Chapter 38

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Waithe took a moment to assess his unlikely band of fellow warriors. Nay, not warriors, as only he and Yorg had any military training and their quest had no conventional militaristic objective. This group defied any one-word definition. He shook his head and smiled.

Ceres rode up beside him. "What be on your mind, father?"

"Look at us." He swept an arm to the group. "An old warrior, a giant, a little girl, a man of science, and you, a healer. What an unusual troupe for such a noble quest. And look at those two."

An orange butterfly had landed on one of Yorg's massive fingers. He rode up beside Eira, who sat in the saddle with Alden, and presented it to her. The little girl grinned and reached out with a slender hand many times smaller than that of the giant. She slid her hand under the butterfly and let it climb on her fingers. He beamed as she held it aloft, then followed it with his eyes as it fluttered away.

Waithe found it difficult to estimate Yorg's age. At times he seemed like a curious child, while others as a tired old man.

Ceres said, "For such a fearsome form, he is surprisingly tender. I think we see the true gentle giant, not the one twisted by Scias' soldiers. But I think we will need more food, though, he eats so much. And he needs new clothes, that torn old uniform fits him not."

As they rounded a rocky hill, Waithe's mood darkened. Mount Grimmur loomed high before them, rising dark and menacing against an otherwise pleasant blue sky. Wavering streams of grey steam rose from its jagged top, breath of the slumbering dragon the stories said. The mountain stood alone on the valley floor as if no other dared to be near. A tumble of dark rock surrounded its base, the first imposing test of any who would approach. The whole mountain and the area around it seemed devoid of life.

As they approached, an ominous feeling emerged from Waithe's core and spread through him, like a warning. The look in Alden's eyes seemed to indicate that he felt it too. The feeling seemed to affect Ceres and Eira much more. Ceres stiffened, her breaths becoming shallow and quick. Eira shivered as she slunk into Alden's grasp. A frown came to Yorg's face and even the horses appeared agitated.

The group reached the edge of the rock field. Huge boulders and frozen jagged lava flows blocked their way. Life itself seemed to end at the rock, the only signs of plants in the rocks were the twisted and blackened skeletons of a few trees that once dared to grow. The area was eerily silent, with no sound of bird or insect.

Ceres closed her eyes and leaned forward, tightening her face at some unpleasant sensation. "The Darkness... It is so deep here."

Waithe asked, "Can this be cured?"

"I do not know, but I must try."

Ceres sat down cross-legged and pushed her fingertips into the dark gravely soil. She gasped as a shudder coursed through her body. A few deep breaths brought some degree of calm. Eira came to sit down beside her.

Ceres waved the girl away. "Nay, little one. Not this time. This is too dangerous."

Eira retreated, going back to hold hands with both Alden and Yorg. Waithe could not help but notice that the little girl's fingers would not wrap completely around the giant's massive forefinger.

"For this task, I would call all the Life Spirits." Ceres closed her eyes and began to hum softly.

Phy's green light appeared immediately, followed by Dal's umber light and Myr's amber light. They hovered motionless above her.

Ceres frowned. "Anu will not come. Very well, let us begin."

A cloud of shimmering sparks grew in a rotating torus around Ceres, growing brighter with each moment. She took a deep breath and sent the Magic forth into the rock field. The white sparks swirled around the boulders as they spread. Smoke-like tendrils of black rose from the rock field, these much thicker than with her previous experiences with the Taint. A feeling of dread twisted Waithe's gut and he moved closer to her. Sweat appeared on Ceres' brow and her breathing quickened.

She said in an airy gasp, "Nay..."

The black tendrils began to consume the Magic shimmers. Waithe put his hands on Ceres' shoulders as she began to shake, trying to calm her. The lights of the three Life Spirits began to pulse wildly as streams of the Darkness reached out to encircle them, ensnaring them in a swirling inky grasp.

Ceres trembling increased as she mumbled, "Phy, Dal, Myr... Flee! Do not let it corrupt you."

Waithe clamped his eyes shut, trying to will forth a vision, anything to help her. It came.

Fera moved slowly back and forth in the rocking chair, her daughter shivering in her lap. The flicker of a single candle provided a dim but comforting light in the pre-dawn early morning.

She put a hand on her daughter's forehead. A single tear traced her cheek as she looked up to her concerned husband. "Her fever, it be so much worse."

Waithe dipped a rag into a basin of cool water, then began to dab the little girl's face and body. He lifted the bandage on her thigh to inspect the wound she suffered from the fall in the shaft. The gash had festered and red streaks radiated out from it.

His lips tightened as he looked up to his wife. "Be there anything more we can do?"

"The healer in the village... See if he would come and bring more medicine. Go."

Waithe threw his cloak around his shoulders and dashed out the door.

Fera cuddled her daughter. "My dear precious Aala, I be sworn to no longer use Magic. I must try now, but I have never before been able to call a Life Spirit." She kissed the little girl's forehead. Nearly vacant eyes looked back up. "We love you so much."

A Spirit flashed into the room, casting a green light and settling over Aala.

Fera's eyes widened. She had not called Phy, but the Spirit came nonetheless. A shimmer of Magic settled on Aala. Within a few moments, the little girl's trembling ceased and she fell into a restful slumber.

Ceres' trembling ceased and she took a deep breath. She whispered, "Thank you, Father."

The tendrils of Darkness retreated. She looked up at the dimmed lights of the Spirits above her. "Forgive me, my friends. I did not know what we faced. Go now."

The lights faded away. Alden came to Ceres' side and took her hand into his. She muttered. "Please... Take me away from this dark place."

He lifted her in his arms against his chest and her head fell to his shoulder.

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