Falling Stars

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A backstory of Morticia and Starslayer, enjoy!

A hundred years ago. . .

A lone dragon sat in the corner of the library, many scrolls were sprawled open around her. Her eyes were dully lit by the candle softly flickering on the stone floor. "You seem to be interested in RainWings all of a sudden, Morticia." A voice crept up. "Why is that? They're not the most interesting tribe." Morticia twisted her head to see the old librarian.
"Y-you don't know that, Sightless. That's why I want to learn." She replied cooly. "Of course. I'll be closing up soon, don't be too long." The blind NightWing slithered behind the shadows and vanished.
It felt like hours since the young dragon saw the blind hag, but it had only been minutes in reality. Morticia gently picked up the delicate scrolls and placed them in her brown leather bag. She took off into a dive, the silver moons dimly lighting up her world. She squinted her eyes, where is he?
"Starslayer, where are you?" Morticia whispered loud enough to not disturb the silent forest.
She continued to fly around, worry soon filling up her mind. Where is he? Did something happen to him? Did someone discover our secret? Her mind whirled.
Suddenly, a flash of black zoomed passed her and soon Morticia was face-to-face with another black dragon. "Boo." He said, smiling. Morticia let out a sigh, relieved he was there, but still worried. "Do you know how scared I was? What if something happened to you? I could never live without you, I-"
Morticia was interrupted with a sweet kiss from Starslayer, his talons squeezing her claws, like they were saying, 'I am always here for you.' Starslayer backed away, giving her a little smirk, "Sorry, I couldn't resist." Morticia snorted. "You're always cute when you're mad." Starslayer gave her a playful smile, twisting his tail around her own. "Such an idiot." Morticia rolled her eyes.
Starslayer bursts into laughter and the two NightWings started to fly north. "We'll have a new life together Morti, no more smog, no more lack of prey. We'll be off on the main island, where we can raise our dragonets in a safer area." Morticia nodded in agreement. "We'll have a happy life together. And since when did I agree on having dragonets? One is just enough!"
"Ha! We're going to have five- no, seven!" Starslayer did a double loop in the air, his eyes sparkling.

* * * * *

Morticia's wings began to ache as the ocean soon got replaced by dense trees. Her stomach began to lurch around. "Hungry?" Starslayer spoke, he clearly heard her tummy rumble. She nodded back sheepishly. "Don't worry, there's the RainWing kingdom up ahead." Starslayer pointed. Huge green trees with twisted branches were lighted up in an orange glow. It was filled with color, colors Morticia never seen before. "Wow. . ." She whispered in awe.
Her stomach began to growl even louder. "I'm going to die of starvation before we even get near the RainWing Kingdom!" She said with exaggeration. "Don't worry, my dearest. I got that covered," he said, slowly down. "I enchant Morticia's leather bag to have whatever food we want by saying, 'I'm going to die of starvation!' and then saying whatever food after."
Morticia let out a gasp, "Starslayer! You did not need to do that! What about you soul?" Starslayer chuckled a little. "Dearest, please. You'd notice me going crazy, and besides I'm hungry too!"
"You moron." Morticia sighed affectionately. "I'm going to die of starvation! An apple will satisfy me!" Starslayer spoke dramatically. Morticia pulled out a bright red apple from her bag. She handed it to Starslayer and he ate it in one bite.
"Come on! Let's keep going!"
When Morticia landed, she immediately became claustrophobic. There were too many trees, which were surrounded by a sea of bushes. And the sounds! They were coming from everywhere! Loud howls and ear-piercing shrieks ringed in her ears, causing a headache to form.
Back at the volcanic island, there were no plant life or animals or anything colorful. The only thing that made sounds and was alive was the volcano. It was so different here, how could the RainWings ever sleep with all this eye-popping color? "Louder than I'd ever expect it to be." Starslayer said with a groan.
The pair began walking, their wings would be useless with all the vines and branches in the way. Morticia took a step and a startled fat toad leaped underneath her palm. Luckily, it jumped right on top of a leaf in front of her snout and with a snap it was gone. "Hmm, more rubber than meat," she observed.
"There's so much fruit, but I'm not sure if they are safe to eat." Starslayer said, eyeing the bunches of fruit. He wondered off and picked a crescent shaped fruit. It was a warm colored yellow with small patches of green. "I think this is a banana. At least according to the pictures it is." He peeled its skin and took a plentiful bite. He chewed it thoughtfully, and suddenly made a disapproving face. Starslayer stuck his tongue out, spitting on the leftover bits. "Bleh, disgusting! Bananas do not taste good."
"That's not a banana." A voice spoke up. Startled, Morticia turned around to see eyes slowly blinking open. A swift little object twirled around and pinned her neck. "Ow!" She yelped. Starslayer frantically tried to get Morticia to fly, but all her limbs began to get numb. "What's happening. . ?" She mumbled. Before Starslayer could say anything, he yelped and fell to the forest floor. Morticia soon joined him, a peaceful darkness spilled over her.

