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Mallow- Used to treat bellyaches.
Marigold: The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp for a poultice to wounds, as well as stopping infections. One of the best herbs for cracked paw pads. If eaten can make a cat expel poisons from the body by vomiting.
Milkweed- Use to treat sores or burns. Do not use around ears or eyes. Poisonous when eaten.
Moss- Makes good bedding
Mouse bile - used to remove ticks from a cat's coat. Press on ticks. Soon they'll drop off. Warning! Do NOT eat mouse bile or you'll have that horrible taste in your mouth for days! To carry around, put mouse bile in a big leaf and wrap up the leaf and you can carry. Be sure to wash your paws when done. In a stream of course!!!!
Narcissus- Soothes a cat when she is having contractions
Nettle (leaves) - The leaves are applied to reduce swelling
Nettle (seeds) - used to counter poison. The seeds are swallowed
Parsley- Used to stop the flow of a queen's milk.
Pawpaw- Used to treat kittencough
Poppy Seeds: The best herb there is to numb pain, distress, and shock and ensure a good night's sleep
Ragweed- used to give a cat strength *similar to Lamb's Ear
Ragwort-use alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints
Raspberry- An herb used in kitting, It could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.
Rosinweed- Used to clean out the system when poisons have been digested
Rush- Used to bind broken bones
Sage Roots- Use for cracked pads, use with poppy seeds
Skullcap Seeds- Used to give a cat extra strength
Snakeroot - used to counter poison
Sorrel- used to soothe scratches
Stinging nettle- The leaves are used to reduce swelling. The seeds are used to counter poison by inducing vomiting.
Tansy - used to treat coughs. Leaves may be chewed to relive joint aches. Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs. Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, because it causes miscarriages.
Thyme - Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in brining restful sleep.
Water mint- The best cure for bellyaches. Eat. Has a really good minty taste, you'll know when you eat it.
Wild Garlic - rolling in this can help to keep out infection. If you're got lots of cuts and scrapes, especially from rat bites, make sure you roll in some wild garlic to keep out infection.
Willow Tree- Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches. Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.
Windflower- Used to treat stomach cramps, such as when a she-cat becomes pregnant
Witch Hazel- Used to give you an extra boost, this will wake you up (energizer)
Yarrow - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body. Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting. Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relive pain and prevent infection. Only give it to cats that ate something poisonous. Sometimes when cats are really sick yarrow is used to make the patient vomit out the sickness. That only works sometimes. This herb can also be used as an ointment, used to soften paw pads
Yew (Deathberries) (Night Seeds) - POISONOUS! Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places. If a cat eats them (most likely a kit), then scoop all the berry leftovers out of their mouth. Then force them to swallow yarrow. The victim will vomit out most of the poison, but not all of it. They will be very sick for the next few days.

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