150 follower Special/Storytime with Claws

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So today I was riding my bike with my friend and my two cousins and we were walking my dog, Jack. So we were walking to the end of my street and back. The oldest cousin decided that he wanted to go ahead of us (I object but he did it anyways and I yelled his name for about 3 minutes) and he left me, my friend, and his younger sister behind with our dog. So my dog has an extendable leash and what he decided to do was go to the otherside of the road. I was riding my bike. Y'know how you are about to do something but you can't stop it because your body is already doing it. My dog had just gotten to the otherside of the road and I was about to ride into the leash and I wanted to stop but I was already going fast so I couldn't. The leash got tangled in the chains of my bike (don't worry, we got the tangles out). BUT! My dog kept on going to the otherside of the rode so the leash scraped my foot (I had sandals on) and it left a mark! So yeah........ hehe........ I think I have a scar

Here it is! Also that is my foot too, so Happy 150 Followers!

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