My Legacy! *looks off into the Distance* (700 Celebration)

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These titles have just been getting longer and longer :/ OH WELL
Thanks for 700 guys! :) I love all of you
So I'll give you some stories from Wattpad and my IRL life
Please read this
If your in the Phandom imagine reading TABINOF
Would you sit for hours going through everything?
Thought so
XD do I even have a fanbase...? Idek

It's pretty funny cause when I first joined Wattpad I was like "Derp" I didn't understand ANYTHING
I was a total Noob

In fact I got a follow from LeapClan and it was my first RP
It's also where I met Skittles as we Roleplayed A LOT on that RP

I eventually branched out and met Galaxy and Blue (;-;...)

And I grew to understand Wattpad a little more

I met a lot more people but I kinda stuck to Skittles Blue and Galaxy

Some of my first followers were
Well Galaxy Blue and Skittles

It was pretty funny cause FoxTheCat had about 400...? Followers I think when I joined


And then SandPetal was a friend for about a week
That was one of those friendships that the seed didn't even get planted

This is how much of a noob I was

*Cringe* *Cringe* *Cringe*

Oh gosh
The cringe has began

Dear past Kayla,
Sincerely, a much better Kayla

Actually my original username was "Cant_Stop_Reading1234" I think because I literally just thought this was where ACTUAL books get posted

Nah Wattpad is the home of
Fanfictions and RPs with some pretty good books

Anyway I met Picklez on the Hunger Games Warriors thing. It was funny cause now "Gazeheart the Glorious" is a joke of ours. when I had about 90 followers...? she had about 200. And we are now seesters! So yayyyyyy (shout out to DoctorPickles1087 )
(She still teases me to THIS DAY about how I have more followers then her X3)

And I met Hurri :3 that was awesome
I was just like "Oh Hurri's cool... But I don't think we'd ever be friends" and now I'd say we're pretty good friends :)
I'm one of the "Hurri Fans" who go berserk if someone hurts her if you didn't know that (shout out to Hurri_The_Runaway )

I found out two of my IRL friends have Wattpad (shout out to Dingbat21 and ReynaOfTheLegion)

I met a couple of other Mormons WHICH WAS AWESOME
(Shoutout to Crowblaze2219 and InkwelltheEncrier )

And then the Phandom
Gosh we truly are everywhere :)
It's beautiful
(Shoutout to Smol-Phandom and mychemicalphanbow )

I found the Warrior Cat fandom here and met a TON of amazing people from that! (Shoutout to warriorcat6 Xx_DJCat_xX and a few more who I'm to lazy to name...)

I found Smol-Phandom because of one of her books. She had asked for a friend and I volunteered cause you can never have enough friends. And apparently we had the same name AND now we're really good friends! ^-^ (shoutout to Smol-Phandom )

And then a very special person who I knew if I didn't give her own special thing would make her mad, Poison :) thanks for being a friend that we can be mad together
And who's just as weird as me
And is great to talk to
And always defends me and helps me when I need it
(Shoutout to QueenPoisonPony )

And Galaxy thanks for being one of the best friends I could ever have. And making joint accounts. And being yourself
I'll always be here for you
Never forget how amazing you are
(Shoutout to FairyOfARandomGalaxy )

Skittles thanks for being like my BEST FRIEND and helping me a lot! And being AMAZING love ya friend
(Shoutout to SkittlesWrites )

And Fluffy. Thanks for being yourself and an AMAZING artist
Thanks for always being kind
And being an all around amazing friend (shoutout to Fluffypuppy88love )

I slowly grew and gained more followers.
My first random book I was stupid and thought that I should credit FoxTheCat for inspiring me for it
That's why we STILL HAVE that cringe description on my first Random Book

Eventually I guess I could say I got more popular...? At least that's what Picklez says

I joined a ton more RPs
Found some people I admire

Read some REALLY good books (I suggest you go check out My Wattpad Love)
And yeah here I am
If I didn't mention you I'm sorry... I don't have the best memory and so I forget things a lot... :(

Also I think I'll give you a little bit of information from my IRL life

Let's start this TABINOF style shall we?
Name: Kayla Meerkat
Internet Name: Kaylaisameerkat
Height: 5'2
Favorite Color: Black
Animal of Choice: Meerkat
Weaknesses: PE, Laziness, Emotional, sad books, bad lier
Special Power(s):Great sad face, people automatically like her, good RolePlayer, Great at making friends
Quote: "Chocolatey chocolate is the best chocolate!"