* * * * *

"Urghhgg. . ." A small groan escaped Morticia's mouth. What happened? Why is the world spinning? She asked herself. Next to her, Starslayer started to wake up. "Morticia. . You okay?" He managed to whisper. "I think so. What happened?" She asked.
"I think this happened," he said, stretching his arm and placing his talon on something stuck on Morticia's neck. With a gentle pull, he picked a little dart-shaped object. "I think it's a sleeping dart. We must of been shot with it by the RainWings. I never knew they'd be so hostile."
The flaps of the tent blew wide open revealing a large RainWing. She had many different shades of orange and wore colorful flowers. "RainWings can be hostile if they want to be." A small growl came out.  "You must be Queen Tangerine." Starslayer immediately stood up and bowed, Morticia copying his move. "I'm sorry for not meeting you properly. I'm Starslayer and next to me is my dearest Morticia."
Morticia bowed once more, a little nervous by the Queen's gaze. "Anyway your majesty, we seek shelter in your rainforest. We won't bother your subjects, we can settle outside of your kingdom, if tha-"
Tangerine flared her huge vibrant wings. "We will determine this with my subjects. Come along now." The three dragons escaped the small tent and out into the bright shining green colors. Queen Tangerine leaped up onto a big balcony in the center of the village. Many curious heads appeared, giving questioning looks at the two NightWings.
"Look Mango! NightWings! They look so. . . boring." A small RainWing dragonet appeared out of the trees. Another one appeared by her side, brightly colored orange. "Hey! I do not look boring!" Starslayer protested. The two dragonets giggled. "Emerald, I bet I can look exactly like her!" Mango pointed at Morticia. She snorted and the little RainWing snorted back. Mango's scales turned from bright orange to dark black, with small tints of blue. By his side, Emerald was turning into a deep shade of purple, copying Starslayer's color. Soon they were looking at little miniature selves, with the extra frill.
"Mango! Emerald! Get back here, NightWings are dangerous!" A wine-red RainWing flew by their side, covering the dragonets with her tail and hissing at the pair. The little dragonets gave a disappointed look at the older RainWing, supposedly their mother.
"We're not dangerous!" Morticia retorted, many other eyes were watching them with a hateful gaze. Starslayer placed his wing around her shoulder as many colorful dragons began to gather around.
"My dear RainWings! Our scouts have spotted two lone NightWings and we have brought them here to discuss matters." Queen Tangerine announced. "NightWings, speak for yourselves."
Starslayer cleared his throat, "RainWings! I am Starslayer and this is my love, Morticia." A few RainWings let out an awe. "All we want is shelter! And if it helps, we will settle outside your village, so we won't bother you." The RainWings began to murmur among themselves. Tangerine squinted her eyes at Morticia, and then let out a yawn.
"But what about your powers? We all know about your mind readers!" A harsh voice shouted out of the trees. A few gasps and flashes of red popped out. "Yeah! You're going to try to manipulate us! Just because we're "RainWings"!" Another voice yelled.
"Mind reading powers? Only so few have those! And you could tell if there was a silver tear drop behind the eyes! We certainly don't have any!" Morticia spoke out, her voice echoing through the village. The RainWings began to whisper again. "What if their lying?!" The same RainWing called out.
"Enough!" Queen Tangerine shouted. "You NightWings are already causing problems! I hereby ban you from the rainforest! If we ever see you, we won't hesitate to shoot you with our venom!"
"Please your majesty! We-" Starslayer began. "Silence! Leave. Now!"
"Come on Starslayer, lets go." Morticia wrapped her tail around his and the couple flew off into the orange sky.

* * * * *

"I think that's enough branches for the fire." Starslayer said, satisfied that his hard work would be payed off with a warm fire. "I'm going to die of starvation. Two cooked squirrels will satisfy us." Morticia's bag got heavy and she pulled out two squirrels, warm like it just came out of the fire. "Here Starslayer." She handed one squirrel to him. "We can't stay long, my love. Let's leave at dawn." Starslayer suggested, wrapping his wing around her. Morticia leaned into him, burying her nose into his neck. She let out a sigh.
"Where can we go now, Starslayer? We will certainly not be welcomed anywhere else." She looked into Starslayer's deep green eyes, wondering if he had an answer. "Don't worry Morti. As long as we're together, we will find a home." His eyes sparked with hope. "I don't know how you do it, dearest." Morticia said, leaning against Starslayer. "You always seem to have hope." Starslayer placed his chin on top of her head. "That's because you give up too easily." They both let out a little laugh.
Soon, drowsiness hit them both with the moons high in the sky. The two leaned into each other, sharing each other's affection and warmth.

* * * * *

"Morticia! Dearest, wake up!" Starslayer's voice startled her awake. "Mhm. . . What?" Morticia moaned, blinking the blurriness away from her eyes. "Hurry! We have to go!" Starslayer shook her shoulders. Morticia sat up, staring groggily at Starslayer. "Come on! A RainWing found me and he went back to the village to tell everyone!" Morticia instantly stood up, her wings flapping. The two took off flying as fast as they could.
"Come on! The trees are less and less. We are almost at the MudWing Kingdom!" Starslayer pointed out. The many colors zoomed past them in a blur Morticia didn't even notice that the trees were slowly disappearing. Toucans screeched loudly and many frogs hopped out of their way.
Suddenly, a huge force knocked Morticia out of the sky. She crashed into the branches and vines of a sturdy tree,  pointy sticks impaled her sides covering it in blood. A burly brown RainWing landed on top of her and clawed at her face, hissing, roaring. Morticia roared back, slashing the RainWing's neck. He screeched in pain and stumbled off her, giving Morticia time to escape.
Her face stung with pain, scarlet drops rolled down her cheek. Up ahead, Starslayer was surrounded by three RainWings. Morticia folded her wings a dived right into one of the RainWings. She rammed right into his stomach, knocking him away. "Go, go, go!" Starslayer shouted. Many angry RainWings appeared out of the trees, hissing and spitting out venom.
"Starslayer! Watch out!" Morticia yelled. With all her might, she flew up to his side and pushed him away. A black-purple liquid sizzled across her face. Morticia let out a horrified scream, louder than anything in the rainforest. Every limb in her body turned off, turning numb by the enormous pain. The venom picked off her scales as she fell with such speed.


I'm sorry Starslayer. . . Turns out we won't be together. . .

And soon she fell into a dark, infinite abyss.

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