Medicine Cat Herbs

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Borage Leaves
Blue and pink star shaped flowers with hairy leaves. They are chewed and eaten. Borage increases milk in queens and brings down fevers.

Burdock Root
A tall-stemmed, sharp-smelling thistle with dark leaves. It is applied to bites and cures infection.

A delicious-smelling, leafy plant, found in Twoleg gardens. It is eaten and is a remedy for Greencough.

A sweet-smelling plant with large fernlike leaves and small white flowers. Its leaves can be applied to wounds. The roots are generally chewed and eaten. The leaves cure infection and roots helps bellyache.

Well, cobwebs. You wrap them around a injury to stop the bleeding.

A flowering plant that looks like a dandelion with yellow or white flowers. It is chewed into pulp and eaten. It helps shortness of breath.

Large leaves and small bell-shaped flowers, which can be pink, white, or purple. The roots are chewed into poultice which soothes wounds or mends broken bones.

Small red berries. If eaten they will kill a cat

Similar to sorrel. The leaves are chewed up and applied. It soothes scratches.

Dried Oak
Leaves are collected in Autumn. It is brown with five points and applied to wounds to stop infections.

A small bush with flowers like daisies. The leaves are eaten. It cools down body temperatures for cats with a fever or chills.

A tall plant with yellow flowers. It is chewed into poultice and applied to wounds to heal them.

A sweet, golden liquid. It is swallowed. It is used for soothing the throats of cats who breathed smoke.

A tall plant with bristly stems.It is chewed and applied to wounds as a poultice. It is used for treating infected wounds.

Juniper Berries
Bushes with spiky dark green leaves and purple berries. They are eaten and soothes bellyache and helps cats who are having trouble breathing.

Small purple flowering plants. When eaten they cure fevers.

A bright orange or yellow flower that grows low to the ground. Its petals or leaves are chewed into pulp and applied to wounds to stop infection.

Mouse Bile
A bad-smelling liquid. It is dabbed in moss soaked in bile on a tick. It is used to remove ticks.

Poppy Seeds
Small black seeds shaken from the head of a dried poppy flower. They are eaten to soothe shock and distress and eases pain.

Stinging Nettle
Spiny green seeds that are eaten or applied to wounds. They are eaten to dispel poison and applied to bring down swelling.

A strong-smelling plant with round yellow flowers. It is eaten in small doses and cures cough.

Small dusky green leaves on a brittle stem. They are eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.

A leafy green plant found in watery places. It is chewed into pulp and eaten. It helps bellyache.

Wild Garlic
A strong, green stemmed plant with no leaves. If a cat rolls in it, it prevents infections.

A flowering plant. Its leaves are made into poultice and applied to wounds. Yarrow expels poison from scratches or wounds, if swallowed, will make a cat vomit however.

Thank you for reading I hope this helps! Other parts on the way!

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