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You run with me
And I can cut you free
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

I STOOD up, jaw tense. "I need to think." I announced.

Brisa stood up too. "Please-"

"Stop." I heard myself say, looking away from her, "Stop pushing me. It's not gonna help. I just need to breathe." And before anyone could protest, I held up the pocket watch. "I'll take this with me, so that you'll know I'll be back. And that I wouldn't completely abandon you. But I just- I just need to think."

I paused and stared at the stunned expressions on their faces, then added "You can't expect me to be fine with all this."

I grabbed hold of Mal, then stormed out the back room and exited the front door, clutching the pocket watch so tightly in my hand that I was afraid the shape of it would be embedded into my skin.

"You okay, Brae?" Mal asked worriedly, though the answer was obvious.

"Let's just go home." I huffed.

I pulled my phone out to check the time, only to see the text messages from Carlos.

Carlos: Evie told me you and Mal went on some kind of adventure. I'm glad you're finally having some fun haha.

I felt my soul break a little. I've had zero fun, and it was all because I didn't take his advice when he said to stay out of that shop.

Mal, a true friend, asked no questions and took me straight back to the cottage.

Evie looked like she was about to greet us with something cheerful when Mal gave her a look that silenced her. I didn't bother to say anything. I just let her lead me to our room. My mind as a tendency to shut down in these moments.

"Hey, listen." Mal sat me down on my bed, "Today has been a lot. But you're gonna be okay. We'll work it out."

I smiled slightly, mainly because I didn't want her to feel any worse. But I felt numb.

"If you don't mind, Brae, I'm gonna go tell the others what had happened. Because I know you hate delivering news like that." Mal hugged me, "You need to be alone for a while to gather your thoughts. I understand. Whenever you're ready, I'll be outside, okay?"

I automatically nodded, then watched her quietly leave.

Gather my thoughts?

Nothing made sense. Suddenly I don't even remember waking up this morning. I don't remember getting on Mal's new motorcycle. I don't remember anything, but the look on Brisa and Emma's faces when I first walked through the door. The rest of all the conversations were a muddy mess, filled with holes.

Did she love me?

No. That was my answer. In fact, she was scared of me. The color drained from her face the first time she lay her eyes on my grown up self. She stuttered and begged at my feet. I was like a haunting nightmare to her. The dead baby she left behind.

I eventually lost track of time. I was sitting on the edge of my bed staring into space for so long that my muscles ached. I heard voices outside, but was unable to comprehend it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the room door, and it took me a moment to realize it.

It was Carlos.

"I'm coming in. Whether you like it or not."

I had to physically turn my face to the left to look at him. The white haired boy hurriedly shut the door behind him and stared at me. I just blinked in response, like my brain couldn't recognize who this was.

Before I knew it, I was completely wrapped in his arms.

"Carlos- I-"

"I know. I know." He whispered, rubbing little circles on my back, "Mal told me. I know."

Strangely, the tighter he held me, the easier it felt to breathe. In seconds, tears were rolling down my cheeks and soaking into his shoulder. I gritted my teeth, desperate to hold it in.

"Don't hold it in, love. No need to hold it in." I heard him say. Like he was reading my mind.

So I didn't. I let loose, and I cried. I cried so hard that it felt like I was ripping myself apart only to be held together by his arms. My chest heaved after every sob. And when his breathing pattern changed, I could tell he was close to crying too.

He always managed to make me feel a little less alone.

"You're not gonna be mad at me for going into that place again?" I asked, feeling his arms move to my lower back so he could pull back and properly face me.

"Pfffft. No." A slight grin tugged at his lips. "I know you, Brae. Me being scared of that place doesn't mean you're gonna be scared of that place. You're fearless. I already know that. You already know that."

I laughed a little, despite the tears that stung my eyes.

"Now walk me through what you're thinking." He ordered, wiping away the tears on my face.

"I- I really don't know, Carlos." I leaned against him. "Remember when I said I'm done wasting my time wondering about my mom? And that I'll carry on without her?"

He nodded.

"Well here I am." I said, "And I don't know what to do."

He smiled a little. "You're frustrated because you've been giving your mom excuses on why she left you. And now there's no excuse. She left you because she wanted to." He stated.

He was right.

"And the good part of you wants to help. But you can't help but feel like they don't deserve it."

Right again.

"It's such a selfish thing to think of-" I began.

"Nuh-uh." He scolded, "You have every right to feel what you feel and think what you think."

A knot inside me broke free. I needed to hear that.

He stroked my face lightly. "Brae. I'll be honest. I'm not exactly thrilled about your mom's sudden appearance. But she is still your mom. And you exist because of her. And- well, I'm thankful for that so I can't exactly hate her."

The way he jumbled over his words was cute. He paused, and I took the opportunity to plant an innocent kiss on the corner of his lips for just being here for me.

He smiled, then continued. "I think- and you can totally disagree with me if you want- but I think we can just get Fairy Godmother to break whatever spell Maleficent had used. And then the choice is yours. You can either completely break any contact you have with your mom, or build on the relationship. It's really up to you, Brae."

"I thought about that." I said, "But I'm worried they'll send her back to the Isle if they find out she's escaped."

"Good point." He replied, "But why was she sent over in the first place?"

I shrugged. I barely knew anything.

"Either way." He said, "I just don't want you to risk your life, going onto the Isle and facing Maleficent."

I agreed on that. "Okay fine. I trust Fairy Godmother enough to let her know about this."

Carlos breathed a little sigh of relief. "Feel a little better now?" He asked.

I hugged him again. "Yes. I still have a lot of questions, but at least I have some sense of direction now." I tightened my hold. "Thank you."

He hugged back, chucking softly. "Never a dull moment with you. You always seem to have something crazy going on."

"Maybe summer isn't gonna be that boring."

"I can't tell if you meant that in a good way or a bad way."

"Maybe it doesn't matter."

I'm having finals this week but I'll still be publishing don't worry

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