him as her betrothed. Or to finally stop being mad at me for setting it up." I heard father say.

"Or maybe she excepted him so willing because he's her other half her soulmate. I mean werewolves do mate for life. It's an unbreakable bond. But if that's the case I kinda feel bad for her. His mortal so he can technically leave her or cheat without the conquences she'll have. When a none human especially ones that mate for life get their hearts broken it can kill or through them into such a depressed state the go it shock, a coma, can't mentally function properly, or lose their will to live making themselves go into vegetable like state. Aren't you worried about that." I heard one of Angels closest childhood friends who was also her causent. Jill informed them. She was practically her sister their mothers were identical twins. And the girls were only weeks apart so they grew up doing everything together. Including their birthdays.  They even practically live at each other's houses. Up until Angel and Cain broke up which was suspicious since tonight when I seen her she was one of the females hanging all over Cain. When Clyde who was changing my clothes for me. While being very respectful not to touch my body inappropriately without my consent. I hadn't even noticed I was to busy easedropping.

"Um you do know my bonds even stronger then that of a wolf right?" I asked.

"Yes I know angel especially archs have the strongest soul bond to their soul mate even in death. The bond can not be broken. Why did you hear one of them say something?" He asked consurningly. Noticing I over heard something I shouldn't have.

"Ya Jill was talking informing dad what would happen if you reject or leave me for someone else since you were human." I exclaimed, he immediately hugging me pulling me tight up against his muscular hard body. 

"I understand where Jill's coming from but I know for a damn fact thats never going to happen because I never in my life been really romantic interested in with anyone. You know earlier when you slapped me for kissing you. That's how I knew you weren't Angel. Because Angel actually did it to me right after Cain broke it off. Needless to say I stopped her when I realized what she was doing. I let her know I was sorry but she was to much like a sister to me for me to be with her. That way and your the first and only person I've kissed. I might not be a none human but that doesn't mean I don't feel a pull, a strong attraction or bond to you. The only thing I'm kinda let down by is the fact we wouldn't be able to have kids together in the future. But I'll learn to get over it your all I really need." He admitted assuring.

"Um no one said that." I said sarcastically, and he just gave me the most questioning look.

"My body maybe man made but I still have some real organs. One being my reproductive organs. So I can still get pregnant, carry babies, and give birth naturally." I informed him and his face lit up.

"You sure?" He asked excitingly.

"Ya positive and with the way I'm built. I can even carry and give birth to a purebred angel. Or even an arch angel with sustainable real physical body that don't burn the body from the inside out. So in other words like me just without artificial body. They'd be born with a real physical body that would indestructible, and they all the stuff I can. But they'd also be a true immortal like me so after adulthood they'd quite growing all together." I assured him he picked me up spinning me around happily kissing me eagerly.

"If you think I'm joking you can look as long as you only look." I teased.

"What it's like we're doing anything wrong and it's not like you haven't seen a dipheram or learn about the female reproductive system in book." I teased. He literally thought I was joking till pulled my pants down that he just put on me with my underwear. He was respectful and tried not to look but he knew I wasn't moving untill he did.

"Well you weren't joking sorry I just feel felt disrespectful if I peep." He flustered.

"Love your not doing anything wrong. And I'm the one that pulled my own pants down. It only considered a sin if you violate me, or force yourself on me, and it's not a sin if it's your wife when you do get to that part. I literally just made you look. And I'm your wife to be. So no harm no foul." I said, pulling them back up. He slipped my shirt on my. Then kissed me.

"And I can't wait until the day I officially make you my wife." He declared proudly.

"Are you sure your ready for that kind of commitment." I asked hesitantly.

"As sure as I've ever been about anything in my life. I know this is what I want your the one and only person I've ever wanted in life. I know for a sure fact your the one I want to grow old and spend my life with. I want to be with you for all eternity. Don't you want that?" He asked slipping a ring on my finger. I was beautiful. Their was a glistening white stone with smaller diamonds all around it with two medium sized diamonds on each the side with smaller one beside them. The glistening white diamond in the middle reminded me of my wings.

"Yes I'm sure sorry I'm so nervous but your the first person that showed me real love or affection. Which I crave. But you also the only one who doesn't treat me like an object. Your the only one who treats with respect and who knows the real me and doesn't expect me to be anyone then myself. You give me the courage I need to be my own person. Everyone in my life treats me like a porsan doll that can break at any moment. You make me feel free and happy." I said, as honestly as I possibly could. He just looked into my eyes and listen to my every word carefully.

"Love you don't have to be so nervous I'd never leave you. I promise I loved you from the very first time I laid eyes on you. Your everything I want in a partner. Now we might want to get going before they start wondering what's going on." He assured I nodded he kissed me.

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