Chapter 17

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"Get up, Waithe! She will need you. I will need you. All of existence shall need you!"

The voice seemed far away and yet close at the same time. He willed himself to think, but coherent thoughts proved difficult. A shining light pierced the gray fog that engulfed his consciousness. He could not open his eyes, but he saw her in his mind. The woman of light. The same one who appeared to him, and him only, when Ceres and Sharm cured the Tainted land in Moeras.

He stood up in this featureless dream world. She moved toward him, floating gracefully, so like a Spirit. A clear sphere hovered beside her. The bright light encased her such that he could not make out the features of her face, only her form. She lifted her hand to caress his cheek. A soothing warmness spread from her touch.

He asked, "Who be you?"

Her smile conveyed as much warmth as her touch. "Someone you love, and who loves you."

His mind still seemed in a haze. "I do not understand."

"One day you may."

"What shall I do?"

"What you do best. Protect her!"

The woman of light floated away as another diffuse light brightened the fog. He blinked his eyes. As the mental haze fell, a dizzy throbbing headache rose. Eira sat beside him holding his hand, her eyes closed. She hummed quietly as Ceres would sometimes do. Anu's silver light hovered above and the shimmering white lights of Magic surrounded him.

Waithe's eyes widened. Was Eira healing him? Could a girl so young call a Life Spirit and access the Magic?

Such a hard blow to the head would have consequences. He had seen such on the battlefield. If it did not kill outright, it may soon. Or it may rob a man forever of tongue, agility, or wit. The headache faded and clarity of mind returned. He sat up. The Spirit Anu lifted away and the shimmer disappeared. Eira opened her eyes and smiled weakly. Waithe caught her as she slumped down.

He drew her into himself as they sat on the ground and pushed aside the long dark hair from her face. "Be you well, my dear Eira?"

She nodded and took a deep breath.

Waithe spoke softly. "The Magic will take your strength, but only for a short time. Rest now." She leaned back against him. "I thank you, my little girl, for your gift of healing. Extraordinary that be."

For a moment he wondered if his lost Aala would have been like her.

"Eira, did you see which way they took Ceres?"

Eira frowned as she pointed down the road to the North. Waithe surmised they went to Ashe to take shelter in the Overlord's castle. From there, who knows? Perhaps on to the House of the Order, ultimately to hand Ceres over to Lord Scias. He bristled at the thought. The sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind streaks of orange and red. No more could he do tonight.

He spoke again to the girl nestled safely in his arms. "Let us rest tonight, little one. But what say you that early in the morn we seek out Ceres and return her to us?"

Eira smiled widely and nodded her head.


Waithe and Eira entered the outskirts of Ashe on horseback. The Overlord's castle looked out on the bustling city, standing high on a hill near the Grand River. There Ceres would be. It was not hard to track her path. The platoon of sharply dressed Medice Guards escorting a bound young woman prisoner had drawn attention. Waithe rode by rows of houses, small businesses, and a lively market square for a closer look at the castle.

A garrison of troops flanked the castle. Overlord Hagen maintained a large army, financed by fees collected from all the Lords, as specified by the Treaty of Lands. It set borders and rules of engagement between the Lords and their Lands. It was the Overlord's duty to arbitrate disagreements and enforce provisions of the Treaty. The Treaty also established the Order of Medice as a sovereign entity. It was under that provision that Ceres was held captive.

Uniformed guards stood watch at all the castle gates. Likely many more kept vigil within. Getting into the castle would be difficult enough, finding Ceres and leaving with her, even more so.

Waithe thought for a moment. He turned to his riding companion. "Young Eira, we would require some assistance to rescue our dear Ceres. I know someone who may help us."


"Madam Devere, you be as beautiful as ever." He brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it. "Tell me, do you ever age?"

"Waithe, your words be as smooth as silk, but your flattery shall not work on me." The glow on her face suggested otherwise. "What brings you to my house of pleasure?"

She had aged since their last meeting, several years ago, but she still had a sensual beauty about her. To Waithe, the thin lines around her mouth only enhanced her allure. Short gray streaks hid at the roots of her styled auburn-brown hair. A tight silvery red dress gave her a look of elegance, yet teased with glimpses of leg and cleavage. They had enjoyed each other's company from time to time in years previous, but neither was ever willing commit to a longer term relationship.

The inside of Madam Devere's house and business was as it always was, elegant and sensual, not unlike her. Tapestries depicting men and women in various stages of undress adorned the walls of her office, just off a grand entryway. Worn wooden stairs led up to a balcony and two hallways lined with closed doors, where the so-called 'business transactions' took place. Ceres would likely not approve that he brought Eira here, but it was necessary.

"I be in desperate need of your assistance to rescue a fair Lady in distress, and to right a great wrong."

She put her hands on her hips and lifted one corner of her mouth. "More gilded words. What have you done? Out with it."

He smiled. "In this case, my words be true. I serve as protector to Lady Ceres, a woman of the Order and a gentle soul. She was brought to Hagan's castle a day before by the Medice Guards."

"Aye, I witnessed that. They charge her with treason."

"A false charge, I assure you. Her only crime be that she fled the Order when they would have had her serve Lord Scias and mate with his Shaman, Raste."

Her expression turned sour. "I would hardly blame her for that. Raste visited my house once. I would not subject my girls to such a vile character ever again. But how do I know what you say be true, my charming Waithe?"

"Have I ever spun an untruth?" Waithe interjected as she opened her mouth. "Do not answer that." He thought for a moment as she smirked. "The Lady Ceres quest be pure, to rid the Realm of the Taint. Dark forces would prevent her and I fear the Order of Medice itself may be corrupted."

"Hmm. Tales I have heard of a wandering healer of the lands. That be her?"


Eira peeked around Waithe as she clung to him and locked eyes with the woman.

Devere smiled at her. "And who might this darling little girl be?"

Waithe pulled the girl around and put his arm around her. "This be Eira. Lady Ceres rescued her from a place of death and took her in as a daughter. I be as her grandfather."

"My dear Waithe, you may yet become a good man."

"Not the first time I be described as such. Would you help us?"

Devere sighed. "Very well, Waithe, for little Eira. What do you need?"

"First, we need to find out where they hold her."

"That be easy, a talkative guard told one of my girls that she resides in a jail cell on the lower level."

"Very good. And second, I need you to get me into the castle and help me bring Ceres out. I presume you still have ready access?"

She grinned. "Oh, Waithe. My own key to the back door, I have."

"Another thing, my resourceful Madam, I know not how long they will hold Ceres here. We must move tonight."

"Always a deadline with you. Let us discuss the plans over dinner. And when this be over, I expect many more dinners."

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