Some Stories from Camp

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Everyone's leaving Wattpad recently...
I love you guys
I love you Hurri even though you'll never see this

Oh and a new rant will be out in my Tears and Rants book soon

Maybe some stories from camp will cheer me up

Ok so at Girls Camp there are bugs EVERYWHERE and one time we were just in our cabin and the fan was on. This month flew in and flew through the fan and died XD the blades like chops one of its wings off and tbh it was HILARIOUS!!! Everyone was calling it the "Suicidal Moth"

So each Unit (group) had to do a skit and one units was the BEST. They stood in a line and said "I am a Mormon girl a Mormon girl am I and if I weren't a Mormon girl..." And then one would step forward and say something. Here were the funniest...
A Secretary I would be... Type a letter write a letter. Hi boss *smiles*

A Plumber I would be... Around the hole around the hole PLUNGE BABY PLUNGE (whatever the nasty thoughts your thinking stop thinking them)

A Lifeguard I would be... Save a man save a man mouth to mouth

This one is the best one and it's now a joke among the camp...

A farmer I would be... GIVE BETSY GIVE! THE BABYS GOTTA LIVE! (she did motions like she was milking a cow its was sooooooo funny!!!!)

So this is the next story

At camp we have a rap that we sing sometimes it's the rap of "I like big butts and I cannot lie" thing

We like Mormon boys and we cannot lie
You other woman can't deny
When a boy walks in with his scriptures in his hands
You get a date
A Celestial mate
He's going on a mission makin' you wishin' that you had a man
Someone to hold your hand
So Deacons
Sdjdndheicnd (couldn't remember what you say here XD)

Yup so that's the rap X3

~~~Next Story~~~

So I'm a third year at camp. It goes 1-4 years, SIS (Sisters in Service), Counselors, Second year Counselors (only if there aren't enough Counselors), and then Lites
There are only about 5-6 Lites and their specially chosen

So when you become a SIS you get a Camp name at the end of the week. It can reflect your personality or what you like or something like that.
Some examples:
Firecracker- She was SUPER fun and crazy! Her name TOTALLY fit her!!!
Intensity- like seriously she's the most intense person I know... She's also mean and rude a lot...
Hip Hop- she lovesssss music and all that stuff
Pickle- (yup DoctorPickles1087 someone's camp name is Pickle) She is so creative and well duh loves Pickles!
Lovely- pretty self explanatory
Glamorous- same as Lovely
Pacific- well she loves the ocean :)

So two of my friends have a bet on what my camp name will be. One bet 10 bucks that my name will be Ginger and my other friend bet 10 bucks that it will be anything BESIDES Ginger. XD so who do you thinks gonna win?

My mom just keeps saying it should have to do with reading...
I think that would be cool but she's sooooo insistent on it

Yeah so those are just some main funny things that happened and stuff
I had fun and tbh I needed the break from Wattpad :)

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