Chapter 47

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"Father... Mmm... You must try one of these!" Ceres' words came out nearly as mumbles, so full had she stuffed her mouth. She wiped a red drizzle of pureed fruit that escaped a corner of her lips and greedily licked the remnants from her fingers.

Waithe brought his horse nearer and accepted one of the treats from her. He examined it, a small round flakey bread roll, and popped it into his mouth. The sweet strawberry filling burst onto his taste buds as he bit down. "Delicious indeed! Be it any wonder the innkeeper and his wife be so plump?"

Ceres took a drink from her canteen. She pressed the stopper into the jug and sat a moment in thought as her horse trudged along the graveled road as if knowing the way. "That was too close. I fear my actions jeopardized our cause."

"Close it was."

Waithe recalled how mere moments after they departed the roadhouse a squad of black-uniformed soldiers descended on it. The two watched from a hidden vantage point as the soldiers then galloped off on the main road to the west into the city of Welde. The innkeeper had misdirected them as promised while sending Waithe and Ceres on a less traveled road to the north.

He turned to her. "You have become a folk hero, my dear Daughter. Actually, that may serve us well."

"How so, Father?"

"Scias' rule over his people be not as sure as I had believed. There be much dissension among them. And now enters a certain young Lady of the Order who heals the sick and chases away the Darkness. Rumors and tall tales will grow and Scias' men will know not where to look for us. And even if they would find you, they may not risk an uprising by your public capture."

"So then I continue to heal?"

"Aye. It be what you do best, my dear daughter. With each sickness cured, Lord Scias' hold on his people becomes less, and with every bit of Darkness purged, Shaman Raste becomes weaker. I hope this physician that the innkeeper leads us to will help. If the directions be true, his clinic be just ahead."

A large wood-framed building stood just off the road among tall pine trees with several smaller buildings and sheds scattered behind it. They were just north of the crowded city of Welde proper, not far from the river which separated the Lands of Kust and Myst. A wooden placard hung down from a pole that extended from the roof ridge, the bright red cross emblazoned on it signified this the business place of a physician.

Waithe and Ceres secured their horses and made their way to the open front door, Ceres with her blue hood pulled up over her head. A few people sat on benches that lined the covered porch, some in obvious states of illness or injury, likely waiting their turn. A few more people waited inside, sitting on rickety wooden benches or laying on the floor. Several sets of eyes followed the pair as they approached a young dark-haired woman behind a small desk at the back of the room. A burly bald man stood beside the desk with his arms folded, casting a suspicious gaze at them.

The woman at the desk looked up at them. "May I help you?"

Waithe replied, "We be here to see Dr. Galen Ren."

The woman shook her head. "The doctor be very busy today." She tilted her head towards those waiting in the front room and outside. She pulled up a piece of paper and a quill. "I fear it may be some time 'till he be available. May I put your name on a list?"

Ceres replied, "I be not here as a patient, but have come to help."

The woman looked up and scowled. "And who may you be?"

Ceres pulled back her hood and shook out her hair. The mark stood out plainly on her neck. Her eyes met those of the woman and she spoke softly. "Lady Ceres of the Order of Medice."

The woman's eyes widened and her mouth dropped. She tried to speak but no words came out. She turned to the large man who stood beside her. He only shrugged. Again finding her words, she mumbled, "Wait here, please." She scurried through the curtain draped doorway behind her.

Waithe turned toward Ceres. "It seems, my dear, that your reputation precedes you."

A man wearing a white physician's smock pulled back the curtain. He gazed at Ceres. Waithe assessed him at the same time. He was a tall man with a strong physique, perhaps mid-thirties in age. Streaks of sparkling green highlighted his hazel eyes. A broad smile showing perfect white teeth erupted on his strong squared jaw face. This man would likely be considered a good catch among most available maidens.

The doctor came up to Ceres and lifted her hand to his lips. "My Lady, how may I be of service to you?"

A bit of red appeared on her cheeks. "Dr. Ren, we have come to help you. I would offer my healing services."

"Please, call me Galen, my Lady. Come to my office and let us discuss this in private."

Galen slid an arm around Ceres and led her to the door at the back of the room, placing himself between her and Waithe. The burly man who stood behind the receptionist's desk stepped forward to block Waithe from following, casting a narrowed eyed look.

Ceres turned her head back. "Oh, this be Waithe Rand, my protector and my father."

Galen sighed as his eyes met Waithe's eyes. Waithe almost grinned at the thought of spoiling this doctor's attempts to charm this particular beautiful young woman. Although, Ceres seemed oblivious to it all.

Galen recovered his composure quickly and bowed. "Please, sir. Do join us."

The doctor sat down behind his desk, his eyes never straying from Ceres. "My dear Lady Ceres, tales of your extraordinary exploits have traveled far and wide. You are quite the sensation. What good fortune brings you to my door?"

Ceres smiled. "No doubt the tales have become grander with each telling. I seek not fame. A certain innkeeper gave us your name after I healed his daughter. It is our understanding that you have clinics that cater to the poor and destitute?"

"Aye. Several have we within the city. Much are the needs of the people for healing."

"I would lend my services there, sir."

Galen bowed his head. "It would be my honor to accept, my Lady. But there is little I could pay you. This clinic here is financially self-supporting, those within the city are not."

"I seek no compensation. It is my purpose to bring healing to both people and lands."

Waithe spoke up. "There be one consideration of importance. Aware you that she be a fugitive from the Order and Lord Scias?"

"Aye. But no supporter am I of Scias. His policies cause hardships among the people."

Waithe nodded. "We would require safe places to rest. Places away from Scias' seeing."

Galen bent forward and spoke almost in a whisper. "I have certain... contacts. That may be so arranged." He straightened. "In the meantime, I have a few patients, here and now, that would greatly benefit from a Lady of the Order."

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