Healing Treatments

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Ragwort leaves, Juniper berries, Goldenrod, or Daisy leaves

Bee Stings
Blackberry leaves

Broken Bones
Wrap in cobwebs, put on Comfrey pulp, use poppy seeds to dull pain

Chervil, Watermint, or Juniper berries. Also, try a trip to the dirtplace.

Coughs (Whitecough or Greencough)
Use either Catmint, Honey, or Tansy, and keep the cat away from other cats.

Cuts in Eye
Trickle Celandine juice into the eye to ease the pain.

Deep Wounds
Cobwebs, Marigold, or Horsetail.

Displaced Bones
Give poppy seed, wait for effect, then have cat bite stick while you give the leg a tug and hear it click into place, give them another poppy seed so they sleep.

Dull Pain
Use poppy seed, then when it takes effect preform treatment, give them another to sleep.

Hurting Throat
Honey, or water.

Nettle Stings
Dock leaf pulp, give poppy seed so it dulls the pain and helps cat sleep.

If poison is in stomach, give cat yarrow leaves so they vomit the poison, have them vomit onto dock leaves.

Prevent Infection and Soothe Pain for Burns
Comfrey, honey

Poultice for aching joints
Ragwort leaves and juniper berries.

Poultice for broken bones
Stinging nettle and Comfrey.

Rat Bites
A poultice of burdock root with cobwebs on top, and horsetail if it is available

Marigold, horsetail

Thyme or Chamomile. Lick fur to comfort, give water and poppy seeds.

Crushed poppy seeds, marigold or Comfrey.

Strengthening Herbs
Tansy, Watermint, or Feverfew.

Use alder bark.

Traveling and Strengthening Herbs
Chamomile, Burnet, daisy leaves or sorrel. Lambs ear and ragweed also work.

Wrenched Muscles
Comfrey, nettle and/or water therapy.

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