My name is Kayla Colette Meerkat (still not saying my last name) and I live in California. No, we don't all say "bro" and "narly waves dude" even my cousins (who were surfers for a little while) did not say that.
We are currently in a drought which I find quite stupid that people here aren't even trying to conserve water. -.-
Anyway I'm 14 years old and if you haven't seen me yet because your and idiot or didn't notice me posting a billion selfies then here

What is my hair doing.... Idek

I'm Mormon and was baptized into the church at age 8. My dad is the Bishop of our church
I found YouTube when I got my iPod about 2 years ago so that's when my life became trash
I love Studio C and I'm soooo glad my cousin introduced me to them
I found Dan and Phil because of their Minecraft video because I love watching total noobs fail 😂😂
I'm about 5'2 so I guess I'm average... I think
I'm going into high school as a freshman and I'm NOT excited as two of my friends are not going to the same high school as me so as far as I know

I'll only have one main friend
I met my BEST FRIEND in 4th grade
She was actually my bully
Yeah she called me teachers pet and would take my food basically I would end up crying. Also in 4th grade our class did a play. I was the Tuna and she was the Shark. Our characters were polar opposites and the shark was actually trying to eat the Tuna which was pretty funny cause we hated each other 😂😂😂
In 6th grade we forgot about each other and then our teacher pushed her over to me cause she had been annoying him at recess go figure! We found out we had some things in common as we both watched MLP and became friends
It didn't occur to us that we used to be enemies until I invited her over and my mom said "Wasn't that the girl who called you teachers pet in 4th grade?"
Yeah well we're friends now 😀
And my best friend in the whole world. Even though you may never read this I love you. Your the best person and I'm so glad we met. Always be yourself and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm here for you and I will be every step of the way. I'll support you and help you through any trial you have to face so you won't be alone. ❤️❤️❤️ (shoutout to j22collins )

I has a confession to make
I'm not supposed to have Wattpad
My parents are overprotective and think that I'll get into fights on here and it will affect my real life by getting me in trouble at school or something (don't ask why idk)
My dads a principal so I guess that's understandable and my moms a sub so I see her a lot
Basically YouTube and Wattpad are my dirty secrets and that's about as juicy as your going to get from me
I don't have to many secrets

I'm basically a open book so I get taken advantage of sometimes
The only thing I won't share are my crushes
My friends still haven't guessed 😂 it's funny cause they'll say the person and I'll say no so yeah
Some of you may know but I don't know you IRL so it's ok
If you don't know there
~Casey ❤️❤️❤️
~Phil Lester ❤️❤️❤️ (get REKT)
~Elder ****** (not telling his last name but he was a missionary) ❤️❤️❤️
~Dan Howell (not as much as Phil and TBH I think me and Phil would get along a LOT better so get REKT all you Danasours! The Phillions are there!)

I still collect stuffed animals to this day and I probably won't stop
I sleep with four pillows every night because my head needs to be elevated
I watch MLP and its my favorite show
I'm a Brony deal with it 😎

I share a room with my sister -.-

I personally consider myself very spoiled cause I have a pretty good life
I'm basically a stuck up brat
K maybe not but still

I watch Disney Channel
Get over it

I act super cool but I'm a gerd (a geek nerd) who loves Star Wars, reading, Harry Potter, The Selection, Warriors, FNAF, Disney and other stuff.
I Fangirl
I have hyperventilated before because something in my Fandom happened

My sign is
Just kidding ^-^
I'm Cancer

This boy showed interest in me when I was in 7th grade...
I didn't like him he was like 6 feet tall so I literally looked up to him! He was a science geek which I have no problem with but he kinda... Was an overachiever
He started science projects a year early
No I'm not an overachiever I'm more of a "HEY I DONT DESERVE A B I WILL WORK FOR AN A" but that's about it
I at least need an A
Don't judge me

"I see a maze of halls and bloody walls with countless scrolls reminding me its me!"
Yeah I like FNAF
I have a OC I need to draw which I probably never will named KC. She's a light light blue cat with a green-blue bandana
I still haven't worked the rest out
I would be a security guard that would 99% likely die

end of discussion
Nope Nopety Nope!
Hate it
Oh I'm sorry I hate being scared half to death
But that's not my problem so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I get sucked into commercials
If it seems interesting I will watch the 2 minute add on YouTube
Yes I have watched all the Tide challenge videos
No I'm not ashamed

Here's a poem I wrote a while ago

I just can't
You don't understand
I am a Fangirl

Feelings don't flow normally anymore
Since I clicked on that vid
And read that book
I sold my life to the trash can

This is what I get
It's what I deserve
Am I ashamed?

I live with it
I embraced it

So I squeal when something happens
I've got my Fandom to back me up
I'm not alone
And I never will be

Does that even count as a poem...? I don't know
I think I had just realized what a Fangirl and Fandom were and I wrote this in my notes XD

Also my name in Hawaiian is
So Smol-Phandom
That's your name too

I remember when I first joined Wattpad. I never thought I would ever get so far.
Oh yeah at about 100 I guess I was sorta known throughout the Warrior fandom
And then I spread out to the Phandom
Yeah and now I'm at 700
I just don't know what to say

I think that's enough...
Anyway in honor of 700 I'm giving you guys a name cause I mean like a LOT of people have names for their followers and I just didn't
(10 points to your Hogwarts house if you actually do a drumroll in your lap)

so you can still call me Meerkitty of course (that was mainly directed at Pickles) but now imma call you MY Meerkitty's
Thanks for 700!

PS I have been working on this since 680 followers
I worked HARD XD
Yeah I'm a loser like that

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