Young Master and the Secret (beginning)

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Gabriel Autumn is the young master of a rich family, but he doesn't talk much about his family , he has quite a few apartments and he has never stayed in one place for too long, today in an apartment near a big city he downloaded the Mechat app and started creating miscellaneous profiles he sat on the chair waiting to see who he matched with , with a glass of whiskey in his hand he took a sip of wine and relaxed Some message pops up , you have matched with Glenn Hobbs . " Glenn Hobbs the name sounds a little off to me" Gabriel texted Glenn " oh hello sexy , i hope we can have a good night " Glenn texted Gabriel " a best night later sounds interesting Any suggestions for me, I'm pretty bored at my apartment " Gabriel replied " you can join my club " Glenn replied " just give me the address and i will come " Gabriel texted back , after Glenn gave the address Gabriel went to the garage to pick up the Lamborghini Aventador My favorite black S and hit the road
not too much time Gabriel went to the Glenn club you go into the music is pretty loud some people are drinking and dancing , instead of looking for Glenn you decide to go get some drinks , there are so many choices you really want to try them all after getting your drinks drink you go around you take a pretty comfortable seat and grab a glass of wine and drink and then your phone has a text message you open not too surprised it's Glenn " hey i don't see you anywhere" he texted you " i'm somewhere your club" Gabriel texted Glenn and sent a picture of himself relaxing and drinking he scoffed, you sit there for a few hours just as you're about to leave when a hand pats you on the shoulder, you startle and turn around it's Glenn "hey you're not going to see me all night" Glenn said "what's the matter with Mr. Glenn" you replied , you run your hand lightly between his legs " I think Mr. Glenn doesn't seem to need to see me very much " You mock him ya.
but before you say anything more he drags you to the VIP room, when you get to the VIP room it's quite impressive this place has a big bed and quite a lot of toys "Pretty impressive I can say and Mr. Glenn brought me here any suggestions" you said

